Challock Parish Council Meeting minutes
Memorial Hall, Audrey Allen room (Edited minutes)
Thursday 18th September 2014, 7.30pm
Members of public present: 18
Akile Clinton (Maternity Leave)
Roger Spicer, Stephen Brandon, John Ramsden, Diane Ashworth, Michael Fisher, Nicholas Fox, Kirstie Wooltorton (Clerk), Diane Sandy (Assistant Clerk), Charlie Simkins KCC Councillor, David Robey ABC Ward Councillor
Minutes of Last Meeting
Minutes of 24th July 2014 meeting were signed by Roger Spicer as an accurate record
Clerk’s Report
The Groundsman has installed the paving around the war memorial
The Goundsman has cut the hedge along Canterbury Road (outside Portulacea Gardens)
Landscape Services have carried out a full back up cut of The Lees
The Groundsman has prepared the area for the new storage containers
Highway Issues
The Groundsman has filled potholes on all three Lees tracks
Clerk reported the following faults to Kent Highways:
damaged gully cover on Canterbury Road
potholes in Green Lane
damaged signs on roundabout
Nothing to report
Nothing to report
Play area
The Goundsman has strimmed around and tilled the play area
The Groundsman has replaced the broken fence at the play park
RoSPA report for play area has been received. No problems were identified
Charlie Simkins
Charlie provided an update on the latest news and developments from County Hall. He has now served 16 months since being elected last May to succeed Richard King.
At County Hall, Charlie sits on six committees covering a broad spectrum spanning Planning, Environment and Transport, Scrutiny of the Budget, Regulation and Superannuation.
Charlie explained various issues recently discussed at County Hall including healthcare for elderly people to help them stay in their own homes and the street light turn off pilot.
Although not universally popular, there is no evidence to say that more accidents and crime have occurred since the street light turn off scheme started. Three lorry park locations are being considered to ease the problem of lorries parking in villages etc.
He also confirmed that the broadband scheme will, unfortunately, not be coming to Challock due to its topography.
If you wish to contact Charlie Simkins, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone 01233 756705.
David Robey
David provided an update on the latest news and developments from Ashford Borough Council including Chilmington Green, the Outlet and High Street proposals for redevelopment and regeneration.
Roger Spicer asked how ABC would balance the High Street in Ashford with a new bigger Outlet.
David Robey confirmed they are looking at a possible strategy of putting housing and offices in the High Street in conjunction with redevelopment.
External Audit returned from Littlejohn LLP Chartered Accountants. Approved. Noted.
Letter from Challock Farmers Market regarding current committee retirement. Clerk to place notice in the Forester, village website and notice boards. Chairman read letter out.
Chairman has received direct correspondence from Mr Shirley making false accusations. Chairman will reply.
RoSPA report for play area. No problems were identified
Finance update for July and August 2014 given to Councillors
Next half of Precept and CFG is due in October 2014
Steve Brandon asked when the last rent payment for the recycling bins will be made to the village hall. Clerk confirmed we have budgeted for payment until December 2014. ABC will be removing the recycling bins shortly.
Councillors agreed to continue rent payments until December 2014.
Steven Brandon confirmed that the village hall extension works will start next week. The Parish Council donation of £3,000 will be required shortly.
Planning applications
Councillors viewed and discussed the following applications at the meeting:
Land between Hurstwood and Haverbrook, Canterbury Road, Challock
Erection of 5 detached dwellings.
Councillors supported this application
Some residents at the meeting raised concerns about the condition and maintenance of the Lees track if planning permission is granted by ABC for 5 houses on the land between Hurstwood and Haverbrack.
Councillors confirmed that the Parish Council will continue to maintain the Lees tracks as it does now.
Residents were also concerned about loss of the field hedge which is a lot thinner due to trees being blown down during the winter storms.
Councillors agreed to plant new trees on the Lees in front of the hedge to replace those lost during the winter.
Land between Tollgate Cottage and The Firs, Buck Street, Challock
Erection of four detached dwellings and one pair of semi-detached dwellings Creation of new access points to the highway.
Councillors generally supported this application but were concerned about the number of access points onto the A251. Councillors would support an amendment to the layout, to reduce the proposed access points from 5 to 2, which would provide safer ingress/egress from the site.
Councillors also felt that there is insufficient detail about the landscaping plans for plot 5.
Footpath installations should also be a condition of planning.
Laurenden Cottage, Blind Lane, Challock
Proposed single storey garden room with external hard paving area; minor external landscaping works.
Councillors supported this application
Unit 3 Prestige House, Landews Meadow, Green Lane, Challock
Variation of condition 4 of planning permission 00/00022/AS - To allow access to the offices in unit 3 outside of the restricted hours stated.
Councillors objected to this application
There is some concern about the amount of planning applications in the village and the strain this may place on the village.
Roger Spicer explained that the school has over 200 places and at present a lot of children come to Challock school from outside the village. Children from any new houses would go to Challock School.
The Parish Council knew that there would be a rash of planning applications following completion of the Challock confines report.
It is better for the village that housing is provided by smaller infill sites rather than from a very large single site.
Items for Information
Boot Fairs
The Cricket Club boot fair was held on Monday 25th August. As it rained all day the Parish Council will not charge the boot fair on this occasion.
Commemorative Service at war memorial
Reverend Paul Radcliff held a World War 1 commemorative service at the war memorial at 2pm on 3rd August. This was well attended.
Mains Drainage
Clerk has spoken to Ian Derham, Project Manager at Southern Water Services about a mains drainage scheme in Challock. Ian confirmed that the individual cost to each household would be substantial and a mains drainage scheme would cost millions.
Buy-in from the majority of households is unlikely, as although some properties do have problems with their septic tanks/treatment plants, these problems are not widespread.
Southern Water do not have any long term plans to bring mains drainage to Challock as the logistics of such a scheme would be extremely difficult. (pumping stations, individual property connections)
The Parish Council could pay approximately £5,000 for a feasibility report telling us that such a scheme would be cost prohibitive.
The lack of mains drainage and mains gas does discourage large scale residential planning applications.
Councillors discussed and agreed no further action at this time.
War memorial paving
The granite paving around the war memorial has been completed. Diane Ashworth said how good the war Memorial looks.
Goose Fair storage container
One 20ft storage container has already been installed behind the cricket pavilion. Another 20ft storage container will be installed soon. Once installed, the Groundsman will paint both containers green. The Village Fund is donating £2,000 towards the total cost of approximately £2,400.
The meeting closed at 8.50pm
The next Parish Council meeting is on Thursday 27th November 2014