Challock Parish Council  ABC Revised Village Confines Map Public

Consultation Meeting Minutes


Memorial Hall

Wednesday 4th September 2019, 7.30pm


Members of public present: approximately 47 





Michael Fisher (Chairman), Dianne Sandy (Clerk), Annabel Burden (Vice Chairman), John Ramsden, Max Thomas, Trevor Smith & Anthony Aitken.




Russell Jacques, ABC Ward Councillor Larry Krause




Councillor Trevor Smith welcomed everyone to the meeting. ABC has requested the parish council to consult with parishioners to consider the revised village confines.


Presentation - Village Confines


Councillor Trevor Smith gave a presentation on the revised village confines map and changes to the local plan as decided by ABC. Using a planning timeline of where we are now and going forward.


“the limits of continuous and contiguous development forming the existing built-up area of the settlement, excluding any curtilage beyond the built footprint of the buildings on the site (e.g. garden areas)”


Under the main modifications to the Local Plan 2030 the settlement matrix states for Challock it is suited for HOU3a/HOU5 inclusion – Range of services in large village. Mixed settlements pattern with opportunity for infill and limited edge of settlement growth due to AONB location but due to settlement size this would be sustainable.


There was an explanation of the HOU3a, HOU5 & HOU7 policies how this might affect the revised village confines and possible housing.  With the introduction of policies HOU3a & HOU5 the original confines is no longer fit for purpose.  ABC has requested the parish council to consult with parishioners to consider the acceptance of the revised village confines in order to limit the risk.  Daniel Carter has offered to consider amendments to the line for some of the areas of the map that we have concerns about and to annotate these on the map.


Using a briefing document supplied by ABC, Councillor Trevor Smith gave a demonstration using a settlement outside the borough as an example and for illustration purpose only of how the policies HOU3a & HOU5 can be applied.  All other relevant policies within the local plan will still apply, therefore just because a site is in or on the edge of the confines does not necessarily make it suitable for residential development. For example the policies contain a number of criteria and in addition environment and landscape polices will still be relevant in determining planning applications. Therefore any development within or on the edge of a settlement that has an adverse landscape or environmental impact would still be likely to be refused permission.


A demonstration of how planning applications may affect the new revised village confines map and as an exercise referred to the recent pre-application Clarendon Homes consultation for 26 houses at High Tree Lodge, Buck Street.  If we retained the original village confines under the policy of HOU3a & HOU5 planning permission might be granted.  Under the new confines this may not apply as it would not be near too test or adjoining and abutting. 


Open Forum


Under the open forum the Parish Council received questions and the following comments was received and noted.


1. Infrastructure - lack of bus service, no mains sewage, school filled to capacity, none or inadequate footpaths plus safety concerns.  Safety concerns of the A251 & A252 main roads.  Infrastructure has not changed for decades. Like to see smaller houses.

2. Concerns regarding the protection of what is remaining of ancient woodland, green spaces and ANOB. 

3. Under the new revised confines map there are concerns of large scale development regarding land belonging to Eastwell. 

4. Disappointed that Challock Parish has been allocated HOU5 and would prefer to remain as HOU3a and told it cannot be challenged.  The village confines project has been blown away and plan of 15 years.  At the time of the confines project we were informed that we would be left alone




A vote took place by a show of hands, accepting the new village confines.  38 were in favour and 2 were in favour of the original village confines.  14 members of public abstained. 


The general consensus was the tighter the confines line the better in order to slow expansion.


Councillor Trevor Smith thanked everyone for attending.


Meeting closed at 8.40 pm




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