Challock Parish Council Meeting (Edited Minutes)
Memorial Hall, Audrey Allen room
Thursday 21st March 2013, 7.30pm
Members of public present: 10
John Ramsden (Holiday), Diane Ashworth (Holiday)
Roger Spicer, Stephen Brandon, Nicholas Fox, Michael Fisher, Akile Clinton, David Robey (Ward Councillor) Kirstie Wooltorton (Clerk),
David Robey
David provided an update on the latest news and developments from Ashford Borough Council.
David commented on the village confines pilot and acknowledged that good progress had been made.
David confirmed he will soon be meeting with Challock School with regard to parking issues during the school-run.
Councillors thanked David for his community ward member grant towards the proposed new war memorial.
Clerk to add David’s contact details to the back page of the Forester.
Minutes of Last Meeting
Minutes of 17th January 2013 meeting were signed by Roger Spicer as an accurate record.
Clerk’s Report
Nothing to report
Highway Issues
The Groundsman has filled potholes on all three Lees tracks
Clerk reported pot hole on Blind Lane to Kent Highways which has now been repaired
Clerk also reported pot holes on A251 Canterbury Road
Clerk contacted Kent Highways to grit roads and paths in the village during recent snowfall
Clerk contacted local farmer to clear village hall car park with his snow plough
Nothing to report
Community Ward Member Grant of £609.40 received from David Robey towards the war memorial.
Play area
The Groundsman will reinstate the shade canopy for the summer
Email from David Robey regarding possible community ward member grant of up to £650 towards a war memorial. Councillors thanked David Robey for his grant.
Letter from Girlings regarding Mr Shirley’s oral examination.
Letter and Wayleave Agreement from UKPN regarding further improvements to electricity supply. Noted.
Email from the Youth Club requesting use of the Lees for a Boot Fair on Sunday 7th July 2013. Agreed.
Letter from Cricket Club requesting use of the Lees for a Boot Fair on Monday 26th August 2013. Agreed.
Letter from Goose Fair Committee requesting use of the Lees on Sunday 8th September 2013. Agreed.
Letter from BTF confirming Leahurst easement valuation. Noted.
Email from ABC Community Safety regarding anti-social behavior in the village hall car park. Clerk replied informing it would not be possible to close the car park at night as the hall is in constant use and suggested the Community Warden should carry out some evening visits. Noted.
Letter from Biffa regarding recycling and refuse collection services. Clerk has requested Biffa attend the Parish Council meeting in May to present more details of the service. Noted. Clerk to contact Biffa to check on refuse collections from the village hall.
Items for information
Kevin Funnell, the Parish Council Auditor, will be carrying out the Parish Council Audit on 26th April 2013
The village confines pilot has progressed very well.
The workshop group met with Martin Vink, Richard Alderton, Gerry Clarkson and David Robey on 6th March at Ashford Borough Council to receive their initial feedback.
The workshop group met again on 17th March to discuss this feedback and have produced a revised plan taking ABC’s feedback into consideration.
The next stage is for the accompanying notes to be honed by the Clerk and Martin Vink prior to final submission to Ashford’s Cabinet.
If approved the plan and report could be given weight in any decisions relating to new housing in Challock. Roger Spicer thanked the workshop group for their efforts to date.
The NALC legal team advised that an easement should be charged if a new central entrance is created at Leahurst.
Councillors felt that the Parish Council should be consistent and requested a formal valuation before agreeing an easement payment with the developer.
BTF valued the easement at £2,000 and this has now been agreed by all parties. Clerk has written to the developer confirming charge and conditions with regard to the creation of the new central access and reinstatement of existing.
No payment has been received as yet.
The neighbours either side of Leahurst have expressed a preference for the entrance to be moved to the centre of the plot.
Clerk met a Wayleave surveyor from UKPN on 7th February regarding further improvements to electricity supply. UKPN want to remove the H pole on the Lees and replace it with a compact sub-station. They also want to remove some overhead lines and replace them with underground cable along the edge of the Lees.
Cheque for £150 received for the Poor Field rent and paid into the William Oure Charity. The balance is currently £3,091.96.
Clerk submitted pre-application advice for the war memorial in the hope that it could be carried out as permitted development.
Ashford Borough Council advised that a full planning application would be required and this has now been submitted at a cost of £97.50.
Revised quote received from Deryck Sutton in the sum of £2,713.90 for the supply and installation of the war memorial, excluding the base.
The Parish Council office has now been sold for £250 and needs to be removed by mid April. Clerk will arrange disconnection of the electricity and transfer of BT line to the village hall.
Clerk will purchase new lockable filing cabinets to be placed in the Audrey Allen room.
Peter Willows, Community Warden, provided a written report for Councillors. Peter can be contacted on mobile tel: 07813 695817.
Peter informed that there had been four burglaries in February/March and that he has been monitoring the school-run traffic.
There was a security road show at the Challock farmers market on 1st February 2013.
Akile Clinton updated Councillors with latest news from KALC Ashford Area Committee meeting.
Councillors requested Clerk to investigate options for planting trees/shrubs on the verge between the roundabout and the barn shop.
The meeting closed at 8.30pm
The next Parish Council meeting is on Thursday 23rd May 2013
Parish Council meeting dates for 2013
Thursday 25th July
Thursday 19th September
Thursday 28th November