Challock Parish Council Meeting minutes
Memorial Hall, Audrey Allen room
Thursday 18th February 2016, 7.30pm
Members of public present: 16
Ward Councillor Larry Krause
Michael Fisher, Dianne Sandy (Clerk), Trevor Smith, Annabel Burden, John Ramsden, Emma Fox & Max Thomas
Mick Fisher thanked everyone for coming.
Declarations of Interest
Councillors no changes to the declarations of interest. Councillor Trevor Smith declared an interest regarding his planning application and would vacate the room when the planning application is discussed.
Co-option of new Councillor
Two applicants Silby Gosbee and Anthony Aitken applied for Councillor for Challock Parish Council. Interviews took place on Tuesday, 16th February at 6.30pm and Thursday, 18th February prior to the Parish Meeting.
As recommended by K.A.L.C (Kent Associations of Local Councils) for transparency Councillors co-opted the applicant with the most votes by a show of hands.
Silby Gosbee 2
Anthony Aitken 4
Anthony Aitken was successfully co-opted onto Challock Parish Council. The Chairman congratulated and welcomed Anthony Aitken onto Challock Parish Council.
Minutes of Last Meeting
Minutes of 21st January 2016 meeting were signed by Michael Fisher as an accurate record
Clerk’s Report
Grounds man has filled pot holes on the Lees Track.
The grounds man has cleared the village hall car park from leaves using a blower.
Clerk has reported
Multiple pot holes on Canterbury Road, near the entrance to Church Lane.
Multiple pot holes on the Village Hall Car Park.
Multiple pot holes along Blind Lane.
The Highways Steward has responded by saying the defects are not within intervention levels and unsure who has marked these up, as no order in system. This is a monthly inspection so if these do get worst they should be picked up on that inspection.
Clerk reported a tree along Canterbury Road between Highbank & Crossways leaning into the road.
Bus Shelter
Grounds man has now replaced the glass pane.
A storage container which is sited next to a property in Buck Street Challock was broken into.
Three mobile chainsaws (orange in colour) were taken. No details or model numbers.
On February 2nd a burglary took place at the premises of Frank Ransley Transport, Fairview, Faversham Road, Challock - located about 100m from Pested Lane, in the direction of Canterbury Road.
The offenders approached by cutting through bushes and a barbed wire fence and forced open the door of a container on the site. A Husqvarna 280 chainsaw was stolen, together with sundry other low value tools.
Clerk has applied to KCC Ward Councillor Charlie Simkins funding for salt bin and salt spreader for Church Lane.
Play area
Grounds man has repaired gate.
Dog Waste Bin
The grounds man has now fitted a green dog waste bin at the bottom of the Cricket field near Buck Street. Clerk has notified dog warden and arranged for bin emptying to be added to schedule.
Community Warden
Community Warden Dave Beckley reported that the new Police Community Officer Angie Burden has a larger area to cover. The damaged sign in Green Lane has been reported and should be repaired shortly. Dave Beckley informed the Parish Council that he works for Kent County Council and does not have privy to all the information regarding police matters in and around the village.
- Email from K.A.L.C (Kent Association of Local Councils) requesting Chairman’s contact details (name & email details) in order to send out notifications for Learning & Development programme.
- Email from Deryck Sutton confirming the present website is too out of date to be recovered. Tom Broad will put the latest Joomla program on the server and transfer the database from the old program to the new Joomla as a matter of urgency. For the foreseeable future Tom will monitor Joomla on the server and ensure that it is updated regularly. Chris Bowls will continue to deal with the website and deal with the village users and liaise with Tom if Joomla has any problems on the server. Chairman thanked Deryck, Tom & Chris for quick action on getting the website up and running. There is still teething problems with the editing of the website. Clerk to liaise with Deryck to resolve.
- Email from K.A.L.C regarding Letters from Sector Led Body that has been created to procure external audit for smaller authorities. The deadline for deciding whether to opt-in or opt-out of the Sector Led Body has been extended to 31 March 2016. Challock Parish Council to remain opted in.
- Email re Consultation Kent Mobile Library Stop and the following proposals:-
Why KCC are re-designing the mobile library service
The criteria they are proposing to use when reviewing stopping locations
The impact this will have on the current service
A review of all the responses received to the proposals will be used to help inform the decision made. The consultation closes at 5pm on Friday 4th March 2016.
There is no major change to the mobile library service in Challock
- Email from Paul Cumberland offering to set up and run the Goose Fair. Paul Cumberland was present at the Parish Meeting and would like to organize the Goose Fair and would accept a percentage of the profits. The Chairman thanked Paul for his offer of organizing the Goose Fair and it was agreed the Councillors would consider the request and respond by the next Parish Meeting in March.
- Email from K.A.L.C reminding Councils re Lower Thames Crossing Route Consultation 2016 – Have Your Say the closing date to respond to Highways England is 24th March 2016.
- Email from Ward Councillor Larry Krause confirming due to new rules Members Grant monies are not able to be given to Parish Councils at present and can only be put towards community organisations separated from any Parish or Local Council. This change effectively rules out any monies towards building a footpath regarding the footpath outside the Chequers if the Parish Council are doing it, the only possible route would be if a Parish Community Group took it on as a project not directly linked to the Parish Council. Councillor Max Thomas requested it noted in the minutes regarding the new footway outside The Chequers, Church Lane regarding a letter received from Highways confirming an error had been made and incorrect information had been supplied to the Highways Steward. It is not the responsibility of the landowner of the Chequers to implement a new footway along the frontage of their land.
- Email from Vanessa Collick Yeandle (Electoral Services Officer ABC) confirming no re requests from ten electors for an election to take place and the Parish Council can go ahead and co-opt a replacement Member.
- Email from K.A.L.C re Electoral Review of Kent - published Final Recommendation on the new electoral arrangements for Kent County Council. Minor changes to the Ashford Borough.
- Email from K.A.L.C reminding Parish Councils the request to sign up to the online petition calling on the government to give parish and town councils the right to appeal planning decisions to the Planning Inspectorate. Clerk to sign the online petition on behalf of the Councillors.
- Email from Kent Community Speed Watch notifying of Speed Watch Conference Saturday, 23rd April 2016 at Kent Police Training School, Maidstone. The Chairman to attend the conference.
- Email from Adam Poynton regarding pest control and offer to deal with the rabbits on the cricket ground. The use of a shot gun in a public place is not permitted. Anthony Aitken Cricket Club representative confirmed they do have a problem with the rabbits. Clerk to write to Adam Poynton to inform that shooting in a public place is not permitted.
- A letter from Carolyn Perring Chairman of Ashford Garden Cattery RSPCA requesting a donation to the local animal charity.
- Email from Pat Feddon requesting the use of the Lees for the Methodist Chapel annual Boot fair for Monday, 30th May 2016. Councillors agreed for the Methodist Chapel to hold their annual Boot Fair on the Lees on Monday, 30th May 2016.
- Letter from Landscapes Services re Grounds Maintenance 2016 & Electronic Invoicing.
Councillors agreed for Landscapes Services to continue and carry out the grass cutting/Lees maintenance for 2016.
Planning applications
Councillor Trevor Smith left the room whilst his planning application Land to the west of Paddock Rise was discussed.
Land to the west of Paddock Rise, Canterbury Road, Challock.
16/00170/AS Land to the west of Paddock Rise, Canterbury Road, Challock, Kent
Application for approval of reserved matters relating to two detached chalet bungalows pursuant to outline planning permission 14/01452/AS for plots 3 and 4.
Councillors support this application.
Little Barn, The Lees, Canterbury Road, Challock TN25 4DH
16/00172/AS Little Barn, The Lees, Canterbury Road, Challock TN25 4DH.
Proposed 4 bedroom detached two storey dwelling with separate garage.
At the Parish Meeting in November Councillors were in agreement not to allow a short extension to a new proposed access. The new access would be impinging on part of the Lees and would not be permitted. A letter from Catherine Hughes on behalf of Mr Frank Smith has stated that the proposed application is as was permitted for the development on the nearby land between Hurstwood and Haverbrack that both proposals involved a short extension of one of the existing driveways across The Lees.
As custodians of the Lees Challock Parish Council were in agreement as previously discussed at the Parish Meeting in November 2015 not to allow a new access off the Lees track by Valentine House. Councillors support the proposed 4 bedroom detached two storey dwelling with separate garage providing neighbours views are taken into consideration and the proposed dwelling is in keeping with its surroundings.
The following application were ratified by the Councillors
Application No: - Revised Scheme 14/01615/AS
Proposal: - Erection of a 4 bedroom chalet bungalow with new access.
Location: - Land east of Challock House, Canterbury Road, Challock
Challock Parish Council does not support this application as making provision for a separate garage does not reduce the overall size of the property on what is a small plot, also the applicant still has not demonstrated how they will overcome the vision splays for the entrance to the property.
S106 Developer Contributions
The developer contributions s106 can now be applied to all new single dwelling applications. During the end of December Challock Parish Council received emails from Ann Davies (Assistant Street Scene and Open Space Manager) stating they have prepared the respective calculations of developer contributions for off-site provision of open space and stating Challock is already fairly well provided with these we will not be able to justify contributions for sports areas or informal open space. However the parish appears to have less than the standard amount space for children’s play and no allotments. The Clerk replied with details of the skate park project which was accepted. The Clerk enquired if future developer contributions can be considered for a play park upgrade. The play park upgrade would be considered if the Parish Council can demonstrate it is not replacing old for new on selected equipment but a total revamp with new and different types of equipment.
Ann Davies informed Challock Parish Council that contributions would be applied to planning applications 15/01578Althorpe, 15/01103 Land between Hurstwood and Haverbrook and 15/01100 Land between Hurstwood and Haverbrook. Recently contributions have been added to planning application for 15/01640 - 4 Faversham Road and 15/01582 Land rear of Crossways.
Up to now the contributions have been applied to all planning applications as they arise. Part of the planning process is for Councillors to decide on the planning applications and also whether to apply for contributions. The law permits contributions from up to five developments for each project.
Councillor to decide on what criteria they would like be taken into consideration when deciding on future planning applications.
It was noted that every dwelling whether it is 2, 3 or 4 and above bedrooms the contribution amount is the same, e.g. a 2 bedroom dwelling would incur the same charge as a 4 bedroom of £1300 plus fees.
Councillors to consider whether to apply contributions to planning applications that also incur an easement.
Under Legislation those Councillors with connections or ties to the Planning cannot take part in ANY discussions or voting on the plans other than as a member of the public might. Councilliors Michael Fisher, Annabelle Burden and Trevor Smith under declarations of interest have an interest regarding new dwelling applications and therefore left the meeting room.
The remaining Councillors Emma Fox, John Ramsden and Max Thomas agreed to form a sub-committee and to arrange a separate meeting, allowing them and the newly appointed Councillor time to consider the criteria. Clerk to obtain further guidance from ABC when applying contributions to planning applications.
The Councillors agreed to arrange a sub-committee meeting to decide on future s106 contributions and the criteria. Clerk to check for availability of the Audrey Allen room for Tuesday, 8th March or Thursday, 10th March.
Councillors Michael Fisher, Annabelle Burden and Trevor Smith returned to the meeting.
Skate Park
Skate park Project
Mr & Mrs Waller re S106 contributions being asked to pay £1300 towards Skate Park. Mrs Waller is concerned regarding Skate Park being built in the village and was unaware of the skate park project. Mrs Waller requests the skate park does not go ahead
with the aim of withdrawing this request with Ashford Borough Council for the following reasons:
The skate park has clearly been stalled for 4 years. No needs assessment or village consultation has ever been undertaken.
The parish council have not allowed the village to voice their concerns with regards to the implications of such a park in the village.
This request is now 4 years old. How can the parish council be sure that such a park is desired by the children.
The councillors have changed since 2013 so this scheme needs to be revisited with the current cohort to ensure it is still a priority and voted for.
Clerk prepared a time-line regarding the Skate Park Project (copies of the skate park time line were available to members of the public along with associated documents for view). The Chairman read out the skate park time–line.
There is a stale mate on the skate park being installed as we are waiting for the Cricket Club to complete the pavilion extension and the green containers to be relocated to the corner of the cricket ground. Clerk is working with the cricket club to see how the skate park can move forward.
Throughout the course of this process Councillors have been 100% in agreement/support for a skate park for the young people of the village
Due to conflicts of interest and the skate park project is currently under s102 contributions, Councillors Mick Fisher, Annabel Burden & Trevor Smith left the room.
Councillor Emma Fox read out an email from Mr & Mrs Waller containing their concerns regarding the skate park.
The remaining councillors discussed whether to proceed with the skate park, to review the skate park and seek consultation, to stop the skate park project or to stop the skate park and consider alternate outside play i.e. ball park, adult exercise equipment.
Councillor John Ramsden commented on the difficulty of obtaining funding for the skate park in the past due to the discontinuation of the goose fair.
Councillor Max Thomas commented on the high maintenance the skate park would incur.
Anthony Aitken representative of the cricket club confirmed that works of the cricket pavilion extension is due to start later this year. Anthony Aitken also suggested re-siting the skate park to the bottom right of the cricket ground.
It was agreed to review the skate park and to go ahead with public consultation.
Councillors Mick Fisher, Annabel Burden & Trevor Smith returned to the meeting room.
Play Park Upgrade
Some of the play equipment has become worn and will require regular maintenance and parts replaced in the coming years. Councillors considered the following options:-
To continue to maintain and replace parts as when they arise.
To replace equipment like for like
To consider upgrading the play park completely replacing all or part of the play equipment with different types of equipment.
Consider looking at the wooded area adjacent to the park to see if this could be opened up enlarging the play area.
Consider relocating the play area and use the play park as alternative play area i.e. ball park.
Councillors agreed to include play park upgrade in the public consultation.
Councillors agreed that we need to provide more and improved play space for the children of Challock in particular the teenagers.
Councillors agreed to form a sub-committee for the purpose of outdoor play space. Annabelle Burden, Max Thomas and Emma Fox volunteered to be on the sub-committee.
Clerk to check for availability of the Audrey Allen room for sub-committee meeting to take place.
Items for Information
Parish Council Audit
Kevin Funnell, the Parish Council Auditor, will be carrying out the Parish Council Audit on 9th April 2016
Easements Land between Hurstwood & Haverbrack, The Lees.
It is the developer’s duty to get the valuation and to pay for it.
The easement valuation is submitted to Challock Parish Council and the Councillors have to agree it.
The developers then engage their solicitors to make the necessary Land Registry changes which they’ll send to the Parish Council.
The Clerk signs the Land Registry documents and return them to the developer’s solicitors.
William Oure Charity
Letter has been sent to Mr Nightingale to request the £150 rent payment for the Poor Field
Queen’s 90th Birthday Celebrations
Clerk reported that no offers of help from community groups or clubs have come forward.
Councillor Annabelle Burden confirmed that she has received comments from some of the parents from the primary school suggesting a fish and chip van, an English traditional type of food on the Lees.
Councillor Emma Fox volunteered to help with the organizing of the pic-nic on the Lees. Councillor Annabelle Burden, Councillor Emma Fox and Clerk to meet up to discuss and to re advertise for offers of help in the Forester.
Councillor Declaration of Acceptance of Office Form
Councillor Anthony Aitken signed acceptance of office form and counter signed by the Chairman Michael Fisher. Clerk to return Declaration of Acceptance of Office Form to the Monitoring Officer at ABC.
Parish Council Meeting dates for 2016
Thursday 17th March 2016
Thursday 21st April 2016
Thursday 19th May 2016
Tuesday 14th June 2016 for Annual Report Meeting Main Hall.
Thursday 21st July 2016
Thursday 22nd September 2016
Thursday 17th November 2016
The next Parish Council meeting is on Thursday 17th March 2016