Challock Parish Council Annual General Meeting (Edited Minutes)
Memorial Hall, Audrey Allen room
Thursday 29th May 2014, 7.30pm
Members of public present: 4
Roger Spicer (Business), Akile Clinton (Maternity Leave)
Stephen Brandon, John Ramsden, Michael Fisher, Diane Ashworth, Nicholas Fox, Kirstie Wooltorton (Clerk)
Election of Chair
Roger Spicer wished to stand as Chair. Roger Spicer was proposed by Stephen Brandon and seconded by Diane Ashworth. There were no other proposals
Election of Vice Chair
Stephen Brandon wished to stand as Vice Chair. Stephen Brandon was proposed by Diane Ashworth and seconded by Nicholas Fox. There were no other proposals
Election of Representatives
Councillors discussed and agreed the representatives for the next year. Table of representatives attached
Minutes of Last Meeting
Minutes of 20th March 2014 meeting were signed by Stephen Brandon as an accurate record
Clerk’s Report
The Groundsman has removed an overhanging branch on Canterbury Road footpath
The Goundsman has strimmed along Canterbury Road and Church Lane
Landscape Services have carried out a full back up cut of The Lees
Highway Issues
The Groundsman has filled potholes on all three Lees tracks
Clerk reported light out on roundabout
Clerk reported blocked PROW to KCC PROW officer
Nothing to report
Nothing to report
Play area
Stolen parallel rope has been replaced
Shade canopy has been put up
The Goundsman has strimmed around play park
Internal Audit Report received from Kevin Funnell. Noted
Email from resident regarding PROW blocked by new fences behind Lord’s Farm. Noted
Email from Came and Company regarding renewal of Parish Council Insurance. Noted
Email from RoSPA confirming play area audit will be carried out in July. Noted
Planning applications
Application discussed at meeting
Land between Dorset Bungalow and The Paddocks, Faversham Road, Challock
Erection of 4 pairs of semi-detached dwellings with access road & parking
Councillors viewed the plans and support this application in line with the Challock Confines Policy.
The dwellings are well designed and in keeping with neighbouring properties. The issue of access meets Kent Highways approval and the new footpath link to the site should be a condition of planning.
This site is included in the new village envelope which allows for infill development only.
Diane Ashworth confirmed that the development does not affect the existing PROW.
Clerk to contact Ashford Borough Council regarding developer contribution for the village.
Audit for 2013-2014
Kevin Funnell, the Parish Council Auditor, carried out the Parish Council Audit on Friday 25th April 2014
Internal Audit Report for 2013-2014 attached
Kevin Funnell was very pleased with Parish Council procedures
Audit Commission form was signed by Chairman and Clerk and Clerk will send to Littlejohn LLP Chartered Accountants for the external audit
Items for Information
Charlie Simkins – KCC Councillor
Report for year to 30 April 2014
I have served exactly a year since being elected last May to succeed Richard King who stood down after 16 years.
At County Hall, I sit on six committees covering a broad spectrum spanning Planning, Environment and Transport, Scrutiny of the Budget, Regulation and Superannuation. My role is therefore to balance these responsibilities with supporting my Constituents and responding to their problems. In itself this is a challenging task, but it is helped by the support and professionalism of the officers with whom I come into contact at KCC. They are the unsung heroes and it is right to acknowledge their dedication.
As is widely known the County council, along with all local authorities, is experiencing a serious reduction in funding from Central Government. It is estimated that this will result in an annual shortfall of just over £80m for the next four years. As a result KCC has instigated a project certified ‘transformation’ which is taking an in depth look at the structure and financing of all the major departments. This is likely to result in a degree of outsourcing to commercial enterprises with the aim of retaining high quality front line services. Clearly, this will result in a very different looking type of Council in the future with the emphasis on a greater degree of commerciality.
To conclude, after a year serving you as a Councillor I am fully aware of the scope of the role which I will do my best to fulfill. I hope that if you have concerns you will reflect them either through the Parish Council or directly to me.
Recycling Credit
The last recycling credit in the sum of £4,375.18 has been received from Ashford Borough Council. This covers the period up to September 2014.
It is likely that the recycling bins will be removed. The Parish Council currently pays the village hall £105 per month rent for siting the bins but this payment will have to stop.
Councillors requested Clerk find out when the recycling bins will be removed. .
Trees on The Lees
Following Councillors request two further quotes for the tree work on The Lees have been obtained as follows:
Landscape Services £4,338.00
Pete Vogel £3,520.00
Envirocology Ltd £2,471.42
Envirocology Ltd will be carrying out the more urgent tree works shortly
Village shop car park
The potholes in the shop car park have been repaired.
Peter Willows
Peter confirmed he has been carrying out high visibility patrols. There have been some recent shed/outbuilding break-ins in the village.
At a recent Farmers Market, Peter had a table with the Kent Police for crime prevention advice and property safety items.
During Ashford’s safer parking week recently Kent Police and traffic wardens attended outside the primary school to encourage responsible parking.
Stuart Manning is the PCSO for the village.
Village Hall extension
Stephen Brandon confirmed the building works will start soon and the Village Hall Committee no longer require the Parish Council to administer the contract but they still require the £3,000 donation.
Signs damaged on roundabout
Clerk asked to report damaged signs to Kent Highways.
Speeding motorbikes through village
Concerns were raised about speeding motorbikes through the village. Clerk to contact PCSO and Kent Police.
Akile Clinton
Councillors congratulated Akile on the birth of her twins.
Parish Council meeting dates for 2014
Thursday 24th July
Thursday 18th September
Thursday 27th November
The next Parish Council meeting is on Thursday 24th July 2014