Challock Parish Council Meeting (Edited Minutes)


Memorial Hall, Audrey Allen room

Thursday 20th March 2014, 7.30pm


Members of public present: 7








Diane Ashworth (holiday)





Roger Spicer, Stephen Brandon, John Ramsden, Akile Clinton, Michael Fisher, Nichola Fox, Kirstie Wooltorton (Clerk), Diane Sandy (Assistant Clerk)



Minutes of Last Meeting


Minutes of 16th January 2014 meeting were signed by Roger Spicer as an accurate record



David Robey


David provided an update on the latest news and developments from Ashford Borough Council



Clerk’s Report




The Groundsman has removed two leaning trees on the road to the Post Office


The Goundsman has removed a fallen tree adjacent to the village hall car park


It was agreed that a resident could clear 4 fallen trees on the Lees next to Tanglewood for firewood


The verge between the roundabout and Barn Shop has been cut


The Lees will be cut this week



Highway Issues


The Groundsman has filled potholes on all three Lees tracks


Clerk has reported potholes on A251 and A252 to Kent Highways




Nothing to report





Nothing to report



Play area


One of the parallel ropes has been stolen. Clerk has ordered a replacement







Email from Methodist Chapel requesting use of the Lees for boot fair on Monday 26th May 2014. Councillors agreed




Letter from Girlings regarding legal costs recovery from Mr Shirley. Noted




Email from ABC confirming 2014/2015 Precepts. Noted




Email requesting use of the Lees for parking for school fair to be held 27th September 2014. Councillors agreed




Email from the Youth Club requesting use of the Lees for boot fair on Sunday 13th July 2014. Councillors agreed





Email from Kent Highways regarding request for safety improvements on A252 Canterbury Road. Noted




Email from resident regarding wheelie bins permanently left on verge outside Austen Mews, Green Lane – Clerk has contacted the letting agent and ABC




Tree hazard assessment and quote from Envirocology Ltd. Councillors asked Clerk to get a second quote




Email complaint about bonfires. Bonfire guidelines in next Forester




Councillors considered boot fair fees and agreed that there will now be a flat rate fee of £100 for use of the Lees.




Planning applications


Planning application given to Councillors


Listed Building Consent/Planning Application to be discussed at meeting


Laurenden Forstal, Blind Lane, Challock, Ashford, TN25 4AU


Removal of internal walls to create combined kitchen breakfast room with office and pantry. Creation of new doorway from dining room, enlarging 2No small windows to form one larger window and fitting of oak doors in North elevation. Infilling of space between kitchen and dressing room for use in pantry and office. Pitching Kent peg tile roof to perimeter of flat roofed dressing room and fitting insulation to walls, floor and roof


Councillors supported this application.



Broomfield, Blind Lane, Challock, Ashford, TN25 4AU 


Construction of new front porch


Councillors supported this application.



Items for Information



Village Confines


Ashford Borough Council Cabinet approved the Built Envelope Report on Challock on 13th March 2014, which means that it will now become a material consideration in judging Planning Applications for houses in the village.


There will still be the requirement to come forward with well designed, good quality proposals, that meet all other relevant ABC Policies, such as Parking and Space standards etc, and which fit in with the 'look' of the village.



Goose Fair storage container


The Clerk has ordered the storage container and this will be delivered soon, as ground conditions have improved



Parish Council Audit


Kevin Funnell, the Parish Council Auditor, will be carrying out the Parish Council Audit on 25th April 2014



William Oure Charity


Cheque received from Mr Nightingale for £150 as rent payment for the Poor Field.


Charity Commission description of William Oure Charity

To support elderly villagers who are in need. To support villagers or their families who have suffered a tragic accident or bereavement


Nicholas Fox requested an article be placed in the Forester to let villagers know about the charity. Clerk to arrange



Trees on Post Office road


UK Power Networks disconnected the power on Friday 24th January to enable the Groundsman to cut two leaning trees



Skate Park


Clerk met Sovereign Play Equipment on site to discuss options. Proposals and costs awaited



Akile Clinton – leave of absence request


To comply with s.85 of the Local Government Act 1972, Akile has requested a leave of absence for 12 months maternity leave.


Councillors congratulated Akile and agreed 12 month maternity absence. Akile is our KALC, Parish Forum and Play Area representative which Diane Ashworth and Michael Fisher have agreed to cover respectively.



The meeting closed at 8.25pm



Parish Council meeting dates for 2014


Thursday 29th May

Thursday 24th July

Thursday 18th September

Thursday 27th November



The next Parish Council meeting is on Thursday 29th May 2014



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