Challock Parish Council Parish Meeting minutes


Memorial Hall, Audrey Allen room

Thursday 19th January 2017, 7.30pm


Members of public present: 10


Community Warden Dave Beckley & Police Community Officer Angie Burden.


Both send their apologies


Please accept my apologies for the forthcoming parish Council meeting on 19th January.


I have checked the crimes recorded from December 2016 reported for the village.

Burglary dwelling. – Chambers Lane – A251.  8th December 2016.

Burglary other than dwelling – Crossways motors. A251 – 19th December 2016.

Criminal damage – Chambers lane. Damage to gate. 9th December 2016.

All have been filed pending further investigation or are still being investigated.  

The outcomes of these reported crimes will be available on when investigation has been concluded.




Michael Fisher (Chairman), Annabel Burden (Vice Chair), Emma Fox, Tony Aitken, John Ramsden & Di Sandy (Clerk)




Trevor Smith




Mick Fisher thanked everyone for attending.


Declarations of Interest


Councillors no new changes to the declarations of interest.


Minutes of Last Meeting

Minutes of 17th November 2016 meeting were signed by Mick Fisher as an accurate record


Parish Council Budget 2017 – 2018


Budget report for 2017-2018 approved by Councillors at meeting.


Precept form must be returned to Ashford Borough Council by 20th January 2017.


Parish Council savings are ring fenced for a toddler slide.


It was agreed that the amount of the 2017/18 precept application remain the same as the current year at £16,000.


Clerk’s Report




Clerk completed Highways Satisfaction Survey.


Clerk reported to Highways multiple pot holes along Canterbury Road, Church Lane and at Church End.  Highways have filled some of the pot holes but have said the pot holes at Church End are not yet necessary.  Clerk to chase this.


Clerk reported damaged tree along footpath Crossways, Faversham Road.


A branch had fallen across footpath outside The Old Vicarage, Canterbury Road.  This had been removed prior to Grounds man who went to remove it.  Clerk received a telephone call from a parishioner to say grand-daughter stepped aside and had fallen into the road and needed to attend A&E due to leg sprain.  Incidentally the pot holes were repaired the next day. 





Angie Burden local PCSO reported the following for December.


Burglary dwelling. – Chambers Lane – A251.  8th December 2016.

Burglary other than dwelling – Crossways motors. A251 – 19th December 2016.

Criminal damage – Chambers lane. Damage to gate. 9th December 2016. 

A theft from a motor vehicle has occurred in the Chapman's Close area of Challock near Ashford. This incident occurred between 1800 hours on the 14th Jan and 0800 hours on the 15th Jan. Entry was gained and a concrete mixer, disc cutter and a variety of other tools were stolen.

There have been a number of reported burglaries/attempted break-ins in Challock on Challock Chatter.




Clerk to enquire regarding play park equipment with Tesco funding.




Grounds man has filled the pot holes on the Lees Track.


The grounds man has spread the salt along the foot path in Church Lane and Blind Lane and the village hall car park during icy periods in December/January.


The grounds man has tidied up the best he can the tyre marks left on the Lees by putting back the turrets and flattening them.




  • An email from NALC regarding their longstanding policy that parish councillors should have the same rights as principal authority councillors to be able to claim the Dependants’ Carers’allowance.  Clerk to complete survey in response to Councillors comments.
  • An email from Terry Martin KALC for Parish Councils to consider participating in the KCC Volunteer Community Warden Scheme.  Councillors to discuss under items for information.
  • An email from Terry Martin regarding the Cabinet Office has published draft legislation setting out the Government’s plans for a new Public Service Ombudsman (PSO) which will abolish the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) and the Local Government Ombudsman (LGO). The aims of the new body are to improve access to the Ombudsman’s services by: allowing for all complaints to be made with or without the help of a representative and in a variety of formats to meet the digital age; providing simpler access to individuals who believe that they have suffered injustice or hardship; and sharing the learning from failures to improve services for everyone. The Draft Bill proposes to bring parish and councils into scope of the new Ombudsman.
  • An email from Terry Martin regarding the Council Tax Referendum.  The Department for Communities and local government have decided to defer proposals this year, while keeping the level of precepts set by town and parish councils under close review and expect all town and parish councils to clearly demonstrate restraint when setting increases that are not a direct result of taking on additional responsibilities. Also actively considering with the sector ways to make excessive increases more transparent to local taxpayers.
  • An email from Terry Martin encouraging all parish councils to have a training policy, plan and budget in place.  Challock Parish Council has a training budget of £250 for Councillors and Clerk to attend conferences/training courses.
  • An email from Laura Dyer a reminder that if you wish to submit a nomination for the KALC Community Awards Scheme 2017, then the closing date for receipt of nominations to KALC is Friday 27th January 2017.
  • An email from Laura Dyer regarding A NATIONS TRIBUTE & WW1 BEACONS OF LIGHT - 11TH NOVEMBER 2018 event being organised to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the end of World War 1 .   1000 Beacons of Light will be lit at 7pm on the 11th November 2018 and will represent “the light of hope”. Detailed co-ordination of this begins in April 2017, when a special “Guide to Taking Part” will be published, similar to that produce for HM The Queen’s Birthday Beacons in April 2016.    You will need to confirm your involvement to the Pageant master as soon as possible to ensure that you are included in the Guide when it is published.

Councillors agreed they would like to do something regarding A Nations Tribute & WW1 Beacons of Light; either to consider a beacon or a bonfire.  Clerk to make enquiries.


  • An email from KALC regarding an invitation to attend a presentation on fire hydrants initiative project.  Please note if you know of a damaged/broken fire hydrant please report to the Clerk who will report it to the Kent Fire. 
  • An email from Phil Smith 1st Charing Scout Group requesting if they could use the Lees for a boot fair to help raise funds for the new scout hut.  The date in mind is 4th June 2017.  Councillors to consider.  Many children from the village over the years have attended the beavers, cubs and scouts group at Charing.

Councillors agreed to 1st Charing Scout Group holding a boot fair on the Lees subject to a different date as the Methodist Chapel hold their bootfair at the end of May bank holiday weekend.  Clerk to notify Phil Smith, 1st Charing Scout Group.


  • An email from Police & Crime Commissioner seeking views on the proposal to increase the Kent Police precept by 3.3%, which is equivalent to £5 for an average Band D household. Comments to be sent by 23rd January 2017. 
  • An email from Michelle Byrne ABC regarding Tesco funding available to community groups


for volunteer training, physical improvements of open spaces, equipment purchases, community events and sports and leisure activities.  Clerk to enquire regarding play park equipment. Councillors and Clerk to inform community groups in Challock of Tesco funding.


  • An email from KCC informing parish councils of Freight Action Plan Consultation.  Parish Councils can give their views on the consultation which included how freight traffic affects their community.  Councillors to forward their comments to Clerk who will complete on line questionnaire.




Finance update for November & December 2016 attached.


The current account balance on 31st December 2016 £16,219.59


The NS&I account balance is £11,614.87


Cheque Payments to be signed for the following: 


Village Hall Room Hire for Parish Meetings Chq No.102446 £194.50


Grounds man for works on the Lees and salt spreading on the footpaths Chq No.102447 £120.00.


Clerk for ink cartridge & printer paper.  Chq No.102448 £57.




Applications discussed at meeting:


16/01823/AS 11 Kiln Close, Challock TN25 4DA

Single storey side and rear extension.

Challock Parish Council supports this application providing neighbours views are taken into consideration.


16/01838/AS Land east of Challock House, Canterbury Road, Challock

Erection of a 4 bedroom chalet dwelling with a new access (revision to layout on permission 15/01467/AS).

Challock Parish Council supports this application.  Proposed dwelling is better situated in the plot.


17/00005/AS Brisley Farm, Canterbury Road, Challock TN25 4DW

Erection of 3 no. four bedroom detached dwellings, with garages, parking, turning areas and access (revision to outline permission granted under 15/00501/AS)

Challock Parish Council does not support this application. The village confines report. Area 1 section 1.5 states 2/3 bedroom dwellings that would blend in with the majority of dwellings in this part of the village.


17/00036/AS Dormers, Canterbury Road, Challock TN25 4DW

Erection of domestic garage. 

Challock Parish Council supports this application.


Ratification of following Planning Applications



24th November 2016

Hurstwood, The Lees, Canterbury Road, Challock

Retrospective planning permission for a car port.

Challock Parish Council does not support this application. Challock Parish Council have concerns regarding the concrete car port and log store is bordering on the Lees, common land of which the Parish Council are custodians and is potentially overlapping onto the Lees. The Parish Council feels the car port & log store is not in keeping. The Parish Council feel the design is not in keeping with Hurstwood itself or other properties in the area. it's a shame to have

something so "rough and ready" next to a rural cottage and the Lees.

























Items for Information


Volunteer Community Warden Scheme:



The volunteer community warden scheme is to enhance the Community Warden Service by employing volunteer support wardens to work alongside existing Community Wardens.  Councillors to consider participating in the scheme to start early 2017/18 taking into account the benefits and costs.  Due to budget constraints Councillors may wish to share the scheme rather than participating as a single parish council.  The parish council’s budget 2017/18 could allow for costs for a shared scheme otherwise would need to consider increasing the precept to cover costs for a single volunteer support warden.


It was agreed for Clerk to email KCC & Police Crime & Commissioner regarding our concerns regarding the lack of presence of the Community Warden in the village. 


Play Park Equipment:


Clerk is still obtaining quotes for a new toddler play slide/activity. 


Centenary Challock Poem:


The Clerk has come across a copy of a poem written in 1917 by a Challock resident about the people of Challock.  Councillors to consider whether to commemorate it by organizing a special event i.e. poetry competition and possibly incorporate it with the Goose Fair.


The Chairman at the request of a parishioner read out the poem. 


Councillors agreed to commemorating the poem and to arrange a special event.  Clerk to make further enquiries regarding the poem and if anyone from the village can provide more information about its author Leonard E Winter. 


Faversham Road Footpath:


There has been a number of correspondence from parishioners Rita Elgar and Marjorie Brooks and support of residents living along Faversham Road to KCC Highways and their concerns for road safety and lack of a footpath.  KCC have responded by saying they sympathize with the parishioners but due to lack of funding unable to supply a footpath.  KCC acknowledge this is a main road that services freight but to widen the road would be too costly.  Councillors to consider forming a sub-committee to concentrate on road safety and footpaths and look at avenues to fund a footpath being installed along Faversham Road or part of. 


It was agreed for the Chairman to contact Damian Green MP at one of his surgeries to raise safety concerns along Faversham Road and no funding available to install a footpath for the residents.  Clerk to enquire with Damian Green’s secretary regarding making an appointment. 


The Lees – Complaints


In recent months the Lees has deteriorated due to parking on the Lees and in particular during the school run.  During the last week of the school term in December the Clerk issued letters to cars parked on the Lees during school pick up.  Clerk also notified the school in which it was mentioned in the school newsletter.  The school has on a number of occasions mentioned this in the newsletter.  Last Tuesday, 17th January 2017 the grounds man was filling the pot holes on the Lees and was approached 3 times by residents on the Lees complaining about the state of the Lees and in particular the school run.  One resident said that parents are using their drive to turn round and creating pot holes and damaging their lawn.  The Clerk has again emailed the school to inform the Head Teacher of the complaints and request a letter from the Parish Council can be distributed to the parents.  As this is becoming an ongoing problem the Councillors need to consider other options i.e. temporary no parking signs on the Lees, installing bollards or use an enforcement agency i.e. clampers.  All of which will bear a cost.


Councillors agreed to the letter being distributed to the parents requesting they refrain from parking on the grass of the Lees and to be mentioned in the Forester reminding all parishioners and visitors to take care when driving along the Lees track and not to park on the grass.  Clerk to make enquiries of costs of installing bollards/no parking notices on the Lees.


Under recent correspondence an email was received regarding parking on the strip of land adjacent to the barn shop.  A parishioner responded that it was a temporary measure for a couple of hours whilst grounds work was being carried out on their driveway entrance.


Open Forum


It was noted that there is an increase of litter along Buck Street.  Clerk to contact Biffa Street Cleaning.


There was a request for a van hire sign to be removed from the Lees.  Clerk to arrange for the grounds man to remove sign.


A parishioner asked when the defibrillator was going to be installed in the telephone box.  The Chairman replied that the defibrillator will be installed once the telephone has been painted and cleaned up and the lighting repair.  The works are due to commence early spring.


The meeting closed at 9 pm


Parish Council Meeting dates for 2017


The next Parish Meeting is Thursday, 16th February 2017.


Thursday 16th March


Thursday 20th April


Thursday 18th May


Tuesday 13th June 2017 Annual Parish Meeting Main Hall


Thursday 20th July


Thursday 21st September


Thursday 16th November





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