Challock Parish Council Meeting minutes


Memorial Hall, Audrey Allen room

Thursday, 14th March 2019, 7.30pm


Members of public present: 3









Michael Fisher (Chair), Annabel Burden (Vice-Chair), Trevor Smith, Max Thomas, John Ramsden, Emma Fox, Anthony Aitken, ABC Ward Councillor Larry Krause & Di Sandy (Clerk).




Michael Fisher thanked everyone for attending.


Declarations of Interest


Councillors Michael Fisher, Annabel Burden, Max Thomas, Trevor Smith, John Ramsden, Emma Fox and Anthony Aitken had no new changes to the declarations of interest.


Minutes of Last Meeting


Minutes of 14th February 2019 meeting were signed by Michael Fisher as an accurate record.


All agreed.


PCSO Aaron Newell Monthly Report


PCSO Aaron Newell Report for Challock for February was read out: -                  .



I have looked at our records since the 1st February 2019 and crime remains low in Challock.                                                                                                                                                           Crime statistics can be found at:

There have been reports of theft from motor vehicles in Kings Wood car park. Media has been made aware and Kent Police car looking at putting some crime prevention signage in the car park to make car park users aware. Residents are reminded not to leave any valuables on display when leaving their vehicles.

Residents are urged to report any crime to 999 (if it is a crime in progress) or 101. Alternatively incidents can be reported on the Kent Police website.

Anti-social behaviour

There have been no reports of anti-social behaviour in Challock over the last month.                  

I will continue to patrol the area and deal with any issues that arise.

Neighbourhood Watch

There is an active neighbourhood watch in Challock. If any residents would be interested in joining the scheme please contact me and I will be happy to help with this.

I would like to remind all residents to be vigilant at all times and to report any suspicious activity via the Kent police non-emergency number 101 or report online on

Clerk’s Report




Clerk reported to KCC flooded area/blocked drain near junction at West Lane/Canterbury Road.


Clerk reported to KCC overgrown hedge Burlington House, Canterbury Road.  Reported to say this is a reoccurring problem and have received complaints from parishioners of the danger when leaving Church Lane and entering onto Canterbury Road. 


The Lees


Clear-cut Tree Services have cut back the tree that was overhanging the footway, Canterbury Road.


Grounds man has cleared debris caused by the DPD van getting stuck on the Lees.


Grounds man has filled the pot holes on the 3 tracks.


Fallen trees on the Lees and wooded end from the recent high winds has been removed by the grounds man




Reported broken glass on footpath by Buck Street AE96


Reported fallen trees on footpaths at Mill Lane AE118 & AE86.




  • Received an email from the tenant regarding poor field farm tenancy and requesting that due to the time involved in drawing up the agreement the Parish Council to pay 50% of the fees incurred.  
  • An email from Village Hall Committee requesting the Parish Council for a contribution towards the cost for line markings of the village hall car park. The majority of the usage of the car park is parents using the school and residents from Blind Lane. 
  • Received an email from PCSO Matthew Morgan would like to hear parish council’s expectation’s from Kent Police and in turn hopefully find a way to work together. Matthew says he will be getting training on the speed gun within the next month so will be able to do speed check’s once the weather improves.
  • Received an email informing the PC of the new PCSO Aaron Newell who will be covering Challock which incorporates 9 other parish councils. If in agreement will send monthly reports for Challock.
  • Emails from PCSO Matthew Morgan notifying Parish Council of meet and greet at Bilsington Village Hall on Thursday, 28th March at 7 pm.
  • Received an email from Sue Maidens requesting the Parish Council to re-consider the charge for Kent PCS advert on the premium page.  The Post Office and Barn Shop receives free advertising space.  The Post Office received PC’s mail and village correspondence.  The Barn Shop assists with the Foresters as a collection point for distribution.
  • Received quotation from Aspire for The Lees grass cutting schedule for 2019/20. Councillors to approve grass cutting works to be carried out by Aspire.
  • Received a telephone message from a parishioner regarding footpath adjacent to Pested Farm, Canterbury Road appears to be no clear way.  Clerk and Councillor Representative to investigate. 
  • Received an email from Planning Policy to notify the Local Plan 2030 has been adopted. Statement to be displayed on the notice boards and village website.
  • Received an email from Rural Services Network “Rural Communities are frequently overlooked in a policy environment dominated by urban thinking and policy concerns. This often means communities either miss out on the benefits or experience unintended consequences from policies which are poorly thought-through from a rural perspective. If rural communities are to be sustainable, the Government must seize this opportunity to work with communities to produce a long-term, funded rural strategy which recognises the contribution rural areas make and have the potential to make to the wellbeing and prosperity of the nation as a whole.” We are asking all of the Parish Councils and organisations in Rural Areas to support our call and sign up to support our campaign. Councillors to feedback comments to Clerk.


Matters Arising from Correspondence


  • Farm Tenancy Agreement Fees - Clerk has replied to the tenant stating the Parish Council have taken into consideration their comments however, the William Oure is a charity and feel that the fees for the farm tenancy agreement should be met by the tenant
  • Village Hall Line Marking for Car Park – Councillors agreed to contribute £140 towards the line marking for village hall car park.  Councillor Aitken informed the Council that the Primary School is also making a contribution.
  • Kent PCs Advert – Councillors agreed that whilst the Forester continues to run at a loss; full charge for advertising on the premium remains the same. 
  • The Lees Maintenance 2019/20 – Councillors approved for maintenance works for the Lees to be carried out by Aspire at £98.15 per cut (15 cuts £1472.22) and the groundsman to carry out the back-up x 3, smaller areas x 6 occasions and footpath wooded area top end of the Lees x 2 occasions for £925.




The current account balance on 28th February 2019 £10,414.


The NS&I account balance is £11,739.71


Internal Audit of Accounts


Clerk has arranged for internal audit of accounts to take place on Wednesday, 10th April 2019 by Lionel Robbins.


The following cheques were approved and signed:-


Cheque No: 102585 ABC - Aspire Lees Grass Cutting Contract 2018 £1264.43

Cheque No: 102586 BT - Telephone £88.70

Cheque No: 102587 Kent PC’s - Forester Village Pump Subscription £44.99

Cheque No: 102588 Mr J P Sandy – The Lees maintenance, tree branches removal £131.16




There were no planning applications to discuss.


Ratification of Planning Applications


The following planning application was ratified


19/00183/AS - Crossways, Canterbury Road, Challock, Ashford, Kent, TN25 4BJ

Proposed chalet bungalow and new vehicular access (amended scheme to that approved under 16/00415/AS)

Comments: Although I do agree that this application varies widely from what was originally granted, I think the important thing is that the planners listen to the surrounding neighbours and take their comments into account. I do not support due to size I don’t support its now a chalet bungalow but it’s really big 5 beds. Although it's quite a change from the original plans, size wise, it's similar to the building proposed next door, so no objections.  No objections as long as they retain the mature trees that screen it from the road. Neighbour views to be taking into consideration.


Parish Councillor Elections


The Parish Councillor elections will be held on Thursday 2nd May 2019


Clerk has received Candidates and Agents briefing from Ashford Borough Council. This covers the process and requirements for nominations


Clerk has nomination packs for new candidates and existing Councillors seeking re-election


Emma Fox has informed the Clerk and will not be standing again for re-election


Nomination forms must be hand delivered to the Returning Officer at the Civic Center by 4pm on Wednesday, 3rd April 2019. All details are in the nomination packs




Under declarations of interest Councillor Burden left the room.


The Parish Council have received an email from Tom French BTF having received instructions that all five freehold plots wish to enter in to mutually agreed terms for a right of access to be granted across The Lees where such rights did not previous exist in respect of the access that served the original title K277895. All parties accept that the access splay has been widened at the point at which the track meets the new development and subsequently the plot owners should be required to pay a form of consideration to the Parish Council as freeholders for granting any additional rights.


Taking in to account the level of rights that previously existed, Tom French is in opinion that a payment of £2,000 per freehold plot would be reasonable.


Parish Council approved the consideration offered of £2,000 per plot (£10,000 in total).


Parish Councillors agreed for the deeds to include paying a fair proportion of the costs of keeping the access track in repair.  Clerk to liaise with Tom French and Girlings Solicitors.


The Lees


Clerk and Councillors Fisher and Smith have attended an appointment with Girlings Solicitors for advice regarding responsibilities on the Lees i.e. variation to easements and unmade Lees track.  The meeting proved worthwhile and the parish council have a clearer understanding of our responsibilities. 


Items for Information


Faversham Road Footpath


Awaiting outcome from ABC on funding.


Play Park Equipment


The Parish Council was unsuccessful with the pocketsize funding.  Clerk to make enquiries in other funding avenues; Calor Gas Rural Community Fund has recently launched.


Spring Clean Litter Pick


The village litter pick will be on Sunday, 14th April 2019.  To meet at the village hall car park at 10 am.  All welcome please come along if you can.


Parish Office Telephone & Email


Parish Council office telephone line rental has been cancelled with BT.  New telephone number is 07895494851.  New email address is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Clerk has commenced informing of new email and telephone number.  Details have been updated in the Forester and Website.




Councillor Ramsden requested if kissing gates could be installed at the two entrances at the bottom of the cricket field.  Clerk to make enquiries to KCC PROW.

Councillor Smith enquired about the advertising along the fence along the strip of land near Halfway House Pub.  Permission is sort with the owner of the fence and not the Parish Council.


Councillor Fisher requested an update on the memorial seat.  Clerk informed Councillors that a memory garden was being considered but due to where the planings are situated no progress had been made.  Councillors agreed for the seat to be installed at the northern end of the Lees.


Discussion took place regarding parking on the Lees and how best the Lees could be protected especially during the winter months.


Councillor Burden proposed drawing up a policy on the parish council’s responsibilities and liabilities concerning the Lees. 


Discussion took place of safety concerns regarding stone markings on the strip of the Lees adjacent to resident’s properties and other hazards e.g. pot holes.  Clerk to seek further clarification/guidance with Girlings Solicitors.  Clerk to commence drawing up a draft policy for Councillor’s approval and to be formally adopted and added to the Parish Council’s Standing Orders.


Parish Forum


A parishioner commented that reporting a crime through 101 is a waste of time as the police only respond to serious incidents.  Councillor Larry Krause commented that using the police website to report a crime is more effective.  Clerk to feedback parishioner’s comments to PSCO’s Matthew Morgan and Aaron Newell.


The clerk asked ABC Ward Councillor Larry Krause is there any planned works to clear the large amounts of rubbish along Faversham Road and Canterbury Road and Ashford Borough main roads e.g. A2029.  Clerk has reported this to ABC Street scene and Highways England.  Councillor Krause said to continue reporting to ABC street scene and suggested making contact with community pay back, the Department of Justice to enquire if they would carry out litter picks along Faversham Road and Canterbury Road.


Councillor Fox commented that the decision for not standing for election was a hard one but due to changes in working patterns felt she could no longer continue to be a Parish Councillor.


The meeting closed at 8.40 pm                                                                                           


Parish Council Meeting Dates for 2019


Next Parish Meeting 11th April 2019


Future Parish Meeting Dates:


Thursday 16th May

Tuesday 18th June 2019 Annual Parish Meeting Main Hall

Thursday 18th July

Thursday 19th September

Thursday 17th October


Thursday 21st November



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