Challock Parish Council Forester Sub Committee Meeting minutes


Memorial Hall, Audrey Allen room

Monday, 8th July 2019, 7.30pm


Members of public present: 0





John Ramsden (Challock P.C)




Annabelle Burden (Challock P.C), Trevor Smith (Challock P.C), Sarah Williams (Molash P.C), Tina Cobourn (Molash P.C Clerk) & Dianne Sandy (Challock P.C Clerk).




Dianne Sandy informed the committee that Emma Fox has stepped down as Parish Councillor and John Ramsden will be replacing Emma on the Forester Sub-Committee.  Unfortunately John was unable to attend this evening’s meeting due to another commitment.  Trevor Smith has kindly offered to attend and be acting chairman.   


Trevor welcomed everyone to Forester Sub-Committee Meeting.


Minutes of the Forester Sub-Committee 18th July 2018


Minutes of 21st May 2018 meeting were signed by Trevor Smith as an accurate record.


All agreed.


Forester – Clerk’s Report


The Clerk gave handout of the following report:-


Since the last forester sub-committee meeting Boiler Engineering 2 x ¼ page, Country Cuts ¼ page, Janet Martin ¼ page, Kent PCs Full Page Colour and recently Clutty Cleaners 1/2 page have decided not to continue to advertise.

Update Advertisement Revenue:

Advertising receipts to 30th June 2019 £772.00

Outstanding invoices not paid, being chased

Kingswood Christmas Trees £48

Select Property Maintenance £110

A Cowell £110

PJ Plumbers £60

Total outstanding invoices £328

Adverts Lost:

Boiler Engineering ¼ Page x 2 £120

Country Cuts ¼ Page £60

Janet Martin ¼ Page 360

Clutty Cleaners ½ Page £130

Kent PCs £240

Total £610

New Adverts:

Lady Baker ¼ Page £60 paid

Rapid Mix ¼ page £60 paid

J Sandy Carpentry ¼ page (6 issues) £36 paid

Holistic Sarah  ¼ page £60 invoice

Philip Witts Full Colour Page £240

Kingsfords ½ Colour Page £130

Total: £586

Advertising receipts to date for 2019/20 £802

Estimated Printing Costs for 2019/20 £1350

Estimated Production Costs £2,045 (Editor’s Fee & parish pump subscription £45)

Estimated Staff Costs £542

Molash Contributions: 

Re-calculated contributions forecast for June 2019 £200 and refund £58. In previous reconciliation Clerk included Molash Refund £275 and Parish Pump £45 was not added to production costs. 

Molash PC confirmed they are in agreement with the reconciliation of the Molash contributions and invoice for this year’s forecast of Molash Contributions.

Open Discussion:

Sarah Williams commented on the inside back page & back page adverts not being central to and requests if the Editor Mick Maidens could amend. 

It was agreed for Challock P.C Clerk to write to local businesses to notify them of advertising rates in the Forester and Molash.P.C Clerk to write to local businesses at Mapel Barn. It was agreed for the Clerk to write to the Bowl at Stalisfield to enquire if they would be interested in advertising. 

Tina Cobourn informed the committee that the recent Sheldwich Cricket Club advert in the Forester was a kick in the teeth to Challock Cricket Club.  Annabel Burden responded that we shouldn’t appear to be secular and be able to provide our parishioners a freedom of choice. 

Tina Cobourn commented that in the past she had tried to set up a sports page for local clubs in the forester.  Unfortunately did not receive much interest.    

It was agreed for the Racqueteers advert to be removed as we have a badminton club in the village. 

Forester Distribution:

Di Sandy collects the foresters from the printers and drops them off to Alison.

Alison Hadleigh and son James sorts the forester magazines.

Jean McDermot telephones the volunteer distributors notifying when foresters are ready for collection.

Tina Cobourn requests that Molash allocation of forester’s remain the same at 115 copies.

One of the distributers Yoonus Sait has requested extra copies of the Forester due to new houses.  Annabel Burden said that High Snoad Wood have 2 extra’s which is given to the Barn Shop.  Clerk to contact Yoonus to check quantities needed and to update the distribution list. 


Meeting Closed 7.35 pm.


Date of next meeting


The next Forester Sub-Committee Meeting date to be scheduled for Tuesday, 28th January 2020.


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