Challock Parish Council Minutes
Memorial Hall, Audrey Allen room
Thursday, 19th September 2019, 7.30pm
Members of public present: 10
Michael Fisher (Chairman), Max Thomas, Anthony Aitken & John Ramsden
Annabel Burden (Vice Chair), Trevor Smith, Russell Jaques, ABC Ward Councillor Larry Krause & Di Sandy (Clerk).
Annabel Burden thanked everyone for attending.
Declarations of Interest
Councilors no new changes to the declarations of interest.
Minutes of Last Meeting
Minutes of 18th July 2019 meeting were signed by Annabel Burden as an accurate record.
All agreed.
Clerk’s Report
Aaron Newell PCSO Monthly Report
Challock – distraction burglary – two unknown males purporting to be from the MET Police gained entry to a property by stating that they were dealing with a counterfeit money case. They then stole money from the address.
· Challock – burglary – shed broken into and fuel stolen.
Residents are asked to report all incidents of nuisance vehicles and to try and gain as much information as possible, i.e. descriptions, vehicle index, photos, etc. Aaron Newell PCSO will continue to patrol these areas and deal with any nuisance vehicles appropriately.
To remind all residents to stay vigilant and report anything suspicious online or via the Kent Police non-emergency number 101 or if you do witness a crime in progress then please do call 999.
Clerk has reported tree branch causing an obstruction on the footway, Buck Street.
Clerk has reported loose stones at the roundabout at the Halfway Restaurant.
Reported overgrown hedge causing an obstruction on the footway, Church Lane.
Grounds man has emptied the salt bag at St Cosmos Close.
The Lees
Grounds man has carried out backup and cut back shrubs at the entrance to the Post Office.
Grounds man removed fallen tree branch and pruned overhanging tree branches by Tulip House
Clerk has commenced obtaining quotations for the Lees’ maintenance contract for 2020/21. Has requested quotations from Landscape Services & G W Landscaping.
Trees on the Lees
Grounds man has removed the cherry tree and planted new cherry tree.
Memorial Seat
Clerk has emailed Clare Hook requesting permission for a memorial bench for Puff Miller to be placed in the Church grounds. Parish Council has stated they will maintain the bench. There will be a church meeting on the 2nd October where the memorial seat will be discussed.
Clerk to make arrangements and liaise with Freda’s family for memorial plaque to be placed at the new cherry tree.
- Received an email from Kent & Medway – consultation on a draft Energy and Low Emissions Strategy. The draft strategy and consultation questionnaire can be accessed online until 23rd September
- Received an email from N.A.L.C requesting feedback on consultation draft data sharing code of practice. To submit responses by 16th August. Clerk has responded.
- An email from K.A.L.C requesting completed questionnaires on emergency plan to be sent by 26th July. Clerk has replied.
- An email from Paul Liberi ABC informing parishes of a review taking place on the polling district and polling places. Comments about the existing arrangements to email by 2nd September.
- Received an email from parishioner regarding driveway at Yelland Cottage and that curb edgings have been removed and waiting on correspondence with Highways concerning the repair to the footway and dropped curve. A planning application has now been lodged with ABC.
- Received email from Tom French BTF concerning easement for development between Hurstwood & Haverbrack. An agreement has been accepted regarding the access plan and £2,000 per dwelling (£10,000). The Parish Council waiting on correspondence from the owners’ solicitor to move forward.
- Received an email from parishioner requesting a convex mirror to be placed along Blind Lane opposite property Hillside to enable clearer visibility when exited onto Blind Lane.
- Received email from parishioner on update on recent reported fly tipping of rubbish along Church Lane and that they have had a response from the company whose name was on the litter and the Managing Director is investigating the matter.
- Received an email from ABC looking to change the council tax reduction scheme in 2020 and opening a 2 month consultation period asking for views from residents & other charitable & voluntary sector organisations. Posters have been displayed on the notice boards.
- Received email from KALC concerning Legal Briefing L09-18 on The Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No.2) Accessibility Regulations, which came into force on 23 September 2018. KALC will be running 2 pilot workshops on the accessibility requirements shortly, which will be publicised on the KALC website.
- Received an email from Brendan Chilton Leader of the Labour Group ABC requesting for details of parish meetings.
- Received an email from Wye Surgery proposing reducing practice boundary. Challock is not affected and is within the new proposed boundary.
- An email from KCC informing parish councils of draft Drainage and Planning Policy consultation. Closes on the 30th September 2019.
- Received an email from KCC Highways notification of National Highways & Transport Network satisfaction survey. Available to all members of the public to comment on Highways issues i.e. road safety. The survey closes on the 29th February 2020.
- Received an email from parishioner concerning driveway access to their property on the Lees requesting to have it tarmacked and querying recent correspondence from the Parish Council regarding the widening of the driveway being subject to variation to an easement.
- Received an email from head teacher Mrs Sweet asking the parish council to consider placing a no parking wooden notice sign which would be in keeping. Mrs Sweet says the school has received quite a number of emails from one particular resident of the Lees and would like the school to contribute to any solution that may stop parents, residents and visitors parking and driving on the Lees.
- Received an email from KCC Highways, Transportation & inviting parish councils to the annual parish seminar on Wednesday morning till lunchtime, 13th November. Topics on the agenda are Highways input into the development planning process, Joint working with Parishes on highway plans, HGV management issues, Major projects, Road Safety Education & Updates from Cabinet Member and Director and KALC. Councillor’s to confirm with Clerk if they wish to attend.
Matters arising from correspondence
- Parish Council has granted permission for parishioner to install convex mirror.
- Regarding request for driveway to be tarmacked. Parish Council has requested parishioner to send in plans, measurements etc. and for Councillor and Clerk to attend site visit. The Clerk has now received a plan of the proposed driveway with a request from the parishioner to widen the driveway and agree to a variation to the easement. The parishioner will be required to pay a form of consideration to the Parish Council as freeholders for granting any additional rights. As with previous applications the parishioner will need to employ the services of a surveyor and solicitor to liaise with the Parish Council. Councillors agreed to contact parishioner to arrange a site meeting.
- The Parish Council considered Mrs Sweet’s request for a wooden sign on the Lees and agreed for Clerk to make enquiries in purchasing temporary posts and to report back to the Councillors. Councillor Burden requested that Councillors should try to attend during school drop off and pick up.
A252 Safer Road Scheme Fund
Councillor Ramsden and Clerk attended the second meeting A252 Safer Road Scheme. KCC Highways presented updated road safety improvement plans. Amendments include removing the average speed cameras and replacing instead with reduced speed limit signs i.e. Molash change from 50 mph to 40 mph. Introducing speed interactive signs in Challock, cut back vegetation and install bollards either side of the carriageway near traffic island near the post office entrance highlight and enhance a gateway feature. This is repeated at the other end traffic island adjacent to Park View. A further meeting to take place in the autumn.
The current account balance on 31st August 2019 £9,400.38
The NS&I account balance is £11,824.85
AGAR – Annual Governance and Annual Returns PKF Littlejohn LLP Section 3
Received email from PKF Littlejohn LLP on outcome of external audit. Section 3 with no concerns. Clerk has published on the notice boards and website the notice of audit completion and Sections 1, 2 & 3. To be displayed until the 30th September 2019.
Model Financial Regulations Adoption
NALC has issued updated model Financial Regulations. This was adopted by the Parish Council.
The following cheques were signed:
Cheque No: 022020 Mercator Markings Limited – Village Hall Road Markings £630
Cheque No: 022021 J Sandy – Tree Works on the Lees £800
Cheque No: 022022 J Sandy – Ground works £40
The following application was discussed:
19/01230/AS Tectona Grandis, The Lees, Canterbury Road, Challock, Ashford, Kent, TN25 4BP
Proposed demolition of existing dwelling and construction of 2 detached dwellings (re-design of approved reference 17/00126/AS.)
The Parish Councillor does not support this application. Too much in a small space best suited to smaller dwelling. Not sympathetic to surroundings. Neighbour’s views should be taken into consideration.
19/01282/AS Heathlock, Canterbury Road, Challock TN25 4DW
Erection of a two storey detached dwelling with associated parking.
Councillors support this application though have concerns with dwellings along this stretch appeared squeezed in.
19/01312/AS Little Acorns, Green Lane, Challock TN25 4DN
Outline application all matters reserved for the demolition of the existing dwelling and erection of a detached house and a detached chalet bungalow with access.
Councillors to email comments regarding this application at the request of Councillor Smith & Jaques who wish to see information of previous applications before commenting. Councillor Burden commented on looking squeezed in. Email comments received from Councillor Aitken & Thomas said they did not support and have concerns whether the two dwellings would fit in the plot.
19/1320/AS Oak Apple Cottage, Canterbury Road, Challock, Ashford, Kent, TN25 4DF
Proposed new dwelling together with garages and access
Councillors had concerns regarding the size of the dwelling and a chalet bungalow would be more in keeping. Concerns regarding cesspool drainage. Councillors Aitken & Thomas emailed their comments stating they do not support this application. The Parish Council does not support.
19/01332/AS Snowdrops, Church Lane, Challock, Ashford, TN25 4DD
Variation of condition 9 on planning permission 17/01525/AS to provide side hung casements with window restrictors to the windows on the side elevation of plot 4 with all glazing to be obscure.
The Parish Council supports this application providing neighbour’s views are taken into consideration.
19/01321/AS Cedar House Farm, Canterbury Road, Challock, Ashford, Kent, TN25 4DL
Retrospective application for demolition of existing barn &; construction of new dwelling and associated parking, bike &; bin storage (resubmission of previous permission 16/01185/AS)
Challock Parish Council supports this application.
19/01326/AS The Beeches, Buck Street, Challock, Ashford, TN25 4AT
Erection of 3 detached dwellings
The Parish Council does not support this application. Concerned of being over developed, squeezed in. Concerns regarding number of entrances and speed of traffic along the A251 Buck Street.
Ratification of Planning Applications
The following planning applications were ratified:-
Woodlands, Canterbury Road, Challock, Ashford, TN254DL
Construction of two storey side extension
Challock Parish Council supports this application.
The Firs, Buck Street, Challock Tn25 4AR
Construction of two detached dwellings and two detached garages.
Challock Parish Council does not support this application.
The Parish Council feel the land is now being over developed. Under application 14/01129/AS. Clearly stated only one access and a pedestrian entrance. There are three entrances. It also stated that the hedgerow should be retained along Buck Street, this has since been removed. Therefore I oppose this application.
Brisley Cottage, Canterbury Road, Challock, Ashford, TN25 4DW
Extension to out building and removal of existing building
Challock Parish Council has concerns regarding the size of the building; appears very large. On all the plans states Oak Apple Cottage; the application states Brisley Cottage? Are these farm buildings or residential. If they are residential I will support the application.
Applegarth, Canterbury Road, Challock TN25 4DF
Construction of detached dwelling and garage
Challock Parish Council does not support this application. Concerned about a second row of housing being developed along Canterbury Road. Out of the village confines.
Pony Park, Canterbury Road, Challock TN25 4DL
Outline application for the erection of three dwellings to consider access, layout and scale.
Challock Parish Council does not support this application. Object based upon previous submissions/parish meetings. They applied for quite a few previously under the omission sites and were only meant to have two, also the ancient woodland needs protecting. The Parish Council sympathises with the developer if they wish to build houses for their families and normally would support but due to the area and location the ancient woodland needs to be protected. Originally 9 hectares of woodland has now been reduced to under 2.9 hectares. Outside of the village confines and is not near too or adjourning under the HOU5 policy.
1 & 2 Woodland View, Buck Street, Challock TN25 4AR
Provision of a new access and erection of one garage to serve unit 2 (retrospective)
Challock Parish Council does not support this application. There are too many entrances onto a busy main road A251.
Tollgate Cottage, Buck Street, Challock TN25 4AR
Proposed replacement dwelling with parking and associated facilities
Challock Parish Council does not support this application. The replacement dwelling is too large and not in keeping with other dwellings. Though not a grade listed building tollgate cottage has significant historical importance to the village.
Revised Village Confines Meeting
The outcome of the recent Public Consultation Meeting regarding the new revised village confines; the majority parishioners present voted for the new revised village confines and to make the line as tight as possible. Clerk has informed ABC the outcome of the public meeting and feedback from parishioners of their concerns of further developments in the village. A meeting has been arranged with Daniel Carter Principal Planning Officer for the Parish Council to discuss amendments to the revised village confines map.
S106 Contributions
Sport – outdoors, Informal/natural, Play, Allotments, Strategic Park & Cemeteries are the six key elements of community and social infrastructure for open spaces not buildings that trigger contributions based on the number of dwellings. Clerk has sent list of projects for the village to ABC to consider with regards to S106 contributions for Planning Application Phase 2 Old Clock house Green. The list of projects include new play equipment for the play park, extension of the play park adjacent to the wooded area to include a new fence, seated area and miniature nature trail. To install new membrane and play bark in the play park. Skate Park equipment and MUGA (Multi Use Games Area) for the top corner of the cricket ground. The Parish Council have also put in a request for additional seating on the Lees, contribution to cost of creating a meadow of flowers and tarmacking the Lees track.
Quotations for Tree removal on the Lees
Councillors to considered the following quotations for Ash tree removal adjacent to Post Office.
G W Landscaping - To supply traffic management to carry out works.
To remove ash tree and remove other unsafe limbs and small trees over the road as discussed.
Total Cost £2475.00 plus VAT
Peter Vogel - To section fell to the ground 3 x Ash trees (dying with Ash die back) located on the A252 downstream of the Post Office turning on the left hand side heading towards Charing. To include elevated platform and operator together Two Way traffic Management by independent contractor, and supported by Network Power. RAMS to be completed and submitted one week before work commences. For the sum of £2,910+ VAT @20%=582 Total sum £3,492.
Josh Buggins Clean Cut Tree Services – Removal of large Ash tree situated near the post office entrance, removal of ash tree situated near Help Hire & Traffic Permit management. £1750 VAT N/A.
The Parish Council decided to go with Josh Buggins Clean Cut Tree Services quotation.
Items for Information
Faversham Road Footpath
ABC Ward Councillor Larry Krause updated the Parish Council and said he would put in an application for £30,000 with the expectation this will be approved and the foot path to go ahead. Will be able to give KCC Darren Hickman the go ahead with the investigative and design works.
75th VE Day Commemorative Celebrations May 2020
Clerk has made enquiries to Michelle Byrne ABC of possible funding available. As yet none are available. Councillors to consider allocating £1,000 to next year’s budget at November’s parish meeting.
Highways Village Inspection
Claire Davis is the new KCC Highways Inspector for Challock and Clerk is in the process of arranging a village inspection.
Parish Forum
Parishioners new to the village raised their concerns of the proposed affordable housing at Old Clock House Green. Parishioners have experienced living close to affordable housing owned by Housing Association in Ashford. Councillor Burden we must accommodate for everyone and there is a need for affordable homes. ABC Ward Councillor Larry Krause explained that the Council is oblige by law to have a percentage of affordable housing. Every village is screaming out for affordable homes so that young people can get on the property ladder. There is no chance of large scale development only infil there is no provision available or infrastructure.
Meeting closed at 8.40 pm
Parish Council Meeting Dates for 2019
Next Parish Meeting to be held on Thursday, 17th October 2019
Future Parish Meeting Dates:
Thursday 21st November