Challock Parish Council Meeting minutes


Memorial Hall, Audrey Allen room

Thursday, 18th October 2018, 7.30pm


Members of public present: 10





ABC Ward Councillor Larry Krause sends his apologies.




Michael Fisher (Chair),  Annabel Burden, Emma Fox, John Ramsden, Trevor Smith, Anthony Aitken, Max Thomas & Di Sandy (Clerk).




Michael Fisher thanked everyone for attending.


Declarations of Interest


Councillors Annabel Burden, Max Thomas, John Ramsden, Emma Fox, Trevor Smith and Anthony Aitken had no new changes to the declarations of interest.


Councillor Michael Fisher declared an interest under planning application 18/01461/AS.


Minutes of Last Meeting


Minutes of 20th September 2018 meeting were signed by Michael Fisher as an accurate record.


All agreed.


Clerk’s Report




Recent hedge cutting has taken place a long  Faversham Road/Buck Street down through Kings Wood revealing a lot of litter.  Clerk has reported to ABC Street Scene.


The Lees


The metal pole outside of the Methodist Chapel has been removed.


Village Website

Clerk is liaising with local clubs to update the village website.  Clerk requests training in how to download images/photos to the website.  Clerk would like to add photos of the flower festival for the church.  Clerk looking into setting up a village business directory link to the village website.




  • An email from KCC regarding Big Conversation and a full consultation report to be published in October. A Bus Summit will be taking place on the 30th October at Sessions House, Maidstone and there will be an opportunity to express an interest.
  • An email from the Charity Commission reminding us of our Annual Return for the William Aure Trust to be completed by 31st January 2019. Clerk to action.
  • An email from Mid-Kent Highways inviting representatives from the parish council to attend the Parish Seminar on Friday, 9th November at 9 am – 12 mid-day at Spitfire, Canterbury Cricket Ground.  Topics included for discussion are pot hole blitz, winter schedule, co-ordination of roadworks – utilities and third party schemes – a parish perspective.
  • An email from KALC of revised list of polling stations.  Challock still comes under Downs West and Memorial Hall remains the polling station.  The Downs West Ward will include Westwell and Boughton Aluph.  Hothfield will change to Upper Weald Ward.
  • Received an email from PCSO Matthew Morgan asking if there are any issues coming up that the parish council wishes him to look into.  Clerk requested an update on the speed monitoring for the village.
  • An email from Charing Gardening Group requesting a donation towards the garden feature at Charing Surgery which provides patients with an outdoor therapeutic environment to improve their health and wellbeing.  Many parishioners at Challock are with Charing Surgery.



Matters Arising from Correspondence


  • In response for an update on the speed monitoring the following reply from Matthew Morgan as follows: ‘I have spoken to Aaron and we will try and get this speed watch up and running soon.  I have made some attempts to park up and monitor the speeding and I have to say my presence has made a difference.  However I will update you regarding how we are going to undertake a proper speed watch.’
  • Councillors agreed not to make a donation to Charing Gardening Club on this occasion. Councillors are concerned spending the precept on charitable donations.




The current account balance on 30th September 2018 £20174.63


The second half of the precept £8345 has been lodged with the bank on the 30th September 2018.


The NS&I account balance is £11,739.71




The following applications were discussed:


Under Declarations of Interest Councillor Fisher left the room whilst planning application 18/01461/AS was discussed.


1801461/AS Crossways, Canterbury Road, Challock TN25 4BJ


Erection of proposed dwelling and associated external works with new access (revision to planning permission 17/01546/AS


Decision: Challock Parish Council supports this application subject to Highways satisfied with visibility splays.


18/01266/AS & 18/01434/AS 2 Cosy Cottage, Church Lane, Challock TN25 4BT


1.    To install a 12kw LG Monobloc Air Source Heat Pump unit

2.    Same


Decision: Challock Parish Council supports this application.


18/01425/AS Longbeech Wood north of Monkery Lane, Charing


Upgrade of existing forest track at entrance 4 and upgrade of existing hard-core surface at entrance 2.


Decision: Challock Parish Council supports this application.


Ratification of Planning Applications


There were no planning applications to be ratified.


Planning Matters


Defining Village Confines


The Chairman to read out the following letter from ABC Simon Cole concerning village confines exercise.


I am writing to advise you that the Council will shortly be commencing an exercise to identify the ‘village confines’ across the borough.


Traditionally, the village ‘confines’ for planning purposes has been defined by the following written definition in successive versions of the Local Plan:-


“the limits of continuous and contiguous development forming the existing built-up area of the settlement, excluding any curtilage beyond the built footprint of the buildings on the site (e.g. garden areas)”


The purpose of this exercise is to provide some additional clarity as to where the existing built confines of the village are, by expressing this on a map base.


Initially, this will be undertaken by officers in my team and a draft village confines boundary will be sent to you for the village of Challock in your parish for you to review and comment. Ideally, this should also include an opportunity for local residents to be involved through an informal consultation exercise undertaken by the Parish Council so that as wide a range of views as possible can be taken into account.


Any representations made during the consultation process and the overall conclusion of the Parish Council would then be fed back to officers here and reported to Members. On satisfactory completion of the exercise, the defined ‘village confines’ will be treated as informal guidance for the purposes of determining planning applications where the relationship of a development to the ‘confines’ is relevant.


It is worth stating at this point that this exercise is only concerned with clarifying where the existing village confines extend to and any map-based definition will need to generally accord with the written definition above. If the Parish Council wish to take an alternative approach to defining the village confines, then this should be undertaken through a Neighbourhood Plan.


I am aware that Challock have already undergone a confines exercise previously. Given this, it is our intention, as a starting point; to draw a revised boundary to reflect what has been built since the confines was first introduced. However, if you would like to complete an exercise yourself, as a review of what you have done previously, then please contact me on the details below. There may be scope to dovetail the processes if this is deemed beneficial as well.


Members have indicated a desire for this exercise to be concluded in a relatively short timescale, and so I anticipate sending a draft village confines map for you to consider within the next 4 weeks. We would request that your views (and any results from a local consultation) are then returned to us by Monday 7th January 2019 at the latest.


Decision: The Parish Council agreed to arrange a meeting with ABC to discuss the village confines and carrying out a review.


Decision:  The Parish Council agreed to book the main hall for a public consultation meeting.  Clerk to enquire about availability for Tuesday, 27th November.


End of First World War Centenary


Due to time constraints and increased costs it is with regret the Parish Council are unable to proceed with the installation of a beacon on the Lees.  Instead of lighting the beacon/bonfire it was agreed to hold a special Remembrance service at the War Memorial.  There will be a film/presentation of anecdotes of village life during the First World War in the Memorial Hall and a singalong with Challock Ladies Choir of traditional songs from the WW1 era on the 11th November at a slightly earlier time of 5 pm. The lantern parade will commence at 6.30 pm from the village hall car park to the War Memorial for the laying of the Wreaths and Special Remembrance Service.

The silhouettes are currently with Challock Church to be included in their remembrance service in the morning of 11th November.  The silhouettes will be on display in the village hall at the presentation event.

To mark the event a wave of poppies made by the children of Challock Primary School will be displayed at the War Memorial.


Items for Information


Faversham Road Footpath & Village Speeding


Clerk had a meeting with Darren Hickman, Schemes Project Manager KCC on Wednesday, 26th September to discuss the provision of a new footway in Faversham Road and the parking issues in Church Lane. 


The parking issues along Church Lane were observed and discussed.  During this time it became evident the main area of concern was cars parking both along the lay-by adjacent to Councillor Thomas’s property and on the opposite side along the Lees.   The long term solution would be to have installed a foot way adjacent to Councillor Thomas’s property.  However, this would be subject to obtaining funding for such a foot way.  The short term solution would be to extend the yellow lines opposite.  The Parish Council would have to check with ABC that traffic wardens would be available to monitor.  The Parish Council would need to be mindful that implementing the above would move the problem elsewhere in the village i.e. more cars are likely to park on the Lees track.  Whilst at Church Lane a number of cars were parked on the grass section of the Lees.  One car driver was seen driving on the Lees.  The Methodist Chapel has a parking area which can park a number of cars; Parish Council discussed approaching the Methodist Chapel to enquire whether their car park could be made available for the school run.


Decision: Clerk to make enquiries with ABC Ward Councillor Larry Krause concerning the foot way in Church Lane.


A full assessment of the Faversham Road proposed foot way scheme was carried out by Darren Hickman.  A deed of dedication will need to be sought with all residents.  The cost will be in the region of £33,000. This includes the fees for design, construction and a sum for any contingencies.


Costs yet to be allocated that may come from for the following items as these will require a more detailed investigation and response from third parties:


  1. Cost of tree removal, stump grinding and any replacement
  2. Cost for accommodation works associated to adjoining third party land (i.e., new fences and adjustment to levels/drainage of private driveways)
  3. Utility service diversion works (From the site visit I expect we will have to relocate two UKPN supply poles)
  4. Any land transfer costs and legal fees.


If the parish council wish KCC to progress the design and investigation works further, need to advise and a formal invoice will be issued to cover the cost of the design fees of £4,149.00


Decision:  It was agreed for the Clerk to contact ABC Larry Krause concerning the costs provided by KCC for the foot way scheme.


Post Office Car Park


The Parish Council agreed to go with Wilsons Tarmac quote at £2885 and to contribute £1822 towards the cost of tarmacking the post office car park; with an application for a KCC Members Grant for £774.50 and a contribution from the post office at £288.50. The Parish Council is waiting to hear from KCC if successful with grant application.



Defibrillator Training


The defibrillator training session took place on 10th October 2018. A group of 5 people attended (3 adults and 2 young people).  Though not many in attendance; the group found it very informative and a good refresher.  Craig Bickers is happy to do an annual defibrillator training session if required. 

The Parish Council agreed to make a donation of £50 to BM Ambulance for the Defibrillator training.


Highways Village Inspection


Highways Village Inspection has been arranged for Friday, 19th October.  Any queries relating to highway issues i.e. pot holes, overgrown vegetation etc. to notify Clerk who will pass it onto the Highways Inspector upon visit.


Household Waste Recycling Centre Consultation


This consultation will help KCC deliver the Kent Waste Disposal Strategy and seeks views on the proposal to implement a charging policy for non-household waste materials including soil, rubble, hardcore and plasterboard, deposited at Kent HWRCs.

The 8 week consultation is available until Thursday 1 November 2018, inviting parishes to comment.

Noted: a reminder to the parish council and parishioners to send in their views by 1st November 2018.






Parish Forum


Parishioner Mr Sutton reported a damaged manhole/drain cover off centre of Buck Street adjacent to the public foot path entrance onto the cricket field.


Parishioner Mrs Smith enquired about purchasing lanterns for the parade. 


Decision:  The Parish Council agreed to purchase a few lanterns for the parade as spares.


Mr Michael approached the Parish Council under the parish forum regarding a pre-application he has made to Old Burnt Oak Farm.  The property is dilapidated and would need to be demolished and a new dwelling in its place.  However, Mr Michael would like to build the property in the equestrian field near where the current stables are sited.  Mr Michael requests whether Challock Parish Council would consider supporting his application.


Decision:  The Parish Council would request to see proposed plans of the new build and site/block in order for them to consider supporting the application. 


The meeting closed at 8.55 pm                                                                                       


Parish Council Meeting Dates for 2018


Next Parish Meeting 22nd November 2018


Future Parish Meeting Dates:


Clerk to provide parish meeting dates for 2019 at the next parish meeting.





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