Challock Parish Council
Hegdale Quarry
Public Meeting Minutes
Memorial Hall
Wednesday, 26th April 2017 7.30pm
Members of public present: approximately 35
Michael Fisher (Chairman), Dianne Sandy (Clerk), Annabel Burden (Vice Chairman), Max Thomas, Emma Fox & Anthony Aitken.
In Attendance
Bill Harbour (Chairman Badlesmere, Leaveland & Sheldwich Parish Council), Julia Pheby (Chairperson) Molash Parish Council), Sarah Williams (Cllr Molash Parish Counci), Carol Bunker Chairperson Boughton & Eastwell Parish Council)
No apologies
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the Hegdale Quarry Public Meeting.
Hegdale Quarry Overview
Cllr Mick Fisher read out the following overview:
The Parish Council have received a request for a scoping opinion from KCC on the Environmental Impact Assessment for the restoration of the existing Hegdale Quarry and associated land by means of a proposed landfill and associated infrastructure at Hegdale Quarry. Along with attachments Hegdale Quarry Environmental Impact Assessment Report and Preliminary Hydrogeological Risk Assessment produced by Waterman on behalf of the owners R H Ovenden.
The purpose of which is to seek the Parish Council’s opinion that the report and proposed scope of the environmental assessment (which would accompany any planning application) is satisfactory and assesses all the relevant impacts.
The County Council has only a limited time to adopt a scoping opinion and require our advice no later than the 3rd May 2017.
The Hegdale Quarry is situated off the A251 Faversham Road next to National Stables. The bridal path next the National Stables leads to the Quarry.
The existing planning permission allows for the extraction of chalk to a depth of 80m AOD and for the land to be restored to original (pre-excavation) ground levels. The landfilling is to be undertaken using inert waste. Thereafter the quarry is to be restored to woodland.
Landfill Tax has been successful in diverting inert waste from landfill to beneficial re-use and there is no longer a sufficient demand for inert waste void space. Having taking into consideration the site’s potentially sensitive environment setting, the underlying geology and hydrogeology and the hierarchy of options for waste management; it has decided to restore the quarry with asbestos-containing wastes for which there is a need for landfill void space.
Proposal: Other than the change to the proposed waste type most of the remainder of the Development would be the same as for the existing and comprise:
- the continued extraction of chalk to a depth of 80m AOD (as existing)
- the temporary storage of excavated chalk in the existing storage building (as existing)
- the stationing of plant and equipment in the existing workshop building (as existing)
- landfilling with inert wastes, including asbestos containing materials
- the installation of basal and sidewall liners and a capping system; and
- restoration to original (pre-excavation) ground levels, including the comprehensive landscaping of the site to leave a woodland after use.
The development would receive approximately 200,000m3 of infill would include:
- inert waste – soil and stones or mixtures of concrete, bricks, tiles and ceramics with less than 0.1% free asbestos fibre.
- mixed waste as above in 1 with visually identifiable pieces of suspected asbestos containing material.
- Hazardous waste – soil and stones or mixtures of concrete, bricks etc. containing hazardous substances but limited to hazardous substances being an asbestos fibre content greater than 0.1% b weight.
- mixed waste as above in 3 with visually identifiable pieces of suspected asbestos containing material.
There are no planned changes to highways access. It is anticipated there could be up to 100 heavy goods vehicle movements per day.
Potentially Sensitive Receptors
- residents
- persons working near to and at the development
- visual amenity of drivers and pedestrians on the A251 Faversham Road
- construction site workers
- the setting of Grade 11 listed buildings close to the site
- Kent Downs AONB and Park Wood Chilham
- Ancient Woodland on the eastern and northern boundary
- Footpath users around the site.
The Impact Assessment then addresses the key issues.
There are copies of The Environmental Impact Assessment were available this evening or upon request the Clerk can email.
Proposed Action
At the Parish Meeting last Thursday, 20th April it was agreed to form a sub-committee comprising of Councillors and parishioners. The Parish Council are looking for parishioners who have an area of knowledge i.e. geologist, knowledge of legal case work, EC Directives etc. or are simply keen to get involved and help. The sub- committee will commence by looking at the following options:-
- Environmental impact assessment and risk assessment reports in depth and if required compile a list of questions in order to challenge their approach and methodology to the key issues that are listed. We are mindful of the deadline for comments currently the 3rd May. KCC may allow our response to be sent in after the deadline, however, the time scale will still be tight.
- Should the Parish Council consider carrying out own environmental impact assessment or KCC.
- Consider hiring a Planning Consultant who specializes in this type of matter. Almost likely to be a fee charged for services.
- Networking – Contacting local Parish Councils for their support. Other organizations i.e. AONB, Friends of the Earth, ABC and KCC Ward Councillors, Damian Green MP and the media.
Open Forum – Questions and Comments
The following questions and comments took place:
During the open forum feedback received on the Environmental Impact Assessment and the key issues the suggested response to include the following points:-
The site doesn’t appear to fully meet the KCC’s criteria for such infill; other locations may do so
Kent has sufficient capacity for landfill without using a location in an area of outstanding natural beauty, far off the major trunk roads (M2 and M20) and involving roads unsuited to an increase in HGVs
We do not accept the findings of the hydrogeological report; more field-based research is required.
Councillor Burden read out an email from Tim Spicer Planning Consultant:
“I have had a brief look at the Scoping Report for the proposed EIA related to the quarry application.
The report is produced by Watermans who are a fairly well known multi-disciplinary environmental consultancy, so the quality of the report should be fairly good albeit big companies do not always equate to quality.
The report will of course be written in the clients favour.
On this basis and in order to minimise the cost to you as much as possible I propose a two stage approach to the review as follows:
1. A review of the sites context, sensitivities and the scoping report to determine whether the proposed scope of the Environmental Statement is robust and comprehensive. I propose a cost of £400 for this initial stage which will include a short written review. In the absence of any real concerns I would conclude the work here and pass over the short written review for your records.
2. Should Stage 1 highlight issues/discrepancies that require a more detailed level of analysis and a more extended written review/suggestions/comments then a further £350 will be required for the more detailed report.
At this stage I would therefore suggest that you proceed with stage 1 only upon completion of which I can advise as to whether the need for an additional ‘stage 2’ fee is required.”
Councillor Burden asked should the Parish Council take on the services of the planning Specialist to carry out a review of the sites context, sensitivities and the scoping report.
The general consensus was that a planning specialist be sought at a later stage of the process.
Representatives from Boughton Aluph & Eastwell and Molash Parish Council would refer back to their Councillors to discuss possible financial support for hiring of a planning specialist.
Parishioner Sheila Tyler commented that the key issue of water and the hydrogeological report which is based on desk results stating that the Beacon Hill bore hole is dry.
Referring to the KCC Minerals waste plan which indicates another site in Kent is required.
Parishioners from Badlesmere and Challock commented that there are wells in their gardens containing water.
The general consensus that the water issue is a strong argument and there should be further research.
Parishioner Sheila Tyler said that the comments for the scoping opinion need to be robust. Water is an important resource and consideration for climate change should be noted.
Parishioner Angela Pierce commented on the A251 and the impact HGV’s have now with houses shaking and the existing fast traffic. Referring to large HGV’s carrying waste in Ireland non-stop through rural villages. The concern of fibres impregnated in the lorry tarpaulins and the risk to public health; own experience having lost her husband to asbestos and mesothelioma.
Discussion took place regarding the transporting of waste and referring to the Dartford asbestos landfill.
Parishioner Charlie Vavasour commented that his property is very close to Hegdale Quarry and currently there are 4/5 lorries a day attending the site. The comments for the scoping opinion need to be robust.
Parishioner commented that asbestos landfill is not a bad idea. Calculated to fill the landfill 200,000m3 based on a hundred lorry movements a day would take approximately 129 days. Therefore would not take long to complete.
Councillor Burden responded that the majority do not want it.
Councillor Fox commented the need to hear all sides of the argument and keep an open and polite forum. Receive interesting ideas. All ideas are welcome.
Councillor Burden added act on the majority but listen to the minority as well.
Parishioner commented the same consultants Waterman’s carried out an environmental report for the Dartford Crossing and categorized it incorrectly stating it was a rural road.
Hegdale Quarry Scoping Opinion Sub-Committee
The following nominations from Councillors and Parishioners to be on the Hegdale Quarry Scoping Opinion Sub-Committee were received:-
Charlie Vavasour, Cllr Sarah Williams (Molash P.C), Katie Potter, Cllr Emma Fox, Cllr Annabel Burden, Sheila Tyler, Julie Dee, Victoria Doswell, Sarah Pullen & Angela Pierce.
Chairman Charlie Vavasour proposed by Cllr Annabel Burden and seconded by Cllr Emma Fox.
All agreed.
Vice-Chair Cllr Annabel proposed by Charlie Vavasour and seconded by Cllr Emma Fox.
All agreed.
It was agreed the Parish Clerk Di Sandy to be minute taker for Sub-Committee.
The Clerk took contact details from members of the Sub-Committee Hegdale Quarry Scoping Opinion.
It was agreed for the first Sub-Committee meeting to take place on Wednesday, 3rd May 2017 at 7.30 pm in the Audrey Allen Room, Challock Village Hall.
Chairman thanked everyone for attending.
Meeting closed at 8.45 pm.