Challock Parish Council Minutes
Memorial Hall, Audrey Allen room
Thursday, 5th December 2019, 7.30pm
Members of public present: 17
Michael Fisher (Chairman), Trevor Smith, Anthony Aitken, Max Thomas, John Ramsden, Russell Jaques & Di Sandy (Clerk). ABC Ward Councillor Larry Krause
Michael Fisher thanked everyone for attending.
Declarations of Interest
Councilors no new changes to the declarations of interest.
Minutes of Last Meeting
Minutes of 17th October 2019 meeting were signed by the Chairman Michael Fisher as an accurate record.
All agreed.
Councillor Vacancy
Councillor Fisher informed the Parish Council of Annabel’s resignation and notice of vacancy for Parish Councillor. An application from Tracy Brown has been received.
Vice Chair
Councilllor Jaques was appointed Vice-Chairman proposed by Councillor Thomas and seconded by Councillor Fisher.
All agreed.
Clerk’s Report
Aaron Newell PCSO Monthly Report
Anti-Social Behaviour
There have recently been numerous reports of catapult crime, vehicle crime, and nuisance vehicles across Ashford. Kent Police continue to work to stop these incidents and would like to remind residents to report all instances of crime and anti-social behaviour.
Reported overgrown hedge & vegetation along the foot path Buck Street.
Reported overgrown vegetation along Canterbury Road footpath adjacent to Old Vicarage. Requesting this to be cleared in order for the foot path to be re-instated to its original width.
Reported pot hole along Blind Lane.
Requested to ABC to clear Blind Lane and Kiln Close from leaf vegetation to prevent blocked drains.
Reported blocked drains/flooding adjacent to Dene Cottage to Highways.
Reported protruding crack along footpath adjacent to Broomfield, Blind Lane.
Grounds man has commenced salting the footpaths at the entrance to the village hall car park, Blind Lane and foot paths for the school run.
The salt bins have been filled by KCC and the clerk has requested a salt bag to deliver to St Cosmas Close.
The Lees
The tree works adjacent to entrance to Post Office Car Park have now been completed. The large ash tree which was classed as dangerous and had die ash back along with two other trees were cut down and a tree leaning out along Canterbury Road near to Leesview was also removed. The tree surgeon said that some parishioners requested that some of the smaller ash trees remain. The tree surgeon confirmed that there is a bit of growth left on the trees and can be reviewed next year.
The grounds man has filled the pot holes on all 3 tracks on 2 occasions during November and filled pot holes at the entrance to Beech Court Gardens, Canterbury Road.
The grounds man has cut back the hedge, on the Lees strip adjacent to High Snoad Wood entrance.
A tree fallen in the wooded area of the Lees has been removed by the grounds man
Public Rights of Way
Reported leaning fence along public right of way, adjacent to The Beeches.
- Received request from parishioner to fill up pot holes on driveway access, Trees, The Lees
- Received request from parishioner to remove leaves from front garden due to fallen leaves off trees in wooded area, The Lees.
- Parishioner has emailed to say they will carry out remedial works to the damage strip of land caused by delivery drivers, near too roundabout, Canterbury Road and to reinstate it as soon as is practical.
- Received email from Kent County Council launching their annual Budget consultation. It gives Parish Councils, residents, businesses and other organisations an opportunity to have your say on KCC’s spending priorities and Council Tax proposals for 2020/2021. The clerk has responded by completing the on-line consultation.
- Received points of contact Kent Police. Clerk has displayed on the notice boards.
- Received IT update from KALC regarding Parish Council’s websites need to meet The Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Applications) Accessibility Regulations.
- Received an email from Tom Jenkins ABC regarding Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme. Aim to help improve broadband provision across the whole borough and support the deployment of superfast connections where possible. The Government has launched a number of initiatives that will help businesses and residents in your parish to improve their broadband connections. Asking Parish Councils support the broadband voucher scheme.
- Received an email from a parishioner looking forward to Challock having a Skate park/Muga Sports space for their children to enjoy.
- Received an email from parishioner regarding land between Hurstwood & Haverbrack disputing the Parish Council legal costs for reviewing the easement deeds.
- Received a complaint regarding parishioner parking on an obsolete driveway.
- Received correspondence from KALC encouraging local councils to sign up to the Tree Charter, promoting alongside The Woodland Trust and to apply for free community tree packs for March 2020.
Matters arising from correspondence
The Lees - Correspondence from parishioners re property Trees and request to fill up pot holes on the driveway, Clerk has written to the parishioner to explain the Parish Council are not responsible for filling the pot holes on their driveway.
Clerk has sent a letter to parishioner requesting they do not park on obsolete driveway and advising if they wish to re-instate the use of driveway to apply for a new easement.
The Parish Council has sought advice with Girlings Solicitors regarding matters concerning the easement for Hurstwood & Haverbrack & Trees widening/tarmacking of the driveway. The Parish Council are seeking advice regarding the Lees track maintenance agreement that is in place with parishioners living along the Lees and whether a more formalised agreement be proposed.
The Parish Council are waiting to hear back from Girlings.
The Clerk contacted K.A.L.C legal who advised to contact our solicitors as this is a complex matter.
Broadband Voucher Scheme – Clerk has displayed posters on the village notice boards, village website, Facebook and the Forester. In the parish news the parish council have requested for parishioners and businesses experiencing slow broadband speeds to contact the Parish Clerk.
Trees – The clerk has requested for information on signing up to the Tree Charter and will apply for free community tree packs with Woodland Trust for November 2020. Under parish news in the Decembers’ forester have asked parishioners for feedback on the types of trees they would like to be planted on the Lees.
A252 Safer Road Scheme Fund
The first stages of construction to start from September however, due to the feedback from the Parish Councils and results from investigations, the proposed designs are being reviewed and additions made.
The outline design commission has been completed and are progressing the scheme. A detailed design for individual parishes will be carried out and once these are completed, KCC will be contacting Parish Council for comments and feedback. Following Road Safety Audits, they will then be able to present the scheme in its entirety. .
The current account balance on 30th November 2019 £10931.58
The NS&I account balance is £11,824.85
The following cheques were signed:
Cheque No: 022034 J Sandy – Ground works £217.38
Precept & Budget 2020/21
Clerk presented draft budget/precept for 2020/21 to the Councillors.
The village website needs to be compliant with website & applications accessibility regulations, Councillors considered Clerk’s proposal increasing the precept to pay for a new website. There have been savings made by changing from a landline telephone to a mobile and the printing costs of the forester there has been significant saving of £930. Clerk has cut back on some of the expenditure items for 2020 i.e. tree maintenance. However, the Parish Council have to ring fence a contingency of money for possible unauthorised encampment which unfortunately has been a yearly occurrence.
Councillor Ramsden’s requested kissing gates to be installed at the bottom 2 entrances of the cricket ground and to be included in the budget. It was agreed for Clerk to enquire on prices for kissing gates and report back to the Councillors for their consideration. Clerk to provide figures of council tax precept for parishioners. Councillors to approve the budget/precept at the next parish meeting on the 9th January 2020.
Planning Applications
Following planning applications were discussed.
19/01610/AS Proposed dwelling on land at Nine Chimneys Farm, Church Lane, Challock
Outline application with all matters reserved for proposed new 2 bedroom detached chalet style bungalow and parking for two vehicles
Challock Parish Council supports this application providing neighbours views are taken into consideration. Comments received concerns regarding traffic during the school drop off/pick up times; already congested. .
19/01675/AS Oak Apple Cottage, Canterbury Road, Challock, Ashford, Kent, TN25 4DF
Proposed new dwelling together with garage
Challock Parish Council supports this application providing neighbour’s views are taken into consideration. Comments received concerns of congestion with car parking.
19/01693/AS Tectona Grandis, The Lees, Canterbury Road, Challock, Ashford, Kent, TN25 4BP
Proposed demolition of existing dwelling and construction of 2 detached dwellings at 'Tectona Grandis', (Resubmission of 19/01230/AS)
Challock Parish Council does not support this application. Too much in a small space best suited to a smaller dwelling. Not sympathetic to surroundings. Neighbour’s views should be taken into consideration.
19/01556/AS Eden Villa, Canterbury Road, Challock, Ashford, Kent,
TN25 4DL
Increase the height of the existing fence to 3.6m
Challock Parish Council does not support this application. The fence is considered too high and would not be in keeping.
169/01656/AS Althorp House, Pested Lane, Challock, Ashford, Kent, TN25 4BD
Change of use of land for animal training (retrospective) and proposed new building in relation to Business Use (dog behavioural & obedience training)
Challock Parish Council supports this application providing neighbour’s comments are taken into consideration.
Ratification of Planning Applications
The following planning applications were ratified.
19/001158/As Amended Plans 1 & 2 Woodland View, Buck Street, Challock, Ashford, TN25 4AR Provision of a new access and erection of one garage to serve unit
2 (Retrospective)
Challock Parish Council do not support this application. Firstly it should be for 2 vehicle accesses, as no vehicle access at this end of Woodland View was ever granted. There was only 1 vehicle access and a pedestrian access. If this permission is granted there will be 3. Buck Street is a very busy "A" road. You only have to look at all the roadside mirrors that have been erected recently. There are far too many vehicle entrances already approved. Ashford Borough Council planning department are clearly not looking at planning history.
19/01537/AS 1 Kiln Close, Challock, Ashford, Kent, TN25 4DA Demolition of double garage and replace with a detached two storey house with associated parking and rear amenity on land adjoining 1 Kiln Close Challock
Challock Parish Council commenting Church Lane is already at capacity and like it or not the junction of Church Lane and Kiln Close is a turning point for school traffic. The construction phase and after is going to put greater pressure on what already is a busy junction. Next door neighbour at Brinkhurst has objected due to privacy issues regarding being overlooked. I do not support. I'd like to raise an objection to this planning application as there is a grey water drain that connects the houses in Kiln Close to a soakaway, which I believe, is located in the area of the new build I would like clarification that the integrity of the drain/soakaway will not be affected by these works. Neighbours views should be taken into consideration.
Revised Village Confines Meeting
The final village confines map will be going to ABC Cabinet on the 19th December which it is expected to be adopted and become part of planning policy when commenting on future planning applications. The Parish Council is invited to attend the cabinet meeting and if we wish to comment on the report to let ABC know The Parish Council can request to speak at the cabinet meeting to ask a question.
Councillor’s discussed ABC’s decision to omit the blue line from the Lees area at the Memorial site and opposite. It was agreed for Councillor Jaques to attend the meeting and request a 3 minute speech to comment on the consultation process involving the revised village confines.
S106 Contributions
Clockhouse Green application was reported to committee in October 2019 and was deferred. As part of this process the agent/developer has had sight of the draft ‘Heads of Terms’ for the Section 106 Legal Agreement which details the projects identified and the amount of funds to be collected towards these.
The agent has indicated that the developer has no overall objection to providing the contributions requested provided they are funding identified schemes that are deliverable and which will directly address the additional impact of the proposed development on local amenities. The agent has indicated that they wish to see greater clarity on the requests to fund the MUGA and Skate Park. The agent has indicated that they would expect the MUGA and Skate Park to be refined proposals that have been fully costed and found to be deliverable within a specific time period rather than being just a notional aim.
Clerk is preparing costings and timeline for MUGA and Skate Park to send to ABC.
Items for Information
Faversham Road Footpath
ABC Ward Councillor Larry Krause informed the Parish Council a meeting due on December will discuss monies allocated for the Faversham Road footpath. Upon ABC’s approval KCC and Parish Council will be given the go ahead to commence with the design works.
75th VE Day Commemorative Celebrations May 2020
Town/Parish/Community Councils are being encouraged to take part in the ‘Nation’s Toast to the Heroes of WW2’ and the ringing of church bells as part of the nationwide ‘Ringing Out for Peace’ on the 8th May 2020 - VE Day. Councillor Jaques is making preparations for commemorative event.
Verge Markers – The Lees
Clerk has obtained prices for wooden verge markers. Jacksons Fencing £17.50 double amber reflectors 600 mm 20 posts £420 inc VAT (£350 ex VAT). Roseland Saddery double amber reflector 600 mm 20 posts £276.00. 20” durapol material white post £16.69 (£13.91 excl VAT). These posts are all push in but recommend cementing in. Additional costs for cement and grounds man £10 per hour. Challock Primary School has indicated giving a contribution towards costs.
Discussion took place regarding installing the verge markers and impact this would have. Concerns were raised moving the problem elsewhere but agreed the Lees needed protecting.
It was agreed for the verge markers to be put in place for a temporary period in order for the Lees to recover. Parishioner offered to supply wooden verge markers. Councillors agreed for the Clerk to liaise with parishioner to obtain a quotation.
Clerk informed the Parish Council Mrs Myrtle Newman our eldest parishioner has moved from Challock to Wye and requested to send a card and flowers wishing her well in her new home. All agreed.
Parish Forum
Parishioner questioned the Parish Council’s treatment of dealing with easements and whether it was considered fair. Parishioner commented on previous 2 easements were dealt with differently to the easement done in 2006 whereby the grantees covered the legal costs for both parties. Councillor Smith and Councillor Thomas responded there is no intent of unfairness. Councillor Smith assured parishioner matters concerning Trees and Hurstwood were being dealt with. It was agreed to arrange a meeting with parishioner within the next 2 weeks after the Parish Council has met with their solicitors to move this matter forward.
A parishioner raised concerns of parking around the school drop-off/pick-up times and having the verge markers on the Lees would only move the problem elsewhere i.e. Kiln Close which is already congested. Parishioner agreed the Lees require protection but a solution for alternative parking needs to be considered. Suggestions of staggering the school drop-offs/pick-up times further i.e. 3 pm and 3.20 pm may help reduce the congestion, subject to school’s consideration.
Meeting closed at 9.00 pm
Parish Council Meeting Dates for 2020
Next Parish Meeting to be held on Thursday, 9th January 2020
Future Parish Meeting Dates:
Thursday 13th February 2020
Thursday 12th March 2020
Thursday 16th April 2020
Thursday 21st May 2020
Tuesday 16th June 2020 Annual Parish Meeting Main Hall
Thursday 16th July 2020
Thursday 17th September 2020
Thursday 15th October 2020
Thursday 19th November 2020