Challock Parish Council Virtual Minutes
Memorial Hall, Audrey Allen room
Tuesday, 16th June 2020, 7.30pm
Members of public present: 2
Michael Fisher (Chairman), Russell Jaques (Vice Chair), John Ramsden, Tracy Brown, Max Thomas, Anthony Aitken, Duncan Hardie & Di Sandy (Clerk).
Michael Fisher thanked everyone for attending.
Declarations of Interest
Councillors no new changes to the declarations of interest. Councillor Brown informed the Parish Council of planning application to be decided at ABC Planning Committee Meeting this week.
Minutes of Last Meeting
Minutes of 19th May 2020 meeting were signed by Michael Fisher as an accurate record.
Proposed by Councillor Thomas and seconded by Councillor Ramsden.
All agreed.
Aaron Newell PCSO Monthly Report
I am pleased to report that crime and anti-social behaviour remain low.
This month I have received reports of nuisance and speeding vehicles in rural locations. This is disappointing to hear and not helped by the roads being quieter. Roads that have been mentioned are the A252 and A251.
Officers from Ashford Community Safety Unit will continue to patrol the area and intend to hold speed checks in various locations. A good way to combat speeding and to get communities involved is a scheme called ‘Community Speed Watch’. Please contact me if you would like more information on the scheme or would like to volunteer.
Kent Police have also received reports of nuisance vehicles on Pilgrims Lane and Dunn Street using the byways between Westwell and Charing. Officers have been out on different occasions and will continue to patrol the area. One such group, a group of 20+ off road bikes that were causing an issue had come down from South East London to use their off-road bikes in the middle of lockdown! On this occasion they were given strong words of advice and told to immediately return home.
Parking at Kings Wood has also been raised as a concern. Due to the current Covid situation Kings Wood car parks have been closed. This has resulted in people parking their vehicles along White Hill. This has caused some traffic issues. I am in contact with Forestry England and will monitor the parking issue.
I will continue to patrol the area as much as possible and deal with any incidents. As always, I would like to remind readers to report any incidents of crime, anti-social behaviour, or nuisance vehicles either on 999/101 or on the Kent Police website. The more reports Kent Police receive the better we can deal with the incidents.
Last month I mentioned about reporting incidents of fly tipping to Ashford Borough Council. I have been helpfully made aware that Ashford Borough Council have an app which can be downloaded on mobile phones. This has a section called ‘Report It’ that includes fly tipping and is easy to use. It links to the phone camera and location (if location service is switched on) making it easy to identify the location of the fly tip. This can also be used to report other environmental issues such as noise, and dog fouling.
Clerk’s Report
Clerk has reported overgrown vegetation along the verge and foot path, Buck Street.
Some of this area has had the vegetation cut back including Blind Lane. Grounds man has strimmed back overgrown vegetation along the bus lay-by and footpath.
The grounds man has strimmed back overgrown vegetation along the footpath adjacent to Help Hire towards Green Lane junction, Canterbury Road. Clerk to contact residents in Clevedon Court to request conifer hedge is cut back from the footpath.
Clerk has reported damaged street name Green Lane to ABC.
PROW – Public Rights of Way
Due to KCC PROW unable to clear vegetation during the covid 19 pandemic the grounds man has cleared the vegetation along footpath adjacent to the Beeches.
The Lees
Grounds man has cleared/tidy around Memorial and strimmed along Church Lane foot way leading up towards the school.
Play Park
Grounds man has tilled the play park and strimmed inside/outside area. The grounds man will pressure wash the play equipment towards the end of June. The play park gate is currently padlocked. A play park inspection by ROSPA is due to take place in July. The level of bark is below the required 300mm, a top up of bark is required. There is currently a national shortage on pine bark and expected delivery is not due until mid-July. The cost of bulk bag of pine bark is £76 plus VAT. However, Bournes Amenity have advised there is premium pine bark at £80 plus VAT per bulk bag available and can be delivered in time for our play park inspection. Clerk has ordered 20 bulk bags of pine bark to be delivered week commencing 22nd June.
Parish Council’s budget for replacement play equipment is £2,000. Clerk has contacted play park equipment suppliers for quotations for new toddler and junior swings. Clerk has also requested quotations for a nest swing. So far, the clerk has received quotations from Lappsett, Wicksteed & Monster Play & Caloo and is waiting on Playdale to provide a quote. Playdale is also going to give a quote for a hand sanitizer system to be installed at the entrance to the play park and have been told this will cost in the region of £1,000. Clerk to make enquiries to other suppliers for an outdoor hand sanitizer system. Clerk will see if funding is available and has contacted ABC for an update on the S106 contributions. The following quotations are:
Lappsett quotation for nest, toddler & junior swings £7,395
Monster Play & Caloo quotation for nest, toddler & junior swings £5,994
Wicksteed quotation for nest, toddler & junior swings £6,978
- Received email from a parishioner for an update on legal matter with Girlings concerning their driveway and requesting to purchase the grass (Lees common) at the front of the house or to allow to put hard standing mesh underneath the grass for 2 cars to temporarily use to park on in the day. They would drive on and off during the day and would not be every day but would protect the grass area.
- Received an email from Susan Wood (Secretary to KALC Area Committee) suggesting sending a letter of thanks to ABC for its efforts during the current coronavirus crisis. We have been kept informed of the support being offered, the bins have been emptied etc. and it is felt that ABC has performed significantly better than other borough councils.
- Received an email from Susan Wood (Secretary KALC Area Committee) regarding new planning considerations under Covid 19 and to send an email to ABC’s Head of the Planning Dept that ABC should include "a site being next to or near to homes" as a 'compelling' reason for refusing requests for extended working hours under the new regulations.
- Received an email from parishioners offering help with speed watch.
- Received an update from Sophie Robins informing the parish council the owners 1 – 5 Lilybuds are ready to proceed with the deed of easements. Documents to follow for parish council to sign.
- Received an email from parishioner concerning recent consultation of the A252 Safety Road Improvements and requesting consideration for the speed limit from Monkery Lane towards Challock Lees be reduced from 50 mph to 40.
- Received notification for Amendment 28 a speed limit Order on the A252 Charing to Chilham road in the Borough of Ashford. Notices have been placed on site and this order will be on public deposit from this Friday 12 June until 6 July 2020 and will be advertised in the Kent Messenger week ending Friday 12 June 2020.
Representations for supporting or objecting to the proposed Order can be made via the website or can write in. Closing date is 6th July 2020.
- Received an email from Neighbour Watch informing the parish council PSCO Aaron Newell will be available to receive questions on-line police surgery on Thursday, 18th June, 1.30 pm to 3.30 pm. Clerk has posted details on notice boards and website.
- Received an email from a parishioner concerning the recent unauthorised encampment and suggestion of installing concrete bollards, tree trunks etc. to prevent re-occurrence of unauthorised access.
- Received an email from Sara Martin request permission to plant a tree or shrub in memory of her dad (John Mitchell) for all his hard work, support, and dedication as Chairman to Challock & Molash Gardening Society on the Lees. A tree or shrub of the parish council choosing.
- Received an email from HM Prisons & Probation Service notifying of Community Payback Scheme. Where offenders can be asked to carry out Community Payback in their local area. Examples include removal of graffiti, charity work, clearing wasteland and decorating public buildings – such as a community centre.
- Received an email from parishioners concerning the public deposit notices regarding changes to speed limit along the A252. Parishioners request the speed limit should be 30 mph throughout the village and speed cameras installed.
Matters arising from correspondence
- Councillors discussed parishioner’s request to purchase a strip of Lees or to allow for mesh surface for the parking of 2 cars during the day. The Lees is common land and is protected, the Parish Council will not permit the sale of common land or give permission for parishioner’s customers to park on the Lees common. Letters have been sent out to residents who have been parking their cars on grass areas of the Lees. The Parish Council have instructed Girlings solicitor to write to the parishioner regarding deed of easement to the widening of the driveway.
- Councillors discussed parishioner’s request for measures to prevent future unauthorised access to the Lees. Clerk informed Councillors awaiting on a quotation from Commercial Services for installation of concrete bollards or wooden verge markers. Councillors agreed upon receipt of quotations to raise consultation with parishioners.
- Councillors agreed to look at possible sites on the Lees for further memorial tree to be planted
A252 Safer Road Scheme Fund
Clerk has emailed Andy Bond asking if they would review the speed limit currently set at 50 mph from Monkery Lane junction to the Lees, Beech Gardens be reduced to 40 mph. The following day the parish council received notification of consultation for changes in speed limits along the A252 Charing to Chilham.
Reduced to 50 mph Canterbury Road, Charing – Junction with
Faversham Road to its junction with Squids Gate Lane.
From its junction with Squids Gate Lane to junction with Monkery Lane.
From junction with Faversham Road to its junction with Pested Lane.
Reduced to 40 mph Canterbury Road, Challock – From junction with
Monkery Lane to boundary of Applegarth.
Canterbury Road, Molash – From junction with Pound Lane to junction with Church
Reduced to 30 mph Charing Hill – From junction with
Bowl Road to its junction with Faversham Road. Canterbury Road, Charing.
Canterbury Road/Faversham Road, Challock roundabout.
Councillors agreed for the Clerk to send comments to KCC Highways consultations to support the speed limit changes. Clerk to comment on parishioners’ request for 30 mph speed limit throughout the village on the A252 and to state we are currently campaigning for a 30 mph limit along the A251 Faversham Road, Buck Street.
Faversham Road Footpath
Received notification from Darren Hibbert KCC Highways looking to commence surveys and request written permission from residents to access front of their gardens to carry out topography survey and confirmation they are still willing to give up 1.5 metres of front gardens to accommodate a new footpath. Clerk is waiting on 5 replies.
Councillor Fisher requests Clerk chases up residents waiting on a reply.
Bank Reconciliation for May 2020 attached.
The current account balance on 31st May 2020 is £14224.74
Received £2098.12 VAT Refund from HMRC
The NS&I account balance is £11,919.45
Internal Audit
The internal audit took place on Tuesday, 9th June 2020. The Auditor Lionel Robbins signed the AGAR with no concerns. Lionel Robbins found all the financial records to be accurate and up to date. There were no unexplained entries in the bank reconciliations.
The Clerk’s contract of employment dates from 2007. There have been numerous legislative and best practice changes since then and the contract needs to be updated. Clerk requests assistance from Councillor in drawing up a new employment contract. Councillor Smith agreed to review employment contract. To be approved at the next parish meeting. Councillor Fisher suggested Clerk can send draft employment contract to his daughter who works in HR.
AGAR – Annual Governance Statement and Accounting Statements
Annual Governance and Annual Returns is now an on-line submission.
Approval of Annual Governance Statement 2019/20
The Parish Council approved the Annual Governance Statement 2019/20.
The Chairman and Clerk signed the Annual Governance Statement 2019/20
Approval of Accounting Statements 2019/20
The Parish Council approved the Accounting Statements 2019/20
The Chairman and Clerk signed the Accounting Statements 2019/20
Parish Council Insurance Renewal
Parish Council insurance was renewed on the 1st June 2020 and taken out with BHIB through NALC (National Association of Local Councils). The parish council has entered into a 3-year agreement at £488 per annum a saving of £312 against budgeted for £800.The level of cover is like previous insurer.
Challock Parish Council Risk Register
Parish Clerk has updated parish council risk assessment register to include measures under Covid 19. Councillors approved the risk register.
Proposed by Councillor Thomas and Seconded by Councillor Smith
All agreed.
The following cheques were signed by Councillor Fisher and Ramsden
Chq no 022064 Able Enforcement – Unauthorised encampment £3030.
Clerks Salary Adjustment
Clerk’s salary payment has been reduced due to increase in tax payment. A letter has been sent to Santander signed by Councillor Fisher & Councillor Ramsden to amend the standing order. Waiting on confirmation from Santander that standing order has been changed. Clerk for the interim has paid 2 x salary adjustment of £25.20.
There were no planning applications to discuss.
Ratification of Planning Applications
There were no applications to ratified.
Items for Information
Memorial Plaques
Clerk has ordered the memorial plaques for Freda Cantle and Puff Miller. Upon receipt of the plaques the Clerk will deliver the tree plaque for Freda Cantle to her family and the groundsman will fix the plaque for Puff Miller to the bench. Clerk will inform Puff’s family when the plaque has been fixed.
Village Website
The Clerk has applied to HCI Data Ltd for a new domain containing it usually takes 1 week for the request to be processed by the Government Naming Committee that authorises domain name and a decision to be made. The cost of a successful registration is £109 plus VAT. The registration needs renewing every two years, the current renewal fee is £75 plus VAT. After the domain has been registered HCI Data Ltd will email an invoice to the Clerk and will be contacted again of the decision to accept or reject the domain name.
HCI Data Ltd normally only deals with the clerk as the Proper Officer of the Council. Clerk has given permission for HCI Data Ltd to liaise with Councillor Hardie on technical issues. The registration will use 07895494851 as the publicly visible telephone number for Challock Parish Council and the publicly visible address will just be the post code TN25 4BP.
There will not be any charge by HCI Data Ltd for the technical changes required for the Parish Council to use Office 365 for our email. Similarly, there will not be any charge by HCI Data Ltd for the technical change required for using a third party for web site hosting. Many of their parish council clients are using Office 365 for their email and Hugo Fox for their web sites.
Once registration has been authorised the Parish Council will be able to launch the new website and set up new emails for the Clerk and Councillors.
Hand Sanitizers for Community Places
Clerk has ordered 4 wall hand sanitizers and 5 litre bottles of anti-bacteria and will be invoiced once delivery is imminent. Clerk has notified the Village Hall Committee, Cricket Club, Methodist Chapel and Challock Church.
Councillor Jaques commented on recent notice on Parish Council Facebook request for volunteers for community speed watch. Clerk confirmed she had received offers of assistance from parishioners and will be liaising with community speed watch.
Parish Forum
No matters were raised by parishioners in attendance.
The meeting closed at 8.25 pm
Parish Council Meeting Dates for 2020
Next Parish Meeting Thursday, 16th July 2020
Future Parish Meeting Dates:
Thursday 16th July
Thursday 17th September
Thursday 15th October
Thursday 19th November