Challock Parish Council S106 Contributions Sub Committee Meeting minutes
Memorial Hall, Audrey Allen room
Tuesday 8th March 2016, 6.30pm
Members of public present: 1
Tony Aitken, Emma Fox, John Ramsden, Max Thomas, ABC Ward Councillor Larry Krause & Dianne Sandy (Clerk).
Declarations of Interest
No change to the declarations of interest.
Election of Chairman
Emma Fox was proposed as Chairman for the S106 Sub-Committee.
All Agreed.
Draft information for Parish Councils S106 Contributions
Clerk referred Councillors to the draft information for Parish Councils S106 Contributions.
Key Factors highlighted by ABC Ward Councillor Larry Krause that only a maximum of five contributions will be allocated to each project. Councillors will need to consider and draw up a number of projects and notify Ashford Borough Council who will confirm if the project(s) are eligible for S106 funding.
If a project is going to cost £10,000 the parish council may request that only contributions in excess of £2,000 are allocated. On this basis it may take longer to collect the full five contributions. ABC Ward Councillor Larry Krause added it would be unlikely that Challock would incur S106 contributions in excess of £2,000. Clerk confirmed that so far S106 contributions have amounted to £1300 on each application.
ABC Ward Councillor Larry Krause suggested to the Councillors to consider opening it up to parishioners on what projects they would like the contributions to be paid to.
Clerk informed Councillors that a project like the play area where several pieces of equipment can be changed and can be made into several projects i.e., the new slide will be categorized as one project and removing the seesaw and replacing it with a snake rope swing another project.
Current Status S106 Contributions
Clerk reported that Challock Parish Council received emails from Ann Davies (Assistant Street Scene and Open Space Manager) stating they have prepared the respective calculations of developer contributions for off-site provision of open space and stating Challock is already fairly well provided with these we will not be able to justify contributions for sports areas or informal open space. However the parish appears to have less than the standard amount space for children’s play and no allotments. The Clerk replied with details of the skate park project which was accepted. The Clerk enquired if future developer contributions can be considered for a play park upgrade. The play park upgrade would be considered if the Parish Council can demonstrate it is not replacing old for new on selected equipment but a total revamp with new and different types of equipment.
Ann Davies informed Challock Parish Council that contributions would be applied to planning applications 15/01578Althorpe, 15/01103 Land between Hurstwood and Haverbrack and 15/01100 Land between Hurstwood and Haverbrack. Recently contributions have been added to planning application for 15/01640 - 4 Faversham Road and 15/01582 Land rear of Crossways.
On Monday, 7th March 2016 Clerk was notified by Laura Payne ABC Planning that application 15/001467 Land east of Challock House, Canterbury Road, Challock that the applicant has agreed to pay a S106 Contribution to the play park project. This is the first confirmation informing the Parish Council that the play park project is now eligible for S106 contributions.
Since January 2016 S106 Contributions have been applied to all planning applications as they arise as directed by ABC Planning.
Decision: Criteria for applying S106 Contributions to Planning Applications
Councillors agreed for the time being to apply S106 Contributions to the two projects to all applications as they arise.
All Agreed.
Councillors agreed for parishioners to be consulted on the type of projects they would like S106 Contributions to be applied to. Consultation on the Skate Park and is it still required or preference for a multi games park. Outdoor Play Space Sub-Committee to implement and consider possible projects and to report back to S106 Contributions Sub-Committee.
All Agreed.
Meeting Closed 7.30 pm.
S106 Contributions Sub-Committee Meeting dates for 2016
The next S106 Contributions Sub-Committee Meeting to be advised.