Challock Parish Council Meeting minutes


Memorial Hall, Audrey Allen room

Thursday 24th September 2015, 7.30pm


Members of public present: 14












Michael Fisher, Dianne Sandy (Clerk), Trevor Smith, Annabel Burden, John Ramsden, Max Thomas, Emma Fox & Gavin Spiers


Minutes of Last Meeting


Minutes of 30th July 2015 meeting were signed by Michael Fisher as an accurate record


David Buckley Community Warden


David Buckley the Community Warden said that there have been no crimes or incidents to report.


Clerk’s Report





Groundsman has strimmed and cut back overgrown hedge by the Lees, Porcelicia Gardens/High Snoad Wood.


Groundsman has fitted replacement Jubilee Plaque on the Lees.


Groundsman to fill pot holes on the Lees Track



Highway Issue



Clerk has reported damage bin to ABC & KCC Highways as tractor accidentally clipped the bin as it was mowing the grass on the Lees.


Clerk has reported landslip at Church End, Church Lane to Highways. Grounds man removed mud, debris and filled pot holes and made safe temporary measure for flower festival which took place bank holiday weekend.


Clerk has ordered salt bag to be delivered to St Cosmas Close.




Nothing to report





Clerk has been approached by Emma Pike who has offered to help when applying for funding for the skate park.


Play area


RoSPA play area inspection report. Groundsman has tilled play bark around play equipment to cover concrete base showing. Groundsman has weeded and removed overhanging brambles. Groundsman has strimmed along the external fence and around the notice board village hall car park. Groundsman has cleaned swings from bird mess.


It is noted that the play bark is replaced every 5 years and it is now looking that the bark will need replacing in the near future. The play park was replaced during 2010 at a cost of £9,000 in which funding for the majority of the cost was achieved. For the immediate time 8 bulk bags of bark have been ordered and the groundsman to cover the areas highlighted in the Rospa report to make safe and hopefully cover the winter period. Clerk to get quotes for full replacement of bark for next year and to enquire funding availability.


Clerk to get replacement ropes and protective sleeves as recommended by the rospa report on the slide and the activity equipment. It is noted that the slide is starting to show signs of wear and tear and will need further maintenance or replacing.


Clerk has purchased gutter brushes to be placed on the perch above the swings to prevent birds leaving their mess and will be fitted by the groundsman in the near future.






Email from Kathy Stevens confirming Village Hall booked for Tuesday, 29th September 2015 for Annual Parish Meeting.






Email request from Erica Sellens use of Lees for a charity event. To erect 1 or 2 gazebo’s to sell refreshments and cakes over one weekend raise money for Mencap. This is a part of a four week programme for CXK which is a team building voluntary work for good causes that is aimed to help 16 to 18 years olds get a good start to working life and to give them a good moral grounding.






Email request for Parish Councils to write to their local MP regarding their concerns about the Right to Buy extended to Housing Associations.






Email from Dave Beckley Community Warden regarding Community Speed Watch and generating interest to form a group to help with this initiative.






Email from Kirsty Morland ABC re DPI forms for newly elected councillors to check they are correct.






Email from KCC seeking comments on Kent Environment Strategy.






Email from KALC advertising event Kent Presentation on Defibrillators/PCC/Chief Constable/ 23 September and 2nd December 2015.






Email from ABC regarding Planning Training event for new and existing Councillors on Wednesday, 7th October 2015 at 6.30pm. Annabelle and Di Sandy to attend.






Email from Rospa Play Safe – Play Park Inspection Report.






Letter from Girlings re Mr Shirley suggested course of action regarding letters sent to Amanda Cotterell.






Email from Charlie Simkins KCC Ward Councillor accepting invitation to attend Annual Parish Meeting on the 29th September 2015 at 7.30 pm.






Email from Kent Highways regarding winter salt bag. Clerk has put in a request for Challock






Received a reply from Damian Green MP regarding our concerns to extend the right to level discounts to the tenants of housing associations. Response from Brandon Lewis MP (Dept of Communities and Local Govt)




‘Council tenants have long had the opportunity to become home owners and we think it only right and fair to give housing association tenants an equal opportunity to achieve their dream of home ownership. Increasing the number of sales to tenants will generate an increase in receipts for housing associations, enabling them to reinvest in the delivery of new homes.’





Telephone call from Michelle Byrne ABC enquiring about the caretakers scheme and if Challock Parish Council are interested in forming a cluster group with Charing, Pluckley & Molash. It is initially general enquiry stage and are looking to employ a caretaker who would carry out all tasks including cutting the Lees instead of landscape services. Councillors agreed this would be a good idea in principal providing savings would be made.






Request from Tony Cricket Club asking if the cricket club can display a permanent sign/notice board at the entrance to the village hall car park to display home games and events.



Councillors have no concerns and are happy for Cricket Club to display a permanent sign providing it is in keeping.




Ted Jones Challock Methodist Church has requested if there any funds available to help towards the cost of lopping the Ash trees which are overhanging in car park. The cost of lopping the Ash trees are in the region of £1500. There is no funds available from the Parish Council however, Clerk to make enquires to other available sources which may assist the Methodist Church in obtaining funds.






Received letter from PKF Accountants re completion of the limited assurance review for the year ended 31st March 2015. Received certified Annual Return. A notice of conclusion of the audit and the right to inspect the Annual Return. Clerk has put this notice on display along with a copy of the Annual Return on the notice boards.



Planning applications


Application discussed at meeting. Under Declarations of Interest Councillor Annabelle Burden left the room whilst planning applications Land Between Hurstwood and Haverbrack were discussed.


Land Between Hurstwood and Haverbrack, Canterbury Road, Challock 


15/01100/AS Construction of a single detached dwelling (Plot 3) and detached garaging.


Councillors support this application providing the dwelling and surroundings are in keeping with the rural aspect. During construction consideration to the Lees track, any damage caused is repaired by the applicant.


15/01101/AS Application for approval of reserved matters of plots 1&2 (outline approval granted under 14/01157/AS)


Councillors support this application providing neighbours views are taken into consideration and the dwelling and surroundings are in keeping with the rural aspect. During construction consideration to the Lees track, any damage caused is repaired by the applicant.


15/01102/AS Construction of a single detached dwelling (Plot 4) and detached garaging.


Councillors support this application providing the dwelling and surroundings are in keeping with the rural aspect. During construction consideration to the Lees track, any damage caused is repaired by the applicant.


15/1103/AS Construction for a single detached dwelling (Plot 5) and detached garaging.


Councillors support this application providing the dwelling and surroundings are in keeping with the rural aspect. During construction consideration to the Lees track, any damage caused is repaired by the applicant.


Plot 1, Land between The Martins and Roseneath, Church Lane, Challock


Construction of 1 No new dwellings amendments to Plot 1, as approved under consent notice 15/00692/AS.


Councillors support this application.


Land North West and Adjacent to Hollydene, Buck Street, Challock


Erection of 2no. detached dwellings with associated car parking.


Councillors do not support this application. The original application was for dormer bungalows. This application is significantly different; the front elevation is too big. Councillors have reservations about the size of the dwellings and how they would fit into the actual plot. The application does not meet the guidelines as set out in the confines.


Orchards, Pested Lane, Challock


Proposed ground floor extension, complete rebuild of existing first floor and other external improvements.


Councillors support this application.


The following applications were ratified by the Councillors.



Land between Dorset Bungalow and The Paddocks, Faversham Road, Challock Kent

Reserved Matters application for the erection of 6 dwellings with details of access, layout, scale, appearance and landscaping (following outline approval 14/00523/AS)


Comments: The outline application was supported by the previous parish council because it was for 2 detached chalet bungalows on either end of 2 pairs of 2 storey semi detached houses. This application is for 2 chalet bungalows and 4 detached houses therefore Challock Parish Council does not support.


Cedar House Farm, Canterbury Road, Challock Kent TN25 4DL

Alterations and change of use of barn to dwelling.


Comments: Challock Parish Council supports this application.


Cedar House Farm, Canterbury Road, Challock Kent TN25 4DL

Erection of 3 detached dwellings with garages and new access.


Comments: The village confines report. Area 1 Section 1.5 states 2/3 bedroom dwellings that would blend in with the majority of dwellings in this part of the village. Challock Parish Council does not support this application but would support 2/3 bed dwellings, which was the views of all villagers at the confines meetings.


Items for Information


Trees on the Lees


3 Lime Trees: Last Parish Meeting 30th July it was decided to write to residents who live in the vicinity of the 3 Lime Trees to gauge their opinions. Out of the 30 letters sent received 2 replies stating happy to leave the decision to the Councillors have no problem whether the trees are left as they are or are pollarded. Clerk has received 2 quotes to carry out the pollarding of the 3 lime trees. The Parish Council have agreed to have the 3 lime trees pollarded but await one further quote before going ahead.


Crab Apple Tree: This tree has fallen and needs cutting up and removing. Groundsman to action.


Rotten Cherry Tree: Groundsman has reported that the Cherry tree near Little Barn on the Lees is also rotten and in danger of coming down. Envirocology inspection of cherry tree is to remove dead wood in canopy and crown 20% reduction. Clerk to enquire with envirocology and receive a quote to carry out the works.


Tree near PO on the Lees in poor state: This tree has become in a poor state through having the village fireworks bonfire and at one time caught light. Councillors agreed for the Groundsman to remove tree providing quote is satisfactory.


Memorial Service 11th November 2015.


It has been difficult to get a representative from the British Legion to attend the Memorial Service at 11 O’clock but there is a possibility if we are flexible to have the representative to attend at a different time. The British Legion has offered someone to attend either at 12 or 1 pm. Michael Fisher will approach the Methodist Church to enquire if they would be interested in a joint memorial service.


Challock Broadband


For faster broadband in the village George Chandler KCC has approached the Parish Council and proposals for additional new cabinet to be installed near the existing cabinet top of the Lees near the 3 Lime Trees. Councillors discussed the 2 options where the cabinet can be placed. Councillors decided that the cabinet would be best placed alongside the footpath close to the hedge line.


Village Hall Room Rental


A room formally used by Youth Club and Doctors Surgery has become available for rental. The village hall committee are keen to rent this room out to help towards the maintenance of the village hall. The cost of rental will be £500 per annum. Currently the Parish Council has a cupboard and filing cabinet in the Audrey Allen room after having to leave our previous premises. This is a temporary arrangement and the village hall may request that the cupboard and filing cabinet be removed. The councillors have agreed to rent the room in the village hall subject to Parish Council’s budget.


Annual Parish Meeting


The Annual Parish Meeting is an opportunity for the Parish Council and organisations within the village to report on their activities during the year. It is also an opportunity for residents to ask questions and provide feedback to all those groups.


The County Councillor and Ashford Borough Council Ward Councillor have been invited. Charlie Simkins has replied to say he will be attending. Councillor Larry Krause has not replied. Mick Fisher to make enquiries regarding Councillor Larry Krause who has not attended any of the Parish Meetings as well as not replying to the Annual Parish Meeting.


Mick Fisher has requested that as many of the residents try to attend this very important meeting.


Post Box off Westwell Lane


It was reported to the Parish Council that a Post Box at the junction off Westwell Lane and Green Lane has been removed and not replaced. Clerk to make enquiries.


Planning Meetings


Councillors have concerns regarding commenting on the planning applications outside of the Parish Meeting and would like to have a separate planning meeting to discuss applications that come up in between the Parish Meetings.


It was agreed to have planning meetings to discuss and comment on applications. These will be open meetings for the public to attend. Clerk to arrange meeting when an application is received. Clerk will liaise with village hall secretary for room hire availability and to notify the meeting via notice boards, KM roundabout and Challock website.


Green Lane Verge


It was reported to the Parish Council that large troughs of earth and shrubs have been planted alongside the verge in Green Lane near Carpet Wood. Clerk to report it to Highways.




Councillor Emma Fox requested a gentle reminder about bonfires being lit at appropriate times being placed in the Forester.





Parking on the Lees


It was reported to the Parish Council regarding school drop off/pick up times that more parents are parking on the Lees causing damage to the grass. There was an incident where a car had parked blocking a resident’s driveway. Annabelle Burden confirmed that the school had been notified and letters have been sent out to parents regarding parking on the Lees.


Dog Bins


Clerk informed the Councillors that a meeting with the Dog Warden has been arranged for Tuesday, 5th October to discuss location of dog bins. Clerk reported that there is dog foul bags thrown in the hedges at the top of the Lees Beech Court end and the lower end of the cricket ground. Clerk has located a supplier of dog waste bags. To purchase a box of 5,000 bags costs £80. Councillors to discuss further at the next Parish Meeting in November.


Parish Council Meeting dates for 2015


Thursday 26th November


The next Parish Council meeting is on Thursday 26th November 2015


Parish Meeting dates for 2016 to be confirmed.







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