Challock Parish Council Meeting minutes
Memorial Hall, Audrey Allen room
Thursday, 16th November 2017, 7.30pm
Members of public present: 5
There were no apologies
Michael Fisher (Chairman), Annabel Burden (Vice Chair), Emma Fox, Trevor Smith, Anthony Aitken, John Ramsden, Max Thomas, Di Sandy (Clerk) & ABC Ward Downs West Councillor Larry Krause
Michael Fisher thanked everyone for attending.
Declarations of Interest
Councillors no new changes to the declarations of interest.
Minutes of Last Meeting
Minutes of 21st September 2017 meeting were signed by Michael Fisher as an accurate record
Clerk’s Report
Clerk has reported to Highways an obstruction tree branch along Canterbury Road between the entrance to Green Lane and entrance to Church Lane. This has now been removed.
The annual highways village inspection took place on the 6th November. Following the inspection the following was reported on the highways portal for KCC action.
1. Pothole Canterbury Road near The Barn Shop entrance.
2. Footpath clearing along Canterbury Road adjacent to entrance to the Barn Shop.
3. Footpath clearing along Canterbury Road outside Old School House up to Green Lane entrance and from Green Lane entrance towards Help Hire.
4. Footpath Buck Street from entrance to Blind Lane towards Chestnut Cottages.
Clerk has also reported vegetation debris leaves etc. to ABC Street Cleaning Services along Buck Street from Chestnut Cottages towards the bus shelter and roundabout opposite Halfway Restaurant.
Aspire carried out the final grass cut early November. The grounds man also carried out the final back up cut around the Lees in October.
Play Park
The park gate was reported damaged. The grounds man has welded the wired mesh back onto the gate and straightened in order to close properly.
The electrics for the defibrillator and lighting have now been completed by John Downden.
The Defibrillator is now installed in the cabinet. SECAM Ambulance Service has been notified.
A number of parishioners’ attended the defibrillator training at Little Chart SECAM base. The training was very well received. Clerk requests the Parish Council consider making a donation to the ambulance training centre.
Training Social Media Event
Clerk attended the Social Media Event on 27th September at Lenham Community Hall. The training covered all aspects of social media for Parish Councils looking at Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram. 72% of UK adults have active social media accounts and the generation under the age of 30 has never known a world without computers! Quite a lot of our parishioners are active on-line ‘Challock Chatter’ for example, they are engaging with each other and it is now becoming a time for parish councils to be active with them. Leading Councils have stepped up to this channel. Clerk requests Challock Parish Council consider the use of social media with the setting up of a Facebook page during 2018.
- Received email from Lee Sinden new Rural PCSO for Downs West replacing Angie Burden.
- Received email from KCC requesting to complete Highways Tracker Survey. Clerk to complete and approved by Councillors.
- An email from Dave Beckley Community Warden stating a large amount of the Anti-Social Behavior and crime that is occurring within our villages is not being reported to Kent Police using the 101 system. Request made to residents that unless the incidents are reported using the 101 system, then no action will/can be taken by the police. Residents might believe that reporting incidents to Dave Beckley will achieve the desired result but this is NOT THE CASE. The 101 system requires certain personal details from the person reporting the incident to be recorded which Dave Beckley cannot provide.
- An email from ABC notifying of new season refuse collections. Christmas period details to be sent out to householders soon.
- Received an email from parishioner Lucy Day offering assistance with the village speeding.
- An email from KALC concerning the Annual Awards Scheme and encouraging Parish Councils to adopt the new scheme in order to nominate parishioners from their villages for an award.
Challock Parish Council adopted the Annual Awards Scheme.
All agreed.
- An email from KCC requesting for parish councils to complete draft budget consultation. KCC has to find an estimated £66m in savings. Parish Council to respond to KCC by the 3 December deadline.
- An email from Tessa who has been approached by Price Whitehead Chartered Surveyors working on behalf of David Cox to undertake a survey in Challock. The aim is to establish what the housing need is locally for all tenures; affordable and open market including for older residents wanting to downsize. David Cox has a site in the village that he wants to develop, and would like to know what type/size of housing is actually needed locally. The survey that would be undertaken in Challock is one that has been used in other parishes with content agreed by Ashford Borough Council as providing robust information about local need. Would be interested to hear any comments the Parish Council has about this proposal.
Discussion took place regarding local housing needs. Councillors agreed properties need to be affordable starter homes. Councillors agreed that part ownership is not appealing to people looking for the first step on the property market.
- An email from KCC regarding Highways Winter Schedule. Information letter for parishioners to be displayed on the website and village magazine.
- An email from parishioners reporting several young children playing around the bonfire and requests that fencing is put up to prevent the children using the bonfire as a camp. The orange fencing used for the goose fair was erected by the cricket club.
The Parish Council thanked Challock Cricket Club for organizing a great bonfire/firework event.
- An email from NALC concerning new Data Protection legislation GDPR to come into force May 2018. Clerk to keep up to date with the changes and to ensure Parish Council follows correct procedures and policy in place. KALC says they will be arranging workshops regarding the data protection.
- An email from KALC concerning early notification of commemorative 2018 WW1 Battles Over and beacons being lit. It is noted that 11th November 2018 will be on a Sunday. The Act of Remembrance which took place on Saturday 11th November was well attended and the Parish Council wishes to thank Paul Ratcliff for his attendance. Paul Ratcliff said that next year the remembrance service will be held in Challock Church will not be able to carry out a service at the memorial.
- An email from KCC Ward Councillor Charlie Simkins regarding the Winter Service by Highways and asks that Parishes publicize to the community. Parish Council to notify Highways should they require a salt bag. Clerk to place posters on the notice board and request a salt bag.
The current account balance on 31st October 2017 £17,331.75
Received 2nd half of precept £8345
The NS&I account balance is £11,684.65
Challock Parish Council to consider precept/budget for 2018/19. The Parish Council to agree to the precept and budget when presented early January 2018. Councillors to consider wish list for projects for the village i.e. new play equipment, memorial seat etc.
John Ramsden commented that due to increase in houses in the village the precept has gone down. Parishioners are paying less in their council tax.
The following cheque was authorized by the parish council:
Cheque No.102510 D Sandy Ink & Stationery £22.47
There were no planning applications to discuss.
The following Planning Applications were ratified:
Application No: - 17/01546/AS Crossways, Canterbury Road, Challock TN25 4BJ
Proposal: - Erection of proposed dwelling and associated external works
Comments: I think that if passed it would cause greater pressure on the junction of the Faversham Road and Mill Lane. I also believe that the area in question is becoming over developed. For these reasons I do not support.
I do not feel able to support this application, that end of the village has seen a great deal of development already. Also I query if the increase in building traffic and general congestion can be sustained in that part of the village. I am ok with this application. My issue mainly concerns the additional impact on the Mill Lane access in conjunction with the new properties being built on the opposite side of Faversham Road.
Application No: - 17/01525/AS Plot 4, Land between The Martins and Roseneath, Church Lane, Challock
Proposal: - Alterations to Plot 4 from planning approval 15/00692/AS, construction of one dwelling
Comments: Challock Parish Council supports this application
Application No: - 17/01514/AS Plot 1, Land to the west of Paddock Rise, Canterbury Road, Challock
Proposal: - Proposed new garage with games room over (revision to that approved under 16/00742/AS)
Comments: Challock Parish Council supports this application
Application No: - 17/01456/AS Roseneath Church Lane, TN25 4DD
Proposal: - .Construction of garage including workshop, store and play room within the roof.
Comments: Challock Parish Council supports this application.
Application No: - 17/01482/AS Gloster Cottage, 4 Old Clockhouse Green, Canterbury Road TN25 4BJ
Proposal: - Partial conversion of garage including single storey link extension.
Comments: Challock Parish Council does not support this application in particular the roof extension aspect creating a 3 storey build. This would not to be in keeping with the whole street scene.
Forester Magazine
Molash Contributions:
Estimated Molash contribution for 2017/18 is £247.
Bank Reconciliation for the 10 years has accrued an overpayment of £250 to Molash.
Invoice to Molash PC for 2017/18 Forester £122.00 (a deduction of £125.00 overpayment)
The outstanding overpayment of £125 will be deducted from the next molash contributions invoice for 2018/19.
When calculating Molash contributions figures are based on a projected Advertising Revenue forecast.
Challock Parish Council to approve invoice for Molash Parish Council Forester Contributions.
Clerk informed the parish council that from the Forester Sub-Committee prior to this evening’s parish meeting there is an outstanding query with the Molash contributions. Molash parish council will email the Clerk with their query.
Annabel Burden briefed the councillors the outcome of the Forester Sub-Committee of discussions regarding increasing advertising charges and re-introducing a subscription.
Councillors raised their concerns regarding increasing the advertising and introducing a subscription charge. Councillors are concerned how this would affect community ethos and may put people off advertising with the Forester. Councillors agreed that the forester is well run and provides a community service to Challock and Molash parishioners. They did not wish the forester to change and therefore accept it will be difficult to be fully self-funded.
It was agreed for the Clerk to inform Molash Parish Council of Challock Parish Council’s views about the Forester.
Forester Editor’s Fees Invoice
Mick Maidens has raised an invoice for his fees for the Forester Editorial for January to December 2018. The invoice is for £2,200 an increase by 10%. This is the first increase in 10 years since Mick commenced doing the Forester Editorial. The predicted forecast for year ending 2017/18 is a loss at £1140. This is an improvement in comparison to previous year of £2,032 loss. Since the formation of the Forester Sub-Committee in September 2016 there has been a concerted effort towards the Forester becoming self-funded.
Financial regulations state that we are required to obtain 3 quotations for work/service/goods made to the parish council. As a parish council all Members and Officers are responsible for obtaining value for money at all times. An officer issuing an official order shall ensure as far as reasonable and practicable that the best available terms are obtained in respect of each transaction, usually by obtaining three or more quotations or estimates from appropriate suppliers.
Councillors agreed that Mick Maidens invoice was not unreasonable however, due to financial regulations the parish council would have to put the Forester Editorial out to tender.
It was agreed for Annabel Burden to speak to Mick Maidens and Clerk to follow up by an email to Mick informing him of Parish Council’s decision.
Village Speeding
Under the Highways Village Inspection the Clerk discussed with the Highways Inspector about village speeding. Pluckley Parish Council has managed to secure 30 MPH signs. They consulted with KCC Highways who assisted with the planning application and installation of signs. The cost was met by Pluckley Parish Council in the region of £20,000. The Highways Inspector said there is nothing to stop Challock from installing 30 MPH signs around the village if we are able to fund it.
Emma Fox informed the parish council of a rural speeding scheme being formed with K.A.L.C (Kent Association of Local Councils). The term of reference is to review villages maximum speed signs and to allow villages to consider introducing lower speed restrictions without having to fund it themselves.
It was agreed for Emma Fox to make enquiries at the next K.A.L.C meeting due to take place in November. Clerk to email details of Challock traffic survey to Emma Fox to take to the K.A.L.C meeting.
ABC Ward Councillor Larry Krause said the Pluckley scheme was a long drawn out process and advised the parish council to see what happens with K.A.L.C. Hothfield through their traffic survey have now portable interactive speed monitoring signs in place around the village.
Faversham Road Footpath
Clerk made enquiries with the Highway’s Inspector regarding the verge outside of the new development Clarendon Homes and how much in metre’s belongs to Highways and the possibility of installing the footpath. The Inspector thinks the verge belonging to Highways is not wide enough to install a foot path. The Parish Council would have to seek permission from the new owners of the properties if they would be willing to donate a bit of land for the footpath. The Highways Inspector said that we could consider installing a footpath on the opposite side adjacent to Crossways and then cross over from Mill Lane to Dorset Bungalow for continuation of the footpath.
Councillors raised safety concerns with having the footpath on the opposite side adjacent to Crossways and parishioners having to cross over at Mill Lane. It was agreed for the Clerk to obtain title deeds of the Clarendon Homes development to ascertain how much of the verge belongs to KCC highways. Clerk to make enquires to KCC Road Safety Scheme for their assistance.
Wealden Wheels
The parish council discussed the Wealden wheels invoice of £500. The parish council agreed that the Wealden Wheels offer a great service to rural communities but the Parish Council felt they could not justify the £500 to a few parishioners it provides in the village.
It was agreed for the Clerk to write to Amanda Cottrell to notify of parish council’s decision.
Items for Information
Memorial Seat
Councillors agreed for the Clerk to obtain quotes for purchase and installation of a memorial bench to be sited at the top end of the Lees. Clerk to add this to the budget to be set for financial year 2018/19.
Defibrillator Training
A number of parishioners’ attended the defibrillator training at Little Chart SECAM base. The training was very well received. The Parish Council wishes to thank Craig Bickers for carrying out the defibrillator training. The Parish Council agreed to make a donation of £50 to the ambulance service.
It was noted that the defibrillator training should be an annual event.
ABC Ward Councillor Larry Krause reminded the parish council regarding financial regulations that increase prices in goods/purchases & services we are required to obtain 3 quotations.
ABC Ward Councillor Larry Krause informed the parish council of changes to Ward Councillor’s community grant scheme. Parish Councils can now apply for a community grant to their Ward Councillor providing they are able to match fund, the minimum of £500.
ABC Ward Councillor Larry Krause advised the parish council to attend any training offered regarding the new GDPR data protection law coming into force in May 2018.
Anthony Aitken said the speed sign along Buck Street appears not to be working.
Clerk to make enquiries to Highways to get an electrician to repair the speed sign.
Open Forum
There were no questions raised by the members of the public.
The meeting closed at 9.10 pm
Parish Council Meeting dates for 2018
Next Parish Meeting 18th January 2018
Future Parish Meeting Dates:
Thursday 15th February
Thursday 15th March
Thursday 19th April
Thursday 17th May
Tuesday 19th June 2017 Annual Parish Meeting Main Hall
Thursday 19th July
Thursday 20th September
Thursday 18th October
Thursday 22nd November