Challock Parish Council Annual Meeting Minutes
Memorial Hall, Audrey Allen room
Thursday 16th February 2017, 7.30pm
Members of public present: 11
Tony Aitken
Ward Councillor Larry Krause sends his apologies as he has been summoned to a full Ashford Borough Council.
Community Warden Dave Beckley & Police Community Officer Angie Burden.
Both send their apologies. Dave Beckley is currently on annual leave.
Michael Fisher (Chairman), Annabel Burden (Vice Chair), Emma Fox, Trevor Smith, John Ramsden & Di Sandy (Clerk)
Mick Fisher thanked everyone for attending.
Declarations of Interest
Councillors no new changes to the declarations of interest.
Minutes of Last Meeting
Minutes of 19th January 2017 meeting were signed by Mick Fisher as an accurate record
Clerk’s Report
Clerk completed Highways Satisfaction Survey.
Clerk has chased up Highways regarding the multiple pot holes at Church End. Due to the Snowdrop Teas event taking place on 12th & 19th February the Clerk has arranged for the grounds man to fill the pot holes and clear the mud of the centre of the lane.
Clerk has reported street litter along Buck Street to ABC.
Angie Burden local PCSO reported the following for January.
2/01/2017: Burglary other than dwelling. The Barn Shop.
13/01/2017: theft – Canterbury road A 252 - Crane trailer stolen.
14/01/2017: theft. Stevens Civil engineering – The Lees- Challock. – Pressure washer stolen.
14/01/2017: theft from motor vehicle. – Chapmans Close . – Challock .
21/01/2017: criminal damage – Canterbury road A252 - damage to padlock.
Clerk to enquire regarding play park equipment with Tesco funding.
Grounds man has filled the pot holes on the Lees Track.
The grounds man has spread the salt along the foot path in Church Lane and Blind Lane and the village hall car park during icy periods in December/January.
The grounds man has been dealing with pest control regarding the moles on the Lees.
A notice has been placed in the primary school newsletter requesting parents during drop off and pick-ups to refrain from parking on the grass on the Lees. Under Parish News in the Forester there is a mention for all visitors and parishioners to not park on the grass of the Lees.
- An email from Rural Kent regarding a new service for communities in rural Kent – Inviting community groups an opportunity for a Mobile Rural Kent Coffee and Information Café to come along to one of their meetings. Offering free refreshments and a wealth of information about the services available in your area. Clerk has displayed the poster on the notice boards and requested it to be put in the Forester.
- An email from a production company ricochet making a new show called the Repair Shop; the show looks into repairing beloved and interesting possessions for people who would like to see them restored or repaired back to their original working order. Clerk has displayed the poster on the notice boards and requested it to be put in the Forester. Clerk has also given a copy of the poster to Mr Hams.
- An email from Laura Dyer K.A.L.C regarding legal updates that have been these revised to fully take account of the legal changes resulting from the Consumer Rights Act 2015 in terms of what a local council can do to limit liability under contract and to visitors/trespassers.
- An email from ABC regarding the proposals of East Kent merger. Ashford Borough Council has announced it no longer intends to be involved in the creation of a single council, but remains strongly committed to working closely with any future new council. The Councils of Canterbury, Dover, Shepway and Thanet are to consider a 4-way Business case.
- An email from Michelle Byrne ABC informing of new Sheds funding available to communities and aimed at men who are more likely to thrive in informal spaces, in the company of their peers, and through engaging in practical activities such as sharing and learning skills and helping the community.
- An email from ABC regarding the Litter Pick Campaign commencing in March. Parish Council to email their interest in carrying out a litter pick in their community.
- An email from Danny Sheppard ABC regarding the Speed Limit Initiative and how parish council can get actively involved and requesting for volunteers. So far the Parish Council has received one volunteer from the parish.
- An email from Danny Sheppard ABC regarding the boundary review and asking for comments. The following parishes are affected by the draft proposals, though it must be noted that the number of parish councillors in each is scheduled to remain the same, with amendments being to the wards in these parishes: Boughton Aluph & Eastwell; Charing, Great Chart with Singleton, High Halden, Kingsnorth, Mersham & Sevington, Stanhope.
- A letter from ABC re Litter and Dog Bins. ABC wishes to carry out a review of all dog and litter bins in the borough. Clerk to complete survey of dog and litter bins in Challock including Kings Wood.
Finance update for January 2017 attached.
The current account balance on 31st January 2017 £14,953.81
The NS&I account balance is £11,684.65 a deposit of £69.78 interest added.
Received notification from NS&I changing their rate from 0.80% to 0.70% from 1st May 2017.
Easement notices have been sent to Hurstwood and the development between Hurstwood and Haverbrack.
Molash Contribution £425 has now been received.
The internal auditor Kevin Funnell has now retired and the Parish Council to consider appointing Lionel Robbins as the new internal auditor. Lionel’s work experience and fee charges have been emailed to the Councillors prior to Parish Meeting.
Councillors agreed to the appointment of Lionel Robbins as Internal Auditor for the Parish Council.
Applications discussed at meeting:
15/01108/CONA/AS Land between Dorset Bungalow and The Paddocks, Faversham Road, Challock
Discharge of conditions 1, 7, 8(a-e) &; 10
Councillors had no further comments to add to this application. Challock Parish Council supports this application.
16/01838/CONA/AS Land east of Challock House, Canterbury Road, Challock
Discharge condition 2, 5, 9, 10
Councillors had no further comments to add to this application. Challock Parish Council supports this application.
17/00083/AS Land South of Cedar House Farm, Westwell Lane, Westwell
Erection of two bedroom bungalow with parking
Challock Parish Council have concerns regarding the dwelling being situated close to Westwell Lane. There was also concerns regarding another dwelling be added to the new development. An annexe property perhaps would be more appropriate
17/00100/AS 2 Kiln Close, Challock TN25 4DA
Erection of first floor side extension above existing garage.
Challock Parish Council supports this application.
17/00126/ASTectona Grandis, Challock TN25 4BP
Demolition of existing dwelling and construction of two new buildings and associated works.
Challock Parish Council does not support this application. The two dwellings gives an appearance of being crammed in, does not reflect the size of the plot. The Parish Council have concerns it would overshadow some of the existing properties.
St Cosmos Close - Proposed amendments to parking controls in Challock
Proposes certain administrative changes to the entries for streets in Challock which will not alter the extent or conditions of any restrictions as they presently appear on the ground; amendment of the written definition of the existing double yellow lines at its junction with Church Lane.
Challock Parish Council have no further comments to add to this application and is in support.
Ratification of following Planning Applications
No planning applications to ratify
Items for Information
Community Award Scheme
In order for the Parish Council to nominate a parishioner for a community award the Parish Council in the first instance needs to adopt the scheme. The Clerk requests the Parish Council adopts the Community Award Scheme and therefore should the Parish Council wishes to nominate a parishioner for an award they can do so commencing next year.
Challock Parish Council adopted the Community Award Scheme.
Michael Fisher requested the Easements to be discussed. Under declarations of interest Annabel Burden left the room.
Discussion took place regarding Mr & Mrs Hardy’s easement. Clerk reported Easement notices have been issued and currently waiting for a response.
Faversham Road Footway Update
Michael Fisher Chairman of Challock Parish Council attended a surgery appointment with Damian Green MP. The purpose of the meeting with Damian Green was to raise our concerns regarding road safety along Faversham Road and in particular lack of footway for bungalows/houses situated along Faversham Road. Challock Parish Council since 2008 have been tirelessly put in requests to KCC Highways for a footway to be constructed and traffic calming measures to be put into place but due to funding cuts this has been declined.
Damian Green says he cannot promise anything but will endeavour to make enquiries to KCC.
Grounds Maintenance – The Lees, Quotes:
Clerk has obtained 3 quotes for the ground maintenance of The Lees as follows:-
Commercial Services £2276.45 + VAT
Aspire £2,600.00 + VAT
Steve Waring £4542.00 + VAT
John Sandy £790 & Aspire £1350 + VAT = £2140.00 + VAT
An alternative quote for consideration the grounds man can take on majority of the maintenance works excluding the tractor mowing on the main areas of the Lees.
The Budget 2017/18 has allocated £2450 for grounds maintenance.
Challock Parish Council agreed to the Grounds man to carry out the smaller areas of the grounds maintenance and for Aspire to carry out the main cutting of the Lees.
Play Park Equipment Update:
Clerk has commenced obtaining quotes for a new toddler play slide/activity. Examples available for view and comment. Prices starting from £2,364.79 + VAT. Councillors to decide on the shade canopy whether to re-install new posts or consider alternative play equipment.
Councillors agreed not to re-install the shade canopy due to continuous repair due to vandalism.
Clerk to pursue toddler slide activity; samples were shown with a roof/style canopy.
Church Lane/Blind Lane Salting of Pathways
Annabel Burden wished it noted that the salting of pathways in Church Lane & Blind Lane is much appreciated by the school and parents.
Dog/Litter Bin
Further to the survey of all the bins in Challock and Kingswood. Clerk suggested applying for an additional bin to be placed in the second car park at Kings wood. The dog mess left on the main track is appalling.
Councillors agreed for the Clerk to request for an additional bin.
Air Ambulance Donation Request
Clerk informed Councillors that a letter from the Air Ambulance requesting for a £500 donation.
Councillors agreed not to make a donation. As it is parishioner’s money and the number of donation requests we receive. There is no allowance in the budget for donations.
Potential Traffic Increase in Ashford Friday, 17th February 2017
Ward Councillor Larry Krause in an email wished to inform parishioners of potential traffic disruption on Friday, 17th February due to traveler’s funeral taken place.
The meeting closed at 8.50 pm
Parish Council Meeting dates for 2017
The next Parish Meeting is Thursday, 16th March 2017.
Thursday 20th April
Thursday 18th May
Tuesday 13th June 2017 Annual Parish Meeting Main Hall
Thursday 20th July
Thursday 21st September
Thursday 16th November