Challock Parish Council Meeting minutes


Memorial Hall, Audrey Allen room

Thursday 26th November 2015, 7.30pm


Members of public present: 14








Michael Fisher, Dianne Sandy (Clerk), Trevor Smith, Annabel Burden, John Ramsden, Max Thomas, Emma Fox & Larry Krause ABC Ward Councillor




Mick Fisher thanked everyone for coming and announced that Gavin Spiers has resigned as Parish Councillor. The Parish Council will be co-opting a new Councillor in the New Year; details to be published in the Forester and on the notice boards.


Declarations of Interest


Councillors no changes to the declarations of interest.


Minutes of Last Meeting


Minutes of 24th September 2015 meeting were signed by Michael Fisher as an accurate record


Clerks Report




Groundsman has filled pot holes on the Lees Track




Clerk has reported the following:-


Verge Green Lane: The verge has deep troughs making it difficult to walk on when passing traffic. The owner of property The Warren has appeared to have done this plus they have planted shrubs on this verge which appears to belong to highways.

Highways have responded by saying that this ok for the owner to carry this work out as this forms part of their land.


Pavement adjacent to number 1 Forester Cottages garden which backs on to the busy A249 Buck Street Road has a hedge running along the footpath Buck Street. The hedge is completely overgrown preventing foot pedestrians i.e. school children leaving the bus to cross over the road. Cannot see oncoming traffic from Ashford direction. This also applies to cars leaving Forest Cottages access next to overgrown hedge.

Highways have now cut back the overgrown hedge.



Drains in Pested Lane outside the property of Barnfield are blocked and at least a foot of murky water spread across the road is present. This has not dried out since the heavy rain occurred a few weeks ago. Cars have to access the road at the other end of Pested Lane to avoid going through it.

Completely blocked causing at least a foot of water across the road making is impossible to access unless you have a 4 wheel drive. This is a consistent problem and requires further investigation to identify the blockage.

Highways have now cleared the drains.


Clerk had reported fallen tree by the bus layby in Buck Street. This was covering the footpath and people would need to step out in the road in order to pass by.

Highways have now cleared away the tree.


Highways Site Visit


The following issues raised and responses are:-


Green lane potholes -  there is a work order in our system for these to be repaired

Church lane mud -  checked out the area near  to church end and the church and found no safety critical defect with this mud, so will not be taking any action with this issue

Clockhouse park  mobility drop kerb  have raised an CSM 42001761 and have posted this CSM on the correct team to look into and get back to the clerk about this kerb issue. An inspector is due to carry out a site visit.

Church Lane new path  have spoken to the development team and they have advised that this new path is down to the pub owner or the new developer to put in, as this is a condition of this new development going ahead.

Notre Reve, Church Lane -vehicle's regularly drive onto the pedestrian path and over a water meter point which is a concern as the kerb is low and endangers us as we exit our drive way or the walking school bus which passes the property. Highways found no safety critical defect, so will not be taking any action with this issue


Challock Website


The website has now been corrected. There was extra A characters being added to the text which was making the website difficult to read.





Nothing to report





Nothing to report


Play area


RoSPA play area inspection report. Groundsman has topped up the Play Park with new bark. Groundsman has cleaned swings from bird mess and fixed gutter brushes that have appeared to resolved the problem.


Groundsman has removed shade canopy from Play Park and is now in storage.


Clerk to get replacement ropes and protective sleeves as recommended by the rospa report on slide and activity equipment.


William Oure


Clerk has completed Annual Return for the William Oure with Charity Commission.





Email from Kathy Stevens confirming Village Hall bookings for Parish Council Meetings for 2016.


Received a letter of complaint from a parishioner which has now been resolved.


Email request from KCC re consultation Draft Budget 2016/2017 to make additional £80 million savings. Deadline by 24th November 2015.


Email from ABC re damaged litter bin. ABC is currently conducting a litter/dog bin survey and will reply regarding the damaged litter bin once this survey has been completed.


Email from Craig Bickers confirming he is the Co-coordinator for Challock/Molash Community Responder.


Email from Kent Support PCS Invoice for Annual Editorial Charge for the Forester


Email from Paul Ratcliff confirming a short service at the Memorial at 10.45 on 11th November 2015.


Email from Angie Burden recorded one crime in October. Car Theft from Crossroad Motors.


Letter from Girlings re Mr Shirley recent correspondence with Amanda Cottrell and Parish Clerk.


Email from Richard Alderton ABC Planning sending apologies for Village Confines Feedback Workshop. Clarified that Challock is not in the local plan.


Received a complaint by email regarding parking on the Lees.


Email from KCC reminder to complete questionnaire on Street Lighting by 29th November 2015.


Email from Kathy Stevens Village Hall Committee regarding the rental of the room in the village hall.





Challock Parish Council is on target to meet the precept set but there is little contingency left. However, we have gained 2 items recycling & easement totalling £7,875.   In January the Councillors will need to consider income and expenditure for next year. The Expenditure is likely to be similar to current financial year to include Parish Office rental at £500. Councillors need to consider what extra expenditure will be required next year i.e. play area will need updating, new bark and possibly a new slide. We may be able to get some funding towards this cost. The Councillors may consider transferring an amount ring fenced for the skate park.


 Councillor Larry Krause (ABC Ward Member Downs West)


Councillor Larry Krause informed the Parish Council that his ward community funding grant has now been restricted and Parish Councils, Schools, Church can no longer apply.

Councillor Larry Krause gave an update on the latest news and developments from Ashford Borough Council. Ashford Borough Council housing stock consists of 5,500 with currently a waiting list of over 1000. There are plans for office block to be built on the car park by International House/Everest Inn Restaurant in Ashford. Funding from central government to Ashford Borough Council is expected to cease by 2020 and Ashford Borough Council will be self-sufficient.

Councillor Larry Krause explained that when a development came forward funding from the developer, in the form of a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), could be collected for development for off-site strategic infrastructure, as opposed to Section 106 funding which was used for on-site infrastructure. Councillor Larry Krause confirmed that the Council intended to introduce CIL (Community Infrastructure Level in Ashford. The Council was to progress the Local Plan to 2030 and by January 2016 the preliminary charging schedule for what CIL might cover should be available for consultation. The intention was for CIL to be introduced simultaneously with the adoption of the Local Plan, or as soon as was reasonably practicable.


Planning applications


15/01445/AS10 Forest Cottages, Buck Street Challock Kent


Erection of a first floor side extension above existing kitchen and single storey rear extension.


Councillors support this application.



15/01457/ASBay Tree House, 4 Kiln Close, Challock TN25 4DA

Erection of a single storey side and rear extension.


Challock Parish Council supports this application providing neighbours views are taken into consideration. There is concern regarding

the extension encroaching on neighbours' property.


15/01467/AS Land east of Challock House, Canterbury Road, Challock

Erection of a 4 bedroom chalet bungalow with new access (revised scheme to 14/01615/AS)


Challock Parish Council does not support this application.

The Parish Council supported the previous application as it fitted in with the village confines under Area 1 primarily should be 2/3

bedroom properties. The Parish Council have concerns regarding the size and how close it is to the boundary at the back. The

Parish Council also have concerns regarding the proposed new access due to the hazard when exiting onto this part of Canterbury Road.


15/01491/AS Tectona Grandis, The Lees, Canterbury Road, Challock TN25 4BP

Formation of new vehicular access to serve dwelling


Councillors do not support this application. As stated by Highways the visibility available in an easterly direction over land within the applicants and/or the

highway authoritys control is insufficient for the development proposed, to the detriment of

highway safety.


15/01116/AS Cedar House, Canterbury Road, Challock TN25 4DL

Erection of 3 detached dwellings with garages and new access.


Councillors supports the amended plans on this application.


The following applications were ratified by the Councillors.


Leeway, Canterbury Road, Challock TN25 4DL

Proposed side extension incorporating roof extension; dormer windows to rear/side elevations.


Comments Challock Parish Council supports this application.


Trees, The Lees, Canterbury Road, Canterbury Road Challock

Erection of single storey side and rear extension.


Comments: Challock Parish Council supports this application.


Orchards, Pested Lane, Challock Kent TN25 4BD


Formation of 20m x 60m sandschool/dressage arena


Comments: Challock Parish Council supports this application.



Little Barn, The Lees


Catherine Hughes (Planning Consultant) requested to discuss proposals for a new dwelling on land adjacent to Little Barn on The Lees belonging to Mr Frank Smith. The Parish Council previously had concerns about the potential access.  Catherine Hughes gave out proposed draft plans of Little Barn showing plans of new dwelling and proposed new access/entrance from the Lees Track end by Valentines House. Catherine Hughes and Frank Smith would like to know the Parish Council thoughts on the proposed new access.

Councillor Annabelle Burden said that she could not make any comments as she has relatives living near. Councillors agreed that the proposed dwelling would not be a problem however; they raised their concerns regarding the proposed new access. The new access would be impinging on part of the Lees and would not be permitted.


 Planning Training


Annabel Burden, Emma Fox and Di Sandy attended planning training at the Civic Centre on October. The Planning Training was well attended and very informative.


Items for Information


Parish & Urban Forum


Trevor Smith attended the Parish & Forum Meeting held on the 28th October 2015 and the Kent Association of Local Councils Meeting on the 18th November 2016. Trevor highlighted that a new Volunteer Support Wardens Scheme was to be piloted in 12 areas in Kent, with a mixture of towns and small/medium/large villages. Recruitment began in August, the timing was queried because of the holiday season, and there was only 1 applicant in the county. A new recruitment drive will begin in December with posters, booklets and a press release. The pilot scheme will begin in March with roll-out in April, the short duration of the pilot was acknowledged. Councils taking part in the scheme will have to contribute approx £350 for the uniform and travel. It was noted that the scheme will begin in the next financial year, after budgets have been set; parishes interested in the scheme are advised to make provision in the budget.   The Police, Social Services and Community Wardens support the scheme.

Ashford Borough Council is to take 50 refugees per year for the next 5 years. They will be housed in central Ashford. The lorry park at junction 11 has been approved.


Village Hall Rental


The Village Hall room is available for rental of £500 per annum. The precept/budget set for 2015/16 has not allocated expenditure for village hall rental and therefore would need to be added to the precept for 2016/17. Clerk recommends that the Council approve renting the village room from January 2016 onwards and request that the village hall committee invoice for 3 months rental January to March and then invoice £500 for financial year commencing April 2016 to March 2017. Councillors all agreed.


War Memorial


Paul Ratcliff held a small service at the war memorial on Wednesday, 11th November.


The Parish Council laid a poppy wreath and the children from Challock School placed a poppy wreath and crosses on the war memorial on Wednesday 11th November. The children read out the names of the fallen and held a two minutes silence at 11am.


Trees on the Lees


3 Lime Trees: The Parish Council has received a number of complaints regarding the 3 Lime Trees being pollarded. Though previously when a letter went out to the residents on the Lees asking their opinions on the trees being pollarded no response rejecting the proposal was received. However, 3 residents have now said they had not received the letter and do not support the pollarding of the 3 Lime Trees. The Parish Clerk has also received a number of verbal complaints regarding the trees being pollarded. The Clerk has received 3 quotations regarding the pollarding of the trees. 2 of the quotations stated that pollarding is not recommended as they are perfectly good healthy trees and if pollarding was to go ahead future maintenance of the trees would be required on a regular basis. The 3 lime trees have not had a 20% crown reduction according to Peter Vogel Tree Specialist. He believes Envirocogy has thinned out the top and removing a few branches. He will be sending his recommendations regarding crowning the trees and not to pollard them.


Councillors to decide whether to continue to have the trees pollarded or to look at having the crown reduced by 20%. The cost of crowning the trees would be added to 2016/17 budget.


The Councillors agreed not to have the Lime Trees pollarded and would wait to hear further from Peter Vogel his recommendations. To discuss further at the next Parish Meeting in January 2016.



Dog Waste Bin


Clerk had a meeting with the Dog Warden and conducted an inspection around the village to see if there were adequate dog waste bins. Two main areas that have been reported in the past due to dog bags being lobbed in hedges are at the bottom of the playing field and at the top end of the Lees; entrance to the wooded path. It was decided that the playing field area was in most need of a dog waste bin as there were a lot of bags. The top end of the Lees wasnt quite so bad and it was decided to mention in the next Forester issue a gentle reminder. Councillors to agree for the Clerk to purchase a dog waste bin. The Dog Warden said that emptying the waste bin would be added to the schedule. The Councillors agreed to the Clerk to purchase a dog waste bin. Discussion took place regarding the purchasing of dog bags. There were concerns regarding whether dog walkers would continue to use the dog bags now they have to pay for them. The Clerk said that the Dog Warden has reported there has been no increase in dog mess and people not using the bags.




Triangle Island, Canterbury Road, Turn off to Westwell Lane. Mr Mitchell from Cedar Farm mows the island regularly and says that traffic goes over the island when turning into Westwell Lane or exiting onto Canterbury Road. Mr Mitchell was wondering if bollards/posts could be put there to prevent traffic churning up the grass on the island. The Clerk to make enquiries to Highways.


Fallen Tree, The Lees opposite car hire place. It was reported that a tree had come down in the recent high winds. The Clerk to arrange for the Groundsman to remove.


Blind Lane/Church Lane Junction. Councillor Annabelle Burden raised concerns regarding the icy conditions along Blind Lane and Church Lane in particular at the junction. An accident waiting to happen and is a cause for concern regarding safety particularly during the school drop off and pick up times. Discussion took place regarding purchasing an additional salt bin, currently there is one by the village hall car park entrance and one by Kiln Close entrance. The Clerk will make enquiries with the School and Highways.


Challock Primary School Colour Festival. A request for the Challock Primary School to hold a Colour Festival on the Lees during the summer time; the school would like to do a sponsored run on the Lees using coloured cornflour. The Councillors are happy for this event to take place on the Lees and would the school consider making a donation towards the Skate Park.


Parish Council Meeting dates for 2016


Thursday 21st January 2016

Thursday 18th February 2016

Thursday 17th March 2016

Thursday 21st April 2016

Thursday 19th May 2016

Tuesday 14th June 2016 for Annual Report Meeting Main Hall.

Thursday 21st July 2016

Thursday 22nd September 2016

Thursday 17th November 2016



The next Parish Council meeting is on Thursday 21st January 2016



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