Challock Parish Council Minutes


Memorial Hall, Audrey Allen room

Thursday, 13th February 2020, 7.50 pm


Members of public present: 12





KCC Councillor Charlie Simkins




Michael Fisher (Chairman), John Ramsden, Russell Jaques (Vice-Chair), Anthony Aitken, Max Thomas & Di Sandy (Clerk).




Michael Fisher thanked everyone for attending.


Declarations of Interest


Councilors no new changes to the declarations of interest.   


Minutes of Last Meeting


Minutes of 9th January 2020 meeting were signed by the Chairman Michael Fisher as an accurate record.


All agreed.


Councillor Co-option


Five members of the public applied for the two Councillor vacancies for Challock Parish Council.  Presentations took place prior to the Parish Meeting.  Councillors’ co-opted the applicant with the most votes by a show of hands.


Tracy Brown and Duncan Hardie were co-opted onto Challock Parish Council.  The Chairman thanked applicants for their expression of interest. The Chairman congratulated and welcomed Tracy Brown & Duncan Hardie onto Challock Parish Council.


Councillor Brown & Hardie signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office in the presence of the Clerk.


Chairman Fisher thanked all candidates for applying.


ABC Ward Councillor Larry Krause


Councillor Krause announced to the parish council; funds of £20,000 for the A251 foot path, Faversham Road have now been approved by ABC.  With KCC Charlie Simkins grant fund of £10,000 and the Parish Council’s contribution £4,000 the new footpath can now go ahead. 


The Chairman thanked Ward Councillor Krause.


Clerk’s Report


The Lees


Grounds man has filled the pot holes on all tracks.


Village Website


Clerk has made enquiries with new website due to accessibility regulations coming into force this September 2020.


Cantium is offering the first year contract free of charge and £675 per annum based on a 3-year contract for hosting service. The service offering includes migration of your current website to a new accessible solution, as well as support from our ITIL accredited service desk.


Town & Parish Council Websites quoted £499 for set up and £345 annual charge for web hosting, help & support.  There is an additional charge of £185 for copy/transfer of information from existing website. 


Clerk has enquired with Kent PC’s for a quotation. 


Councillor Training


Councillor training will be taking place in Kennington in March; date to be confirmed by KALC.


Planning Events 


There are two forthcoming planning events for S106 Agreements and the Community Levy – Tuesday 3rd March 2020 & Annual Planning Conference – Friday 13th March 2020


Both events are being held at Lenham Community Centre.


Councillor Representatives


Forester Sub-Committee – Vacancy to Chair the Forester Committee. Councillor Ramsden is one of the current members.  The sub-committee is made up of two members from the Parish Council and two representatives from Molash PC Chairman Sarah Williams and Clerk Tina Cobourn.  As the sub-committee is primary to Challock Parish Council and therefore the Chair person should be a member from Challock PC. Councillor Brown was proposed by Councillor Thomas and Seconded by Councillor Jaques.  Councillor Ramsden was proposed as Chair to the Forester Sub-Committee by Councillor Fisher and seconded by Councillor Jaques.


Primary School Representative - This was made vacant due to Councillor resignation.  Councillor Aitken was proposed by Councillor Thomas and seconded by Councillor Jaques.


William Oure Representative – This was made vacant due to Councillor resignation. Councillor Thomas was proposed by Chairman Fisher and seconded by Councillor Jaques.  


Noted. Councillor Representatives will be reviewed at the AGM in May 2020.




  • Received an email from KCC re Parish Highways Improvement Plan re supplementary procedure and template
  • An email from Terry Martin notifying of KCC forming a select committee on Affordable Housing. The select committee will gather information via hearing sessions with relevant witnesses and collect written submissions from experts and interested stakeholders. The Terms of Reference of the Select Committee are:


1.    To define and put into context affordable housing.

2.    To explore KCC’s current role in supporting the development of new affordable housing in Kent.

3.    To consider additional ways in which KCC can support the development of affordable housing in Kent.


·         An email from ABC informing that the Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Local Plan Options Report (Regulation 18) is available for consultation from Wednesday 8th January until the 21 February 2020 at 5pm.

  • An email from ABC providing free trees for the Parishes.  It is proposed that Aspire will write to the respective parishes across the borough introducing themselves and the project and asking for participation before the end of January. Parishes will be asked to gather their data during February and return it to Aspire. Arrangements will then be made to deliver the trees (10 samplings) and sundries in early March for parishes to involve their communities in the planting of the trees, in suitable locations.
  • Received an email from a parishioner regarding Northstead as potential buyers do not intend pursuing this planning application or building a second house on the property.
  • Received an email from KALC regarding subsidized tree packs provided by Kent Downs. The pack at £101.25 consists of 45 cell-grown saplings approximately 20-60cm in height, 15 of each species, 45 x 1.3m hardwood stakes, 45 x 1.2m tubex shelters and planting guidance.
  • Received an email from ABC and KALC regarding Government consultation on strengthening police powers to tackle unauthorised encampments. On Tuesday 5th November Government launched a consultation on new powers to criminalise unauthorised encampments; we would encourage all member councils to respond to this consultation. The closing date is 4 March 2020.
  • Received an email from KALC regarding the National Transport and Highways Survey 2019/20 – Councils across the UK are asking residents to tell them what they think of transport and roads services in their area. The National Highway and Transport Network have provided 6 independent surveys. You do not have to take them all. Each survey will only take a few minutes of you time. They are asking for views on accessibility; roads maintenance; public

Transport; road safety; tackling congestion; and walking and cycling. The surveys close

on 29 February 2020.

  • Received an enquiry from Throwley Parish Clerk on installing a defibrillator in their telephone box. Clerk has provided information.
  • Received email from Police bulletin offering free on-line training to the public. To become a CT (Counter Terrorism) Citizen so they can learn how to spot the signs of suspicious behaviour and understand what to do in the event of a major incident.  Clerk to add this information plus website to access the training in the forester and website.
  • Received email from KALC regarding invitation for the Lord Lieutenant of Kent’s Civic Service 2020 being held at Canterbury Cathedral on Tuesday 17th March 2020 commencing at 11.00 am.


Matters arising from correspondence


Clerk to complete on-line consultations.  Councillor Thomas commented that it is important the parish council responds to the on-line consultation regarding authorised encampments.




The current account balance on 31st January 2020 £9075.51


The NS&I account balance is £11,824.85


Received £94 interest deposit for NS&I account Balance £11,919.45


Emergency Tree Works


Due to severe weather last Sunday, the centre bough of the middle lime tree had split and was leaning on the third lime tree.  The tree surgeon came out first thing and said the tree was in a dangerous state and recommended it is taken down completely; there was a split forming on the other side of the tree.  Where the branch was leaning on the third tree had also caused damage and a split down the branch was forming. The tree surgeon removed this branch as well.  The price quoted was £1600 this included cutting down the tree, its removal and the stump grinded. 


The total tree works carried out during this current financial year has exceeded budget.  Total spent to date including the emergency tree works amounts to £4,650 against a budget of £1200.  The Clerk will be putting in a claim for VAT for £2500 in April and this will help offset the deficit. 


William Oure


Received cheque payment from Mr Collier re annual poor field rental £160


Account balance is £3945.85


The William Oure charity bank is with Nationwide Treasurers Account. Nationwide has notified the Parish Council that they are closing down treasurers accounts during 2020.   No details yet have been sent recommending alternative account Clerk will compare alternative accounts available which will produce the best interest rate. 


Clerk has completed the annual return to the Charity Commission.


Lees Maintenance


Received quotations from Aspire, Grounds man and Landscape Services.


Grass cutting for the main Lees –


Aspire 15 cuts £1516.95 at £101.13 or £1562.85 at £104.19 (3 year contract)

Landscape Services 15 cuts £1418.20


Grounds man quotation for back-up, strip of land Barn Shop & wooded area top end of the Lees £1100.


Landscape Services £1248.20


Councillors approved the Lees maintenance to be carried out by Landscape Services for Gang Mowing 15 cuts at £1418.20 and the Grounds man for the back-up, strip of land Barn Shop & wooded area top of the Lees £1100.


Councillors requested for the Clerk to enquire if Landscape Services can provide a quotation for gang mowing over a 3 year agreement. 


The following cheques were signed:


Cheque No 022047 Aspire Annual Grounds Maintenance Lees grass cutting £1531.61

Cheque No 022048 Clear Cut Trees emergency tree work £1600.


Councillor Krause left the meeting due to other commitments. 


Planning Applications


Following planning applications were discussed.


20/00164/AS The Rowans, Buck Street, Challock, Ashford, TN25 4AR

Demolition of existing rear utility; erection of a single storey rear extension


Challock Parish Council supports this application.


20/00165/AS Great Pested Farm, Pested Lane, Challock, Kent
Variation of condition 2 on planning permission 18/00476/AS (Conversion of existing agricultural barn to create holiday let and annexe for dependant family with detached stable block) to relocate the stable block approx. 28m further to the West.


Challock Parish Council supports this application.


Discussion took place of recent publicity regarding lost footpaths and deadline for reporting of foot paths is 2026. Councillor Jaques suggested contacting the Ramblers Association for assistance.


19/01063/AS Applegarth, Canterbury Road, Challock TN25 4DF

Construction of detached dwelling and garage



It was agreed to amend comments to not support application due to behind the building line, would not be in keeping to the surrounding area and AONB.  Backs onto surrounding ancient woodland. 


Ratification of Planning Applications


The following planning application was ratified.


20/00005AS & 20/00006/AS/ Green Lane Farm, Challock, Ashford, TN25

Proposal: Erection of a single storey rear extension; alteration to first floor bedroom window (Resubmission of application 18/00916/AS) Erection of a single storey rear extension; new openings at ground floor level; alteration to first floor bedroom window (Resubmission of application 18/00917/AS)


Challock Parish Council supports this application.


Complaint land behind Mill House, Canterbury Road, Challock


The Parish Council agreed for Clerk to write to Planning regarding planning conditions being breached. 


A251 Faversham Road


The Parish Council have received correspondence from Boughton Aluph and Badlesmere, Sheldwich Parish Councils concerning road safety along A251 Faversham Road.  The Chairman of Badlesmere, Sheldwich PC have requested a meeting with the Parish Council to discuss A251 and looking to come up with a joint proposal. The meeting is to take place at the Red Lion, Badlesmere on Wednesday, 19th February at 7.30 pm.  Councillor Jacques, Ramsden & Hardie have requested to attend. Clerk informed that Councillor from Boughton Aluph Parish Council will also be attending.


Verge Markers – The Lees


The Clerk has received several complaints from parishioners concerning parking on the Lees, in particular where residents who are running businesses from their home allowing their clients to park on the Lees grass and some residents are parking on the Lees.  This is in addition with the problems experienced at the top end of the Lees during the drop off and collection of primary school children. 


Councillors have agreed for the grounds man to install verge markers donated by parishioner at the top end of the Lees. 


Items for Information


75th VE Day Commemorative Celebrations May 2020


The VE Day Commemorative Celebrations the bank holiday will now be Friday, 8th May 2020.  The Five Church Walk will be taking place at the bank holiday 8th May 2020.  A meeting has been arranged to take place at the Audrey Allen room next Thursday, 20th February to assist and support Councillor Jacques with his organisation of the event.  The meeting to be held will discuss events planned.  Clerk has placed posters advertising the meeting on the notice boards.  Encourage parishioners to attend.  All will be welcomed.  


A251 Faversham Road Footpath


ABC Ward Councillor Larry Krause has confirmed ABC’s funding is now available for the implementation of the footpath.  KCC Ward Councillor Charlie Simkins has been notified for works to commence. 


Memorial Seat


Clerk has purchased memorial seat for Puff to be installed in the Church grounds in the spring.  The Clerk will liaise with the Church for an installation date and confirmation of siting of the seat.  Clerk to order memorial plaques for both Freda and Puff.




Fireworks – Councillor Aitken requested for the annual firework display to take place on Saturday, 31st October to coincide with Halloween.  Councillors agreed this is a great idea. 


Lees Track Maintenance – Chairman Fisher commented recent authorized encampments and tree works has put pressure on parish council finances.  The increase in planings and maintenance of the pot holes and reduction in income; no longer receiving monies for the 3 boot fairs & goose fair means the parish council can no longer continue to fund the pot hole maintenance. 


Parishioner commented on the entrance to one of the Lees track near Help Hire is in need of repair and is a safety concern.  Parishioner has offered to enquire on grants available to fund these repairs. 


Parish Forum


Parishioner has requested for speed monitoring to take place along the A252 Canterbury Road.  Parishioner is able to obtain 6 volunteers to assist.  Clerk to make enquiries with PC Aaron Newell for the volunteers to receive training and to book the equipment.   


Meeting closed at 9.15 pm


Parish Council Meeting Dates for 2020


Next Parish Meeting to be held on Thursday, 12th March 2020.


Future Parish Meeting Dates:



Thursday 16th April 2020

Thursday 21st May 2020

Tuesday 16th June 2020 Annual Parish Meeting Main Hall

Thursday 9th July 2020

Thursday 17th September 2020

Thursday 15th October 2020


Thursday 19th November 2020



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