Challock Parish Council Meeting minutes
Memorial Hall, Audrey Allen room
Thursday 20th April 2017, 7.30pm
Members of public present: 17
ABC Ward Councillor Larry Krause sends his apologies due to an important ABC Cabinet Council Meeting will not be able to attend.
Michael Fisher (Chairman), Annabel Burden (Vice Chair), Max Thomas, Emma Fox Trevor Smith, John Ramsden, Dave Beckley & Di Sandy (Clerk)
Mick Fisher thanked everyone for attending.
Declarations of Interest
Councillors no new changes to the declarations of interest.
Minutes of Last Meeting
Minutes of 16th March 2017 meeting were signed by Mick Fisher as an accurate record
Dave Beckley Community Warden
David Buckley our community Warden introduced himself. His phone number is 07977 98190. His email is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. these details are in the Forester.
David explained he is working at the local police station and apologizes he has not been attending the Parish Meeting as frequently as he would like.
Angie Burden the Police Community Support Officer for Downs West is currently on annual leave.
There have been no reported incidences in Challock for the month of March/April.
Clerk’s Report
The grounds man has cut back 3 metres of shrubs, fallen branches and removed rubbish at the area near Haverbrack. There still remain large fallen tree trunks beyond the 3 metre range.
The Lees track has had the pot holes filled by the grounds man.
Aspire have commenced the Lees grass cutting.
The grounds man has cut the strip of grass by Crossroads and carried out a full back up of the Lees and strummed at the top end of the Lees in the wooded area.
Play Park
The toddler slide has now been ordered and installation is expected around the end of April.
- An email from Laura Payne ABC Planning notifying Challock Parish Council of an appeal taking place regarding Land adjoining 4, Faversham Road, Challock proposal for erection of a detached chalet bungalow with detached garage with associated vehicular access.
- An email request from Brenda Harding Challock Singing ladies group offering to carry out a litter pick and clean road signs. In response to the email the Clerk organized Challock Litter Pick for Saturday, 8th April 2017 in conjunction with ABC Spring Clean campaign.
- Received a letter of thanks from Matthew Balfour, Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport for the Great British Spring Clean events which took place recently across the County and in appreciation of the hard work from all the Councils involved.
- An email from Abbie Kay enquiring if Challock Parish Council is interested in purchasing adult keep fit equipment. Brochure supplied.
- An email from Chris Payne a land race director of an obstacle course currently in East Sussex called Payne Games; they are hoping to hold the event in Kings Wood in 2018 subject to permission from the Forestry Commission. They have also requested a need to find a field or large car park for parking and would be very grateful if the Parish Council could advise of any potential land or car parks which may be suitable.
- An email from Molash PC regarding recent fatality on the A252 at Chilham and response received from KCC as follows:
As with all fatal and serious crashes, the Police have to undertake robust investigations to ascertain the causation factors in such incidents. The results of these investigations are then made known to Kent County Council, who, upon the advice from Kent Police, and also the County Coroner where necessary, undertakes any work they deem necessary to mitigate a similar type of incident from occurring again.
Kent County Council is currently working with the Road Safety Foundation to investigate the whole A252 route between Chilham and Charing which will identify any areas where it is felt there is the need for further improvements by engineering interventions.
Based on the Department for Transport's (DfT) figures the cost to the community of a fatal crash on a built up road is around £1.9 million, a serious crash costs in the region of £216,000 and a slight crash costs £23,000.
KCC recognises this and are committed to implementing a range of engineering, education and enforcement initiatives around the county to contribute to casualty reduction as documented in the Road Safety Casualty Reduction Strategy for Kent 2014-2020.
- An email from Vicki Matthews from South East Water offering to come along to one of our community events and promote the services they can provide for vulnerable elderly and financially deprived within the community.
- An email from a parishioner regarding the fridge left outside property, Canterbury Road.
- An email from K.A.L.C next meeting arranged for Wednesday, 24th May where Simon Cole will be in attendance to give an update on the current local plan and 5-year land housing supply.
- An email from KCC regarding spring vegetation letter reminding residents of overgrown vegetation and responsibilities.
- An email from K.A.L.C regarding new updated version A Practitioners Guide “The 2017 edition of the Guide applies to the statutory reporting of the financial year 2017/2018. However, JPAG has authorised early adoption of the Guide for 2016/17 on a voluntary basis. The decision whether to do so will rest with individual smaller authorities.”
- An email from KCC launching Pothole Blitz 2017 commencing 3rd April 2017. Spending an extra 2.4 million on road repairs. KCC would value our local knowledge and support to help make sure that they target roads that are important to our community. The quickest way to do this is to use the new online fault reporting tool available on KCC website They have made the form simpler and quicker to use, especially from mobile phones and tablets.
- An email from Groundwork South who has been awarded a grant to deliver Sheds Kent and Medway Project for the next two years.
Shed is a place where people come together, share interests and skills working shoulder to shoulder with each other. The Sheds movement originated in Australia and is defined as ‘a community-based, non-profit, non-commercial organisation where there is provision of a safe and friendly environment where men can work together on meaningful projects at their own pace’. Groups can come together in many ways, including allotments, furniture restoration, repair shops, outdoor leisure activities and any activity to improve your wellbeing.
An invitation to anyone who is interested in setting up a project to the Shed Open day on the 2nd June. Attending the event will give the opportunity to learn more about Groundwork South plans for developing at least ten more sheds across Kent and Medway and the opportunity to apply for up to £5,000 to start up a shed and receive free training and ongoing support.
- An email from Martin Hook requesting to place notice on land near roundabout advertising the 5 Church Walk. Parish Council has given permission for the sign to be displayed.
- An email from Laura Dyer K.A.L.C regarding TV Company promoting a new television programme village of the year competition with details of how to apply.
- An email from Open Spaces regarding Label 1 TV looking for a group of walkers to take part in a potential television series.
- An email from K.A.L.C inviting a member of the Parish Council to attend a Community Learning Network event at the University of Kent on 26th June 2017.
Finance update for March 2017.
The current account balance on 31st March 2017 £13,712.96
The NS&I account balance is £11,684.65.
Internal Audit for Annual Return 2016 – 2017
The internal auditor attended the Audrey Allen room to carry out internal audit of accounts in preparation for the Annual Return. The Annual Return has been completed by the Clerk and signed by Internal Auditor Lionel Robbins.
Councillor’s approved the Annual Governance Statement and the Accounting Statements on the Annual Return. The Chairman and Clerk signed the Annual Return.
The annual return, asset Register, bank reconciliation for year ended 31st March 2017, explanation of variances pro-forma and contact details are then posted to the external auditors PKF Littlejohn for their report and certificate. A notice of public rights and publication of unaudited annual return will be displayed on the notice boards from 5th June until 14th July 2017. Any person interested has the right to inspect and make copies of the accounting records for the financial year to which the audit relates to upon reasonable notice.
Applications discussed at meeting:
17/00415/AS Land between Tollgate Cottage & The Firs, Buck Street, Challock.
Erection of three dwellings (revision to design of plots and garages 1, 3 & 5 on planning permission 14/01129/AS)
Challock Parish Council supports this application.
17/00416/AS Casita, Canterbury Road, Challock, TN25 4DW
Erection of two detached dwellings with access and detached garages with store above (revision to house designs and provision of garage serving unit 2 on planning permission reference
Challock Parish Council supports this application.
Under declarations of interest Councillor Fisher left the room whilst application 17/00502/AS was discussed.
17/00502/AS Land rear of Crossways, Canterbury Road, Challock
Variation of conditions 9 & 17 of planning permission 15/00365/AS. Erection of a new dwelling with associated external works (revision to design for plot 1 previously approved under application 14/01303/AS) to vary parking and plan details
Challock Parish Council supports this application.
17/00531/AS Ferndale House, The Lees, Challock TN25 4DE
Removal of existing conservatory and erection of single storey rear extension and 2 storey rear extension.
Challock Parish Council supports this application.
KCC Planning Applications Department
Scoping Opinion on the Environmental Impact Assessment for the restoration of the existing Hegdale Quarry and associated infrastructure at Hegdale Quarry, Challock.
R H Ovenden Ltd has requested the County Council to adopt a scoping opinion under Regulation 13 of the above regulations. The purpose of writing to the Parish Council is for advice on whether, in their opinion, the report and proposed scope of the environmental assessment (which would accompany any planning application) is satisfactory and assesses all the relevant impacts.
At this point the meeting was open to members of the public for their comments.
The overall response was to reject the scoping opinion of the environmental assessment. However, it was agreed in order to respond to KCC Planning Department the Parish Council needs to present valid comments for rejecting the scoping opinion. It was agreed further research on the key issues raised in the scoping report is required. To contact nearby parish councils to gauge their opinion.
It was agreed to arrange a meeting as soon as possible to form a sub-committee and to put together our response to KCC Planning Application.
Clerk to contact village hall secretary for room availability at the village hall for Wednesday, 26th April. Clerk to make a request to KCC Planning Department to extend the 3rd May deadline allowing more time for the Parish Council to respond as well as KCC Ward Councillors are in current status of Purdah.
Ratification of following Planning Applications
No planning applications to ratify
Items for Information
Telephone Box Renovation Quotation
Councillors approved works to be carried out on the telephone box as per quotation received by R Bish in preparation for the defibrillator to be installed. Councillors approved for electrical work check and repair lighting to be carried out by Mr Dowden.
Challock Poem Competition
Councillors approved a poem competition to mark the centenary of poem written by a parishioner; applicable to 3 age groups i.e. (4 yrs. to 11 yrs.), (12 years to 17 years) and over 18 years. It was agreed prizes would be a book token for winner of each age category and the poems printed in the Forester magazine. The poems will be on display at the Annual Parish Meeting on the 13th June where the winners will be announced. Clerk to display Competition Poster on the notice boards and in the Forester. Councillor Burden to liaise with Challock Primary School and to enquire of a possible local poet/writer who would be happy to be a judge and pick the winners.
Challock Litter Pick
The Parish Council wishes to thank those who took part in the recent Litter Pick. A total of 13 parishioners (heroes!) including 4 young people carried out the litter pick. 8 bags of rubbish were collected from the cricket field, Blind Lane, Church Lane and on the Lees. Some of the helpers suggested a second litter pick later on in the year. Councillors agreed a second litter pick later in the year would be a good idea. Councillor Burden suggested doing the litter pick on a Sunday as more people may be available to attend.
Memory Bench
Councillor Fox and Councillor Burden put in a request for a memory bench to remember parishioners who have done a lot for the village on the patch of land on the Lees; a quite area for people to sit.
Cricket Club Bonfire & Fireworks Display
Councillor Aitken requested if the Parish Council gives permission for the cricket club to hold a bonfire and firework display on the cricket ground on the 3rd November 2017.
The Parish Council raised no objections.
Molash Forester Contributions
Councillor Burden informed the Parish Council of Forester Sub-Committee meeting which took place prior to this evening’s parish meeting. It has come to our attention that Molash Contributions which are forecasted annually have not been reconciled. Over the past ten years this has amounted to an overpayment of contributions by £491. The Clerk will put in a proposal on how Molash Contributions will be calculated and reconciled for the future. The Parish Council to approve Clerk’s recommendations at the next Parish Meeting.
Diamond Jubilee Tree – the Lees
Clerk informed the Parish Council that the tree that commemorates the Diamond Jubilee has died. A couple of shrubs on the strip of land near Crossroads Garage have also died. It was agreed for Clerk to look to replace the tree and shrubs in the Autumn.
At the top end of the Lees near Beech Court Gardens 2 bollards have come out of the ground. The Parish Council agreed for the Clerk to arrange for the bollards to be put back in the ground and re-painted.
Open Forum
No further comments were raised by members of the public.
The meeting closed at 9 pm
Parish Council Meeting dates for 2017
The next Parish Meeting is Thursday, 18th May 2017.
Tuesday 13th June 2017 Annual Parish Meeting Main Hall
Thursday 20th July
Thursday 21st September
Thursday 16th November