Challock Parish Council Meeting minutes
Memorial Hall, Audrey Allen room
Thursday, 20th September 2018, 7.30pm
Members of public present: 9
Councillor Annabel Burden sends her apologies due to family commitments.
Michael Fisher (Chair), Emma Fox, John Ramsden, Trevor Smith, Anthony Aitken, Max Thomas, ABC Ward Councillor Larry Krause & Di Sandy (Clerk).
Michael Fisher thanked everyone for attending.
Declarations of Interest
Councillors Michael Fisher, Max Thomas, John Ramsden, Emma Fox, Trevor and Anthony Aitken had no new changes to the declarations of interest.
Minutes of Last Meeting
Minutes of 18th July 2018 meeting were signed by Michael Fisher as an accurate record.
All agreed.
Adoption of Standing Orders
The Standing Orders have been amended taking into consideration the new data protection laws.
The Parish Council agreed to the adoption of the updated/amended Standing Orders.
Councillor Michael Fisher signed the Standing Orders.
All agreed.
Clerk’s Report
Clerk has reported faulty street lights along Faversham Road/Buck Street.
Clerk has reported leaning electric pole adjacent to Halfway Pub gardens.
Clerk has reported dead tree along Faversham Road opposite The Paddocks.
Reported overgrown hedge along Forest Cottages entrance/Buck Street.
Reported multi pot holes at the entrance to the post office car park/Canterbury Road.
Clerk reported the multiple pot holes on the slip road entering M20 Junction 9 to Highways England. Carriageway resurfacing will be carried out in September.
Clerk has reported to PROW KCC overgrown vegetation along footpath from Buck Street.
The Lees
A refuse/dog waste bin has been installed at the top end of the Lees, adjacent to the entrance to the wooded area.
Clerk reported one area of the Lees not cut under the maintenance contract. James Laidlaw apologized and said he would investigate.
The grounds man has removed clumps of ragwort along the Lees/Canterbury Road.
A letter has been sent to Methodist Chapel concerning a metal pole that has been recently erected on the strip of Lees by the entrance to the car park.
Play Park
Grounds man has repaired the gate.
- An email from Police Commissioner Matthew Scott requesting residents to complete annual policing survey and how safe do you feel where you live.
- An email from Mark Goodman regarding the Litter Bin Survey and Replacement Work. As dog waste can now be collected through litter bins, there will be progressive replacement with litter bins, or if closely located with litter bins the dog bin will be removed. We have developed a replacement project plan in which we will progressively replace the aged bins across the borough. This sees around 900 bins replaced over the next five to six years. Noted. A new litter bin has been placed at the top end of the Lees and a replacement bin at the bus stop at Buck Street.
- Received an email from Sebastian Hare Armed Forces Covenant Fund to inform the parish council we have been successful in our request for WW1 silhouettes. Two silhouettes will be delivered by 23rd September.
- An email from a parishioner suggesting a speed camera can be deployed at the Westwell Lane/Canterbury Road Junction.
- An email from Ashford and Canterbury Dementia Action Alliance holding a Dementia ‘Ask the Experts’ event at St Marys Church in Ashford town centre on the morning of 28th September. This event is free to attend and will have a range of speakers and information on local services to support people living with dementia or caring for them. A poster to display on the notice boards.
- An email from Harry Kenton regarding the poor field and farm tenancy agreement. Councillors to approve the tenancy agreement.
- An email from KALC informing parish councils of a government consultation concerning drones legislation – use – restrictions and enforcement. To notify them if drones are a problem in our village.
- An email from Kent County Council regarding the ‘Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC) Consultation’ launched on Thursday 6 September 2018.
This consultation will help KCC deliver the Kent Waste Disposal Strategy and seeks views on the proposal to implement a charging policy for non-household waste materials including soil, rubble, hard-core and plasterboard, deposited at Kent HWRCs.
The 8 week consultation is available until Thursday 1 November 2018, inviting parishes to comment.
- An email from ABC inviting the parish council to reply to the consultation on the future of Ashford Town Centre. Visit website
- An email from Michelle Byrne requesting parish councils to send details of events they are holding to mark the centenary of the end of the First World War on the 11th November. Clerk to notify ABC of our event.
Matters Arising from Correspondence
- Councillors approved the poor field lease agreement. Councillor Trevor Smith signed the agreement, witnessed and signed by the Clerk.
- The 2 silhouettes received are of a clear perspex figure in sitting position. It was agreed the figures would be best situated inside. It was agreed the figures would be more effective e.g. in a church to give an appearance of ghost figures amongst the audience. Clerk to make enquiries with the church to have the figures for a short period and afterwards to be placed in the village hall on the 11th November.
The current account balance on 31st August 2018 £11849.38
Received VAT Return £1822.90.
The NS&I account balance is £11,739.71
Internal Audit Report
PKF have completed review of the Annual Governance & Accountability Return (AGAR) for Challock
Parish Council for the year ended 31 March 2018. Sections 1 & 2 of the AGAR are in accordance with proper practices and no other matters of concern have come to our attention giving cause for concern that relevant legislation and regulatory requirements have not been met. A notice of conclusion has been displayed on the Notice Boards and village website.
The following cheque was signed:
Cheque No: 102562 J Sandy Grounds works £35.00
The following applications were discussed:
18/01357/AS The Firs, Buck Street, Challock, Ashford, TN25 4AR
Construction of one replacement dwelling and detached garage
Decision: Challock Parish Council does not support this application as it is outside of the village confines.
18/01358/AS 1 and 2 Woodland View, Buck Street, Challock, Ashford, TN25 4AR
Erection of two dwellings (Retrospective) (Revision to roof design and addition of garage to Unit 2 approved under planning permission
Decision: Challock Parish Council supports this application.
Ratification of Planning Applications
The following planning applications were ratified.
18/01262/AS – Land North West and Adjacent to Hollydene, Buck Street, Challock
Proposed erection of detached chalet bungalow with parking (revision to location on planning permission 18/00224/AS).
Comments: Challock Parish Council supports this application providing neighbours views are taken into consideration.
18/01135/AS - 10 Kiln Close, Challock, Ashford, Kent, TN25 4DA
Single storey rear extension
Comments: Challock Parish Council supports this application providing neighbours views are taken into consideration
18/01002/AS – 5 Forest Cottages, Challock, Ashford, Kent, TN25 4AR
Single storey side/rear extension; raising the pitch on existing side section to allow for dormer window
Comments: Challock Parish Council supports this application providing neighbours views are taken into consideration.
18/01014/AS – Plot 2, Land to the west of Paddock Rise, Canterbury Road, Challock.
Proposed new dwelling with double garage with games room above with separate access (revision to plot 2 as approved on planning permission 16/00742/AS)
Comments: Challock Parish Council do not support this application it is for a 2 story house with 5 bedrooms. I have concerns regarding the parking.
Planning Matters
Retail License – Units at Landew Meadows – Noted. A parishioner has put in a complaint to ABC Planning Enforcement regarding increased traffic going in and coming out of Cool Air, which breaches the restriction of no trading on bank holidays. Previously the parish council had emailed Planning Enforcement regarding Cool Air and AV Engineering regarding the retail license. We are awaiting further response from ABC regarding this matter.
Local Plan – Main Modifications to the Local Plan 2030 - This consultation is on the changes that have been proposed to address the Inspectors’ comments raised in their post-hearings advice note; changes agreed during the hearing sessions themselves and; those proposed in the Council’s Hearing Statements and Statements of Common Ground. The proposed Main Modifications to the Ashford Local Plan 2030 as well as the Sustainability Appraisal Addendum will be available for public consultation from the 13th September until 5pm on the 26th October 2018 and are available on website.
Land opposite Little Paddock Farm Enquiry
The Parish Council have received a letter from Mrs Valery Wren regarding land (4 acres) opposite Little Paddock Farm, Canterbury Road. Mrs Wren is considering applying for consent for planning permission and in the first instance wishes to consult with the Parish Council.
Councillors discussed Mrs Wren’s proposed application for consent for planning permission on land opposite Little Paddock Farm. As this land is outside of the village confines informed Mrs Wren that it would be unlikely that ABC would grant planning permission.
Post Office Car Park
The post office arranged for a contractor to flush the drainage system and advised that this should be carried out periodically every 6 – 9 months. So far the drain appears to be cleared and no surface water has arisen. The Clerk has now received quotations for tarmacking the surface. The following quotations were received:-
Wilsons Tarmac - The tarmacking the surface area is £2885 + £577 VAT
S Fuller - £4300 + VAT
Paul Venner – £11,020.17 + VAT
Councillors considered the quotations.
Due to contingency budget being absorbed by the bailiff fees for the removal of the unauthorised encampment, there are no funds available in the budget for the post office car park tarmacking works. However, the Parish Council have received the VAT return of £1822.90 which may be ring-fenced towards the cost of the pot hole repairs.
The Parish Council agreed to contribute £1822 towards the cost of tarmacking the post office car park; with an application for a KCC Members Grant and a contribution from the post office.
Councillor Michael Fisher to liaise with Andrew Puxted at the Post Office regarding their contribution.
End of First World War Centenary
To mark this event the Parish Council have commenced organizing a film/presentation of anecdotes of village life during the First World War in the Audrey Allen room/village hall on the 11th November followed by a lantern parade by families and children to the Lees to light a beacon/bonfire at 7 pm. It is hoped that the school will assist with the children making the lanterns. The Ladies Choir have kindly offered to lead/sing a number of songs from the WW1 era. Also it was suggested for the sing along to take place in the village hall after the film show rather than around the time of lighting the beacon. Lynwen from the Ladies Choir has emailed the parish council providing a list of suggested songs and if they would be able to perform a solo “In Flanders Fields”. The Parish Council agreed to a short service and the laying of the wreath to take place as part of the lantern parade followed by the lighting of the beacon on the Lees. Councillor Michael Fisher has agreed to conduct the service at the memorial.
Clerk has made enquires with local metal engineering company Axon Engineering in constructing a beacon and also with battles over website and Leander Architectural company for a price.
Axon Engineering £1333.00 + VAT
Leander Architectural £1785 + VAT
There is funding available through ABC for First World War Commemorations which the Clerk can apply. Parish Council budget has £2,000 allocated to WW1 Commemorations.
Councillors agreed to purchase of the beacon through Axon Engineering subject to ABC WW1 Grant Application and the risk assessment/health & safety of the beacon. Also consideration of the where the beacon is best placed on the Lees. The middle of the Lees, top end of the Lees adjacent to the Methodist Chapel or near the memorial was possible locations for the beacon.
Clerk to contact Sue Wood Parish Clerk at Westwell regarding the legal implications of having a beacon installed.
Items for Information
Faversham Road Footpath & Village Speeding
Clerk has a meeting arranged with Darren Hickman, Schemes Project Manager KCC on Wednesday, 26th September to discuss the provision of a new footway in Faversham Road and the parking issue on Church Lane.
Defibrillator Training
The Clerk will arrange for another defibrillator training session to take place in October 2018 and will be publicized on the village website, Challock Chatter and the Forester.
Highways Village Inspection
Highways Village Inspection is due to take place in September/October. Any queries relating to highway issues i.e. pot holes, overgrown vegetation etc. to notify Clerk who will pass it onto the Highways Inspector upon visit.
ABC Ward Councillor Larry Krause
ABC Councillor Larry Krause urges parishioners to comment on the KCC Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC) Consultation, in particularly has this may have an impact in rural parishes with increased fly tipping.
Clerk informed the Parish Council of an email received today requesting the use of the Lees to offer family fitness on a Saturday morning.
It was agreed for the Clerk to make further enquiries on whether there will be a charge to attend the fitness class.
Parish Forum
The meeting closed at 8.55 pm
Parish Council Meeting Dates for 2018
Next Parish Meeting 18th October 2018
Future Parish Meeting Dates:
Thursday 22nd November 2018