Challock Parish Council Meeting minutes
Memorial Hall, Audrey Allen room
Thursday 21st April 2016, 7.30pm
Members of public present: 9
Trevor Smith, ABC Ward Councillor Larry Krause, Angie Burden Police Community Officer and Dave Beckley Community Warden.
Michael Fisher, Dianne Sandy (Clerk), Anthony Aitken, Annabel Burden, Emma Fox, John Ramsden, & Max Thomas.
Mick Fisher thanked everyone for attending.
Declarations of Interest
Councillors no changes to the declarations of interest. Councillor Mick Fisher declared an interest regarding his planning application and would vacate the room when the planning application is discussed.
Minutes of Last Meeting
Minutes of 17th March 2016 meeting were signed by Michael Fisher as an accurate record
Clerk’s Report
Clerk requested village hall directional signage for Canterbury Road, Buck Street and junction at Church Lane/Blind Lane. Highways will notify us within 28 days. If they give permission we may have to fund it ourselves. A request for funding can be made on behalf of the Challock Village Hall Committee to ABC Ward Councillor Larry Krause.
KCC funding application for the salt bin and salt spreader has been successful and Clerk has replied for acceptance.
Play Park
Clerk to arrange visits with Play Park Suppliers for suggested play equipment and quotations for multi-use games area. This is initial enquiry stage and the clerk to report back to the Outdoor Space Play Sub-Committee. The next Outdoor Play Space Sub-Committee meeting to take place during May. Clerk to notify by end of April.
- Received notification an application has been made for the designation of a Neighbourhood Planning Area in the parish of Charing. The purpose of the application is to enable the preparation of a Neighbourhood Plan. As an adjoining Parish Challock has been notified.
- A request from Barry Burden asking the Parish Council permission for utilities to dig up part of the Lees to provide water and electric supply to the new property 5 Lilybuds. The Clerk has drafted a letter which states Parish Council gives permission providing any damaged caused is repaired.
- A request from a resident in the village on behalf of an elderly resident for assistance through the William Oure Fund for a garden fence. The request was declined by the Parish Council due to a garden fence not being classified as a priority need.
- An email from Liam Wooltorton offering to assist with village hall directional signage.
- A letter from Jennie Watson KCC Highways regarding vegetation and standard letter sent to residents.
- Received confirmation from KCC Ward Councillor Charlie Simkins approval of combined member award scheme to purchase salt bin and salt spreader.
- Received an email from Simon Burchett regarding speeding motorists between Beech Court Gardens end towards Charing. Councillor Mick Fisher will be attending Speed Awareness Conference on Saturday, 23rd April in Maidstone in which he will raise Challock village concerns regarding speeding through the village.
- Received an email from Jay Turner experiencing problems with broadband drop out since the upgrade of the telephone cabinet. Clerk to collate replies received and to forward onto BT Manager.
- Received an email from Catherine Hughes regarding Little Barn excess requesting further information regarding Parish Council’s decision to refuse access and extension to proposed new access. Clerk to send a reply letter stating Parish Council’s decision on the access extension request and to state that the property owners of Valentine House is not related to one of the Councillors.
- Complaint received from resident re another resident allowing their dogs to foul on the cricket ground and not clearing it away. Clerk has reported incident along with car registration details to ABC.
Finance update for March 2016 attached.
The current account balance on 31st March 2016 £13,430.85
The NS&I account balance is £11,614.87
Cheque Payments to be signed for the following:
Challock Memorial Hall for Hire of room £500
K.A.L.C Annual Subscription for Membership £354.67
Kevin Funnell Fee for carrying out internal audit £75.00
Clerk ink cartridges & postage stamps £86.98
Planning applications
Under declarations of interest Councillor Mick Fisher to leave the meeting whilst Crossways Planning Application is being discussed.
Crossways, Canterbury Road, Challock, TN25 4BL
16/00415/AS Crossways, Canterbury Road, Challock, Kent TN25 4BJ
Erection of proposed dwelling and associated works and new vehicular access.Councillors support this application.
Ratification of Planning Application
There were no planning applications to be ratified.
Items for Information
Parish Council Audit
Kevin Funnell, the Parish Council Auditor carried out the Parish Council Audit on 8th April 2016.
Kevin Funnell was very pleased with Parish Council procedures
Audit Commission form to be signed by Chairman and Clerk to send to Littlejohn LLP Chartered Accountants for the external audit
Post Office Telephone Box
The Parish Council has received an enquiry in purchasing the Telephone Box outside of the Post Office. In order for the Parish Council to consider this they would need to adopt the telephone box. The Parish Council has in the past decided not to adopt the telephone box from BT due to maintenance and insurance costs. It is noted that the telephone box is available to be adopted by a number of organisations including Community Heartbeat. Many telephone boxes have been converted to a medical centre to keep the defibrillator in and emergency number or turned into book exchange or mini art gallery. The insurance premium would increase to an extra £15 - £20 for the whole year. The Parish Council agreed to not allow the telephone box to be sold but to adopt the telephone box and convert it to have the defibrillator installed; the British Coatings Federation will donate red paint to do the telephone box up.
Queen’s 90th Birthday Celebrations – 12th June 2016 Picnic on the Lees
Councillor Annabelle Burden confirmed that the ice-cream van, marquee, children’s entertainer have been booked. Alan Ovenden has agreed to help provide music. It was agreed for the Picnic on the Lees to commence at 1 pm. Clerk to put details of the Picnic on the Lees in the Forester. Councillor Annabelle Burden has purchased red, white & blue bunting. The Methodist Church has offered the use of the kitchen and toilets in return for a donation to help towards their costs. The Parish Council has agreed to offer a donation of £100 to the Methodist Church.
It was agreed Councillor Tony Aitken and Councillor Trevor Smith will help organize games on the day.
S106 Developer Contributions
Councillor Annabel Burden was informed the Parish Council she had been approached by a parishioner who has a concern regarding the skate park project and certainty of it going ahead. The parishioner when asked to make a contribution by ABC Planning; would like to be assured that the skate park will go ahead as they have been informed by ABC Planning that the contribution cannot be transferred. The outcome of the Outdoor Play Space review is due at the end of April and initial responses from the questionnaire indicate that the skate park is still very much wanted by the children. The next Outdoor Play Space Sub-Committee meeting is due to take place in May and to discuss the skate park and play park rejuvenation. Date of meeting to be confirmed.
Councillor Anthony Aitken requested if an all-weather strip marked for junior use could be considered for S106 Developer Contributions. The cricket ground would be available for Challock Primary School children to use. Clerk to make enquiries and Councillor Anthony Aitken to provide costs of installing an all-weather strip.
Cricket Club Firework Display
Councillor Anthony Aitken on behalf of the cricket club has asked if the Parish Council give permission for the cricket club to organize Firework Display on the cricket ground on 4th November 2016. The Parish Council agreed to permit the cricket club to organize a Firework Display.
Challock Village Website
The Parish Clerk has requested further training on the Challock Village Website. The Parish Council agreed for the Clerk to make enquiries with Chris Bowles regarding additional training.
Parish Council Meeting dates for 2016
Thursday 19th May 2016
Tuesday 14th June 2016 for Annual Report Meeting Main Hall.
Thursday 21st July 2016
Thursday 22nd September 2016
Thursday 17th November 2016
The next Parish Council meeting is on Thursday 19th May 2016
Meeting closed at 8.15 pm